Axis & Allies Guadalcanal September 2007

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    It was officially announced today.

  • What intrigues me the most is the “randomized casualties system”.

  • My guess is it will be a d12 system similar to the one in Bulge. The mention of cruiser pieces will stir some conversation over at the Larry Harris forums in the Deluxe discussion.

    My guesses go:
    Hex based map
    d12 Combat system with hits determined randomly.
    Stacking limit of 12 units per hex.
    Supply tokens that must be moved by ships.
    Land units that must be moved by ships.
    Reinforcement charts with new units each turn pre-determined.
    Ships will take more than one hit.
    Ships will be BBs, ACs, Des, Subs, Cruisers
    Some sort of Marine Infantry unit.
    You will have to build air bases or you will not be able to keep your aircraft in range of the battles.

    I don’t have enough historical knowledge of the battle to guess the victory conditions.

    They have announced it but it will be June probably or July even before they really start telling us about it. Probably mock ups will appear at GenCon.

  • Djensen, maybe you could move the thread from the Variants board to this one?  :-)

  • This is going to be awesome! It should be even be better than BOTB. I went to Larry Harris Game Design but, it doesn’t seem like Larry is talking about it over there yet. I can’t wait to see the some images!

  • well i know that finally we get some new replacement pieces

    kongo class battleship
    a real american fighter plane rather than a UFO
    probably marines

  • @Imperious:

    a real american fighter plane rather than a UFO

    When did they cast an XF5U?

  • @Admiral_Thrawn:

    This is going to be awesome! It should be even be better than BOTB. I went to Larry Harris Game Design but, it doesn’t seem like Larry is talking about it over there yet. I can’t wait to see the some images!

    Well the way things went with BOTB we probably won’t see anything before June. Sooner is better of course.

    IL do you know if the Marines will be a seperate sculpt or just another color of the Infantry we have?

  • I dont know other than the fact that the american plane is the hellcat from pacific and not the UFO P-38

    the other ships are the same even though the Yamato and Iowa class battleships were not in the battle or were not finished building…

    Larry doesnt remember what cruisers were used that are the new pieces.

    he said no tanks are in the game

  • @Imperious:

    a real American fighter plane rather than a UFO

    :lol: :lol: LMFAO  :lol: :lol:

    …but seriously, it did kinda bother me that the US fighter model was the P-38.  I guess that the folks at WotC were kinda lazy about it, in that they didn’t want to worry about having multiple types of fighters, when the rules are not specific enough to warrant it.

    Same thing goes for the German “fighter” being a Stuka.  Yeah right.  :roll:

  • Do you think they would employ diffrent kinds of fighters with diffrent stats for each nation?
    How many players to you think it will be?

  • huh?

    Its only 2 players… who else was in the battle?

    I do know this:

    Each player ( specifically the japanese player) will be able to draw additional reinforcements into the game ( thus they are variable) such as additional warships and planes, except that victory points are lost if he has to win with more than what was historical. You have the flexibility to enlarge the battle but at the cost of losing the game on points.

    remember the battle was a slow escalation over a long period of time as each side was feeling out the other… The japanese waited too long to reinforce after they started to pull out and lost the campaign.

  • I am not to familiar with the battle didn’t know if the UK had a hand in the pie or not.

    How do you think players will employ additional troops into the battle? I ask b/c I got the impression that it would be diffrent then the traditional way the other A&A games have in the past.


  • 2007 AAR League

    My understanding is that it was US vs Japan … I didn’t know anything of any other nations involved in the battle.

  • Moderator

    this game will be cool as hell when it hits the shelves. I am glad it doesn’t come out until Sept. More time to play War at Sea Mini’s  :evil:

  • Moderator

    New cruisers, Sweet, I hope they are Baltimore and Myoko or maybe Tone

  • “randomized casualties system”.

    How will that work?


  • @losttribe04:

    “randomized casualties system”.

    How will that work?


    I’m completely guessing here. But it will likely be similar to Bulge. Stacking limit per hex. Combat strips. Each unit gets a number of attack die. 6 or less is a hit. Move the hits into the proper address box if 6 or less units or re-roll to get addresses if more than six. I think ships might take more than one hit but again I’m guessing.

  • @Imperious:


    Its only 2 players… who else was in the battle?

    I do know this:

    Each player ( specifically the japanese player) will be able to draw additional reinforcements into the game ( thus they are variable) such as additional warships and planes, except that victory points are lost if he has to win with more than what was historical. You have the flexibility to enlarge the battle but at the cost of losing the game on points.

    remember the battle was a slow escalation over a long period of time as each side was feeling out the other… The japanese waited too long to reinforce after they started to pull out and lost the campaign.

    I could see four players. One for US sea units, one for US land, one for Japanese land, and one for Japanese sea. They don’t have to stick to just two players. I would probably be a bit disappointed if they did.

  • I asked how many players b/c I know the Aussie’s were side by side with the US a lot in the pacific. So if it was three players It would be a lot like A&A D-Day.


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