• '17 '16

    I played a few times with Cruiser and TP moving 3 SZs.

    Clearly, on wide map with a lot of SZs, it increase the pace of invasion and add more smaller fleet battles because other warships moving only M2 cannot follow as much as they wish.

    The issue to incentive more amphib landing is to give a bit of escort to Transport, Cruiser get this more specialized role without being able to protect against Subs.
    The lust for gain to conquer an Island may outweigh the risk of placing a few ships in vulnerable SZ (which can be in a deadzone from a few enemy’s units).

    Another possibility, is to give a complete defense  @1 out of 12 per Transport with M3.
    This will generate more amphib with TPs being use as expendable unit to grab land.
    Of course, cost should be increase compared to defenseless.

  • @Baron:

    I played a few times with Cruiser and TP moving 3 SZs.

    Clearly, on wide map with a lot of SZs, it increase the pace of invasion and add more smaller fleet battles because other warships moving only M2 cannot follow as much as they wish.

    The issue to incentive more amphib landing is to give a bit of escort to Transport, Cruiser get this more specialized role without being able to protect against Subs.
    The lust for gain to conquer an Island may outweigh the risk of placing a few ships in vulnerable SZ (which can be in a deadzone from a few enemy’s units).

    Another possibility, is to give a complete defense  @1 out of 12 per Transport with M3.
    This will generate more amphib with TPs being use as expendable unit to grab land.
    Of course, cost should be increase compared to defenseless.

    Yes Japan did sacrifice 2 transports to take Midway. I believe the transports missed there plane defense shots. But it kept them at home for a extra turn. So without seeing Europe side outcome yet dont know if it hurt US. But they didnt seem to have a problem getting down to New Guinea. I can see in future games now Japan needs to stay at Carolinas and then get Manilla at a later turn instead of moving away as the case in the pics in above posts.

    Also those M4 Cruisers in non combat can support small fleets or big fleets coming from Toyko to Carolinas and US from LA to Australia and New Guinea islands.

    But Cruisers  can only move 3 in combat so its not a total crush.
    I can see where the Transport would be nice also to M3 in combat and 4 in non combat in my game.
    Transport now in game which I think I didnt change in list is if you take a transport as a casualty you do not get the D@1 against a plane. If no attacking planes then they get the escape roll.
    If the transport went to a M3 would that be to strong on the Europe side for US ? I think it depends because if you spend to much in the Atlantic as US then Japan with M3 Transports in combat and M4 in non combat will be all over the islands. So this would keep both sides in Pacific honest to protect other side from total island control.
    Im trying to get also a more of a 50-50 60-40 US spending in game.
    D1 At 1 plane only if taken as casualty

    The M3 Transport would have to be tested later do to testing the island group campaign that is being tested now and in a game coming up but aways off yet. But will play test where will just do like a 3-4 turn test games before group game. Could test transport in those 3-4 test turn games also.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Hi SS

    Took a while but I found it. Hello to Baron as well : )

    So I can only respond generally, as i haven’t played this kick ass ana version, but using Global 40 as a guideline, I had similar results. Russia was given a little more dough though and that kept things from getting whacked.

    The best counter, imo, was using Black Elk’s “Sphere of Influence” where Japan and Russia can’t share territory with anyone, otherwise it’s a minus 10 bucks or w/e is appropriate.

    But yea, found the Pacific to be a lot more fun with increased dollars : )

  • We are going to go with the 3 island group NOs in next game and Japan tanks are now A5 D4 M1 C7. Japan Mech M1.
    For each 3 island group with color token you control you will recieve 5 icp NO bonus. 4 groups are for US and Japan and other 2 for Anzac. On play testing if Japan moved all fleet out to attack US Line Island fleet and Manilla,  it allowed Anzac to get a 2nd NO. Also there was a Naval battle at Midway on T2 were Japan got Midway and Collected 2 Nos but then US landed Paratroopers in Midway with a bunch of planes and took Midway back. So there was more action in the Pacific already which is the goal.
    Also need to slow down Japan tank blitz in China. The M1 will help. With a new tweaked China placement rule this should keep China in game longer and keep Japan out of Russia.
    We will keep the NA for Russia ( Japan attacks any Russian territory you can place 6 inf in that territory being attacked one time in game ). Japan is already into China territories so they dont need to go that far to get rest of money but it wont be that easy. Besides they will probably have to spend hopefully more money for naval to protect or take some islands now in game.
    Heres a pic of the island groups.


  • Game is setup and ready to go. I will before game in week or so take away the colored tokens and use colored dots by each island representing ea 3 island group NO for 5 icps.
    I have also 2 NO for the Med. Dont want to blast the game too much.
    Also the yellow and dark green tokens are for resources of iron/ore dark green token and Grain yellow token.
    Ea token is worth 2 icps. Once Japan gets the 3 China territories with grain tokens the money is even in game.
    Im not 100 % sure if I am going to use this in next game. You can also bomb the resources for up to 3 damage for each one and it goes against your income just like the oil derricks.

    I can see now in game where the Japan fleet in the Carolinas has a few decisions to make. Also Japan can attack Midway and get 2 NOs but will lose 2 transports and NOs after US counters. But US needs to land the air transport on turn 1 to take back Midway other wise they wont get there till T3 and Japan collects another 10 icps for another turn. Either this new 3 island group NOs make the Pacific now epic and many naval battles or it just makes the navys look at each other or makes either side to strong.

    The Med NOs now is where a strong Italy has to get Malta and hold if they want to deny a UK NO or receive a NO.

    Also Norway has been changed do to more historical which Ill be posting a pick soon. No more Allied come take and run to fast to Leningrad.


  • Heres the pic of the new Norway. Made it 3 territories now split the szs to make 2 off coast and added the island for Sweden Straits.

    If history I read is correct Germany can make a 1 time combat or non combat move through Sweden. Also Germany needs to land a inf on Sweden controlled island to control the Sweden Strait if they want to transport troops through Sz 19 to Finland for a shorter route to Norway.
    Finland has been split in 2 territories now and worth 1 icp ea and Norway has another territory worth 1 but I see the green chip is covering the amount. I will make any changes if need be.


  • Will be an edit to Norway. The Sweden Island will be removed and replaced with the Finland Island in sz 19. Germany will have control of it and has the rights to move in and out of sz19 do to Straits control.

  • Updated  Norway Sweden on map with 2 marshes added. Norway 3 territories, Sweden 2 territories and Finland 2 territories on map now. Marsh added to Finland Leningrad border and the Pripet Marsh added to border of 2 territories in Russia. This will make Germany have to go around marsh ( or wait until T4 for Winter to cross frozen marshes.) if they want to attack Leningrad at the same time will need to control Karelia and use transports from sea but will need some kind a navy to protect Ger trannys. If Germany waits till T4 to attack Leningrad there maybe a huge Russian stack there. So best to attack right away and then go get Leningrad.

    Thanks to Narvik for his input on Norway and Sweden.

    Motorized units can only cross the Marshes in Winter season which is every 4 turns only.

    In Norway everything only moves 1 space do to mountain terrain and no motorized movement in Winter season every 4 turns only.

    Finland island of Aland added to sz 19 on my map. You need to control Aland in order to go thru the strait into Northern Sweden and Finland or out of.

    With this new historic Norway now it wont be an Allied blitz to Norway and into Finland and Leningrad. Allies can do it but will take time and the right seasonal timed attacks.
    This will help Germany to defend this area for a few turns.

    The Allies can also just take VC Oslo and hold just that 1 Norway territory. Gives Germany a chance to maybe defend or take back now.

    So game is this Sunday with these changes in game.

    The New Norway Campaign

    Weather Chart updated to include Norway

    Japan tank Build Cap  Minor - 1  Major - 4

    Either have only Japan tanks M1 or any tank move in Asia M1 only.
    This has been edited. The rule is now M1 only for all motorized units in all China and Japan controlled China territories at start of game and all Russian territories East of NOV.

    3 Island group NOs to have finally found a way to have more major naval Campaigns in the pacific involving more Island control. Theres 4 islands that have a value of 3 now and have control of 2 island groups. Like Midway if you control it you can get 2 groups of islands and the same for the Carolinas, New Britian and Solomon islands. Now US has to take back Midway on T2 if Japan takes Midway to give them 2 NOs for 10 icps and Japan cannot leave the Carolinas because then Anzac can get another NO and the Allies will need to defend also Solomon islands and around New Britian. You will have no choice in game now because you dont want either side controlling to many island groups for 5 icps each. But will this make the allies ( KJF ) to strong if they control most islands by Carolinas ? Depends on Germanys NAs in game. IF need be this may have to be tweaked but need to play some games first. So US has to spend some money in Pacific and if played right you just deny each other NOs but Im hoping the 2 navies just dont look at each other. Also maybe this way will make US have to go 50/50 or at least 60/40 or 40/60. You also have to remember if Germany gets there 2 NAs Sub Interdiction and Wolf Packs the US has to spend money on Europe side too right away in game. If US goes KJF they will probably deny Japan getting Calcutta ( do to protecting money islands and island NOs ) but give Germany a better push on Europe side for the win and major convoy raiding in the Atlantic. Each game is always different.

    Just like the Battle of the Atlantic which is great on Europe side in game now.

    Iron/Ore and Wheat/Grain resources on map now.

    The main goal is to invent a way for the Pacific side be epic. Hoping this is a start.

    An Edit has been made and this was updated.

  • We got a game in with the newer changes. Norway never became a factor in game for Germany because Allies never landed there. The Allies also did not combine the UK in Africa, FEC and Anzac right and Anzac never got going and FEC even though they were making a ton of money. They did not use the triangle affect right.

    As far as the new 3 Island Group NO Japan pretty much sat at Midway collecting 10 icps a turn and kept US at bay in the SF bay most of game because US did not move out T1 and Japan kept convoy raiding US with continued subs shucking.

    US player was saying why buy stuff in Pacific when US just sits there. Wrong. So I just said then leave the Pacific all together and do what you want. Just let Japan rule it all.
    W E

    UK Europe have no idea what there plan was. Never bought ground every turn in S Af to chuck to Cairo or Calcutta. They kept losing Trannys in the canal from Italy bombers. WT?

    The M1 only for All Motorized Units in Asia and Northern Russia worked great in game.
    Japan does finally have a Art from a China territory just moving into a Russian territory on T6. Plus Japan could only build 1 tank at a Minor and 4 tanks at a major. This did not hurt Japan at all in this game. China still has a nice army that could of taken Saigon but opt to go hold Honk Kong. But with Calcutta just falling on T6 ( As mentioned above Allies never bought and transported enough units in Calcutta ) major mistake and Now Japan has 2 Minors in India to buy and send tanks to Stalingrad so in the long run probably an Axis victory.

    As far as the 3 Island groups it worked great for Midway and Anzac did collect 2 NO most of game do to Japan leaving the Carolinas but came back and the US finally got there to attack and did collect 1 NO for Carolina-New Britain-Solomon island group.

    Whats nice is Anzac does have some money and with a little help from US could also take away Japans Carolina-Papan-Marshall island group NO. Anzac was making 25 icps a turn for awhile and thats plenty of money to do something even with a UK Carrier sent over from S AF. But no they didnt play any of this side of map right.

    Russia bought 2 figs first 2 turns with inf and kept keeping Germany at bay on the Eastern front using inf and 8 figs. There was just enough German push where Russia just couldnt afford to lose 2-3 figs trying to take out German fleet of coast of Leningrad. But felt it didnt need to be taken out do to only 2 trannys there. Germany mistake mostly was bought to many subs but that kept UK US scrambling a lot in Atlantic which that side of map is epic. A few less subs and more for Russia.
    Germany did get the Rockets Tech early in game and was hurting Russia some with SBR
    attacks on there ICs. Also Germany should of bought a few more AA guns and could of also started bombing Russian Airbases, Oil Derricks and Wheat/Grain supply.

    Iron/Ore Wheat-Grain tokens worked great in game. Japan would take the China wheat (3 tokens) and China kept taking them back. China did get there 2nd US fig in game but maybe to late for them to use. They will have to retreat and then plan an attack or 2 in later turns. China never collected less than 10 icps in game. The Japan Tank buy cap was one of the reasons why China had some push in game finally with 5 inf added to setup and receiving some free inf and fig in event cards and US getting there Chinese Divsions NA where they can buy 1 China Inf per turn and place in China.

    Also made the Philipphines 2 territories and that worked pretty good. Japan took it T1  and then left it empty and US got an Event Card where 2 Guerella Inf uprising in Manilla got the US back to controlling it. Nice. Japan had to come back and retake.

    Still need more play to see if the 3 Island Group NOs are going to be the fix for the Pacific side to force Japan to not go deep into China and Russia ( which it did with Japan tank buy cap and M1 rule only ) and make them defend islands and some Island group NOs. Have to see what happens with some kind of US fleet in Pacific combined with Anzac and even a ship or 2 from Calcutta or S AF to make Japan come out to Islands more and keep the Pressure off Calcutta. If you combined it right is should work.
    Its possible I may have to add a ship or 2 for US on Pacific side. Plan on adding more inf to Philipphines to make japan have to use a few more ground to take.

    Ill tell you this japan now has to make a lot more decisions in game and not Wack it all over pacific.

    So I think Im getting closer to a more epic campaign in the Pacific. One key is to make Japan not able to blitz through Asia and Northern Russia for starters. Yes Japan does need more transports on setup if you try to put some of this into your game but you also need to offset Japans extra trannys and make them have to use else where besides India. Another key is to keep those Japan Transports more towards island defense and NO island defense. Ill post pics of map later.

  • '17 '16

    Nice report.
    It seems there was a lot of unoptimized play for Allies.
    The new rules seem to have bring more interesting things.
    I would not change anything else without more plays.
    Maybe your players need time to adjust with the new depth you are bringing into your game.

    M1 Tank in China and Siberia seems more credible in terms of pace of conquest.

  • Ya just a couple tweaks to game otherwise Im leaving rest due to Allies play.

    New South Wales going from 2 to 3 in value so Anzac can buy 3 units like 3 destroyers if they get that high in money or buy inf to defend.

    Add 2-4 more inf to Philippines on setup or make Event card for US for uprising in the Philippines from 2 inf to 4-6 for the Guerilla warfare. Or split this.

    Carriers now only shoot at planes. A2 D4

    Transport values changing to.

    A: Fleets with planes and Transports vs fleets with planes and Transports.
    1. Can take transport as a casualty with no AA D@2
    2. Transport stays gets AA D@2
    3. Transport can ES @2

    B: Fleets with no planes vs fleets with Transports.
    1. Cant take as casualty and no AA D shot.
    2. Transports can only get a ES @2.

    C: Fleets only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get a no AA D shot.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2.

    D: Planes only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get AA D@2.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2.

    Thats it for now.

  • Here are the pics of map. As you can see allies never got to the new designed Norway. Iron token in Finland is for the copper Germany had. Germany bought a bunch of subs to keep allies hoppin in the Atlantic for convoy raiding. Russia bought planes early in game and are still keeping Germany at bay but with less sub buy maybe get a better push but no need to once Stalingrad falls with japan help.
    At least in my game Japan can get you to the win and take some pressure off Germany but US cannot go one way or the other.

    China has a nice force in game now and also all motorized units in Asia and Siberia can only M1. Japan also can only Buy 1 tank at a minor ic and 4 at a major. So if you look at map I think theres only 4 tanks in Calcutta and 2 ic. So Japan can only build 2 tanks there anyway instead of 6 a turn. You can only build minor ic in my game and this way you just cant plop down major ic. You also can only build up to the territories value. Only threat to lose IC mostly in game are at India, Paris, and Norway if Germany buys. No IC in Paris.  Captured IC dont get a massive build up now unless a Capital. No lets build a major and drop 10 tanks or inf. Now you want territories and a minor IC you have to go get it.
    The 3 island group NOs worked great for Japan. Each 3 group has a colored sticker by each island to show you the group of 3. They just sat in Midway and collected 10 icp extra a turn. As I said the US UK FEC Anzac did not combine play very well. Anzac did collect 10 icps a turn after time for 2 3IG NOs.

    Philippines I made 2 territories instead of 3. 3 Which is correct on this map. What was nice was Japan left it empty and US drew an event card saying Guerilla up rising and US got to place 2 inf one in each territory to collect back 6 icps a turn and make Japan have to come back and get again.

    So hopefully between the Japan restrictions, Philippines 2 territories and the 3 Island group NOs will finally be the fix for Pacific side.
    It was classic. It took the Japan player on T1 some time to decide where he wanted to go now. Japan has many decisions now to make in Pacific and not sittin on his butt wackin it now ! :-D


  • '17 '16 '15


    …It took the Japan player on T1 some time to decide where he wanted to go now. Japan has many decisions now to make in Pacific and not sittin on his butt wackin it now ! :-D

    heh heh probably had smoke coming out of his ears : ) Can be a real Mind F when trying new stuff sometimes.

    Good action here : )

  • '17 '16


    Ya just a couple tweaks to game otherwise Im leaving rest due to Allies play.

    New South Wales going from 2 to 3 in value so Anzac can buy 3 units like 3 destroyers if they get that high in money or buy inf to defend.

    Add 2-4 more inf to Philippines on setup or make Event card for US for uprising in the Philippines from 2 inf to 4-6 for the Guerilla warfare. Or split this.

    Carriers now only shoot at planes. A2 D4

    Transport values changing to.

    A: Fleets with planes and Transports vs fleets with planes and Transports.
    1. Can take transport as a casualty with no AA D@2
    2. Transport stays gets AA D@2
    3. Transport can ES @2

    B: Fleets with no planes vs fleets with Transports.
    1. Cant take as casualty and no AA D shot.
    2. Transports can only get a ES @2.

    C: Fleets only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get a no AA D shot.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2.

    D: Planes only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get AA D@2.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2.

    Thats it for now.

    Nice split up of 4 cases.

    Does attacking TPs in case A can also do AA@2, like defending TPs can?

    BTW, thanks for the report.
    I like to read them more than once.
    All limitations for Japan seems to improve the overall challenge and historical depiction.

  • @Baron:


    Ya just a couple tweaks to game otherwise Im leaving rest due to Allies play.

    New South Wales going from 2 to 3 in value so Anzac can buy 3 units like 3 destroyers if they get that high in money or buy inf to defend.

    Add 2-4 more inf to Philippines on setup or make Event card for US for uprising in the Philippines from 2 inf to 4-6 for the Guerilla warfare. Or split this.

    Carriers now only shoot at planes. A2 D4

    Transport values changing to.

    A: Fleets with planes and Transports vs fleets with planes and Transports.
    1. Can take transport as a casualty with no AA  A@1 or D@2
    2. Transport stays gets AA A@1 D@2 at planes only.
    3. Transport can ES @2

    B: Fleets with no planes vs fleets with Transports.
    1. Cant take as casualty and no AA D shot.
    2. Transports can only get a ES @2

    C: Fleets only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get a no AA D shot.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2

    D: Planes only vs Transports only.
    1. Casualties get AA D@2.
    2. Survivors get a ES @2

    Thats it for now.

    Nice split up of 4 cases.

    Does attacking TPs in case A can also do AA@2, like defending TPs can?

    BTW, thanks for the report.
    I like to read them more than once.
    All limitations for Japan seems to improve the overall challenge and historical depiction.

    I added the edits in Red Baron. LOL Hey the RED Baron.
    Ton of stuff going on.  :roll:

    Also China gets to move into Burma territory too. Historical.

  • Another Battle at The Generals Fortress tomorrow Sat Nov 3.

    Got 3 newbies to the game and are somewhat better players and will see if they like game or not. Hope to have a good result.

    Will be playing this game with China can go into Burma, Strict Neutrals can be influenced at a cost for more strategies so theres more interaction with Spain and mostly Turkey.

  • OK. We got 6 turns in. A little shorter than normal due to 3 new players to the game. A lot of rule questions but some were due to people not reading them or not reading them enough. This will be a short game report and mostly about the Pacific side that is being tested for the 3 Island Group NOs, Japan tank buy restrictions and All motorized units move only 1 in Asia and Siberia.

    Europe side Germany got Atlantic wall +1 on inf D with any Amp Assaults and Tac Bombers could SBR facilities at 1 d8 for damage. So Germany bombed UK ICs early and forced UK to buy figs and some US figs came over for help.
    Mostly US went to the Pacific side for game.

    Italy did there normal thing with a can opener in Russia that Russia missed for first time but Russia is still able to hold Moscow. Italy and Germany let UK collect 5 icps per turn for like 4 turns for a 3 Island Group NO in Med. But that was due to just missing it. Germany didnt attack Russia turn 1 so that keep Russia from a counter attack with inf and figs on there first turn. Remember everybodys at war.

    Allies just starting to land in Normandy and now Germany needs to start defending with Italys help.

    Pacific side China still has a few ground troops in game. Was doing pretty good with a bunch of minor attacks against Japan. Because of Japan not just getting to buy tanks and blitzing Asia, I believe this is the fix for China in game with the all motorized units only move 1 in Asia and Siberia and besides Japan doesnt need to go that far into Asia and Russia for the money. Japan is just not ever going to get Moscow again. Even Russia got in a few attacks against Japan. They sent about 6 inf from Moscow from the trains and they get Mongolia and 2 inf once they activate it. Somebody mentioned to give Russia a plane on setup in Amur but if Russia can afford to send 8 inf to Asia coast then they can afford to buy a plane.

    Japan again this game took Midway twice for the 2 Island Group NOs worth 10 icps per turn and parked there fleet there. So it forced US to build at home again but US player said he made a few mistakes in game but still played good to keep from Japan getting Hawaii. The US Line Island fleet was not attacked on T1 by Japan so US player took that fleet with Anzac help and took Carolinas and another 3 Island Group NO for Anzac.
    Anzac was making 28 icps per turn but with only building 3 at home, had money to buy another minor but only could build 1 unit there. I think the mistake we made as allies was we could of combined the US Line Island fleet with Anzac and a few Ships from Calcutta and taken back most of money islands because Japans fleet was mostly in Pacific ( epic ) and made a last dash to take Sydney but as pic shows when i post you will see. I just left that on map was Asia and fleets in Pacific. The pic will show you how far Japan got in game. Forgot to take pic sooner before I took down. Also FEC was going to probably take Saigon with a Japan minor factory on it but then Japan would of taken back but now with Allies landing in Europe and Calcutta, Hawaii, Sydney and Moscow all able to hold and UK getting back the Mideast oil bonus back from Axis its going to be a Allies win.

    There was a few more 3 Island Group NOS in game taken. So far Midway is a major area for naval combat as far as taking island back and forth and the US got a Carolina NO due to Anzacs help for a few turns until Japan just came down to Sydney. So I believe no matter what Anzac does there its a maybe a waste where they could take everything around and to go to the Dutch Islands ? Another thing was Japan took away both Anzacs 3 Island Group NOs also during the Sydney invasion.

    Hoping with a US fleet getting down to Solomons Islands with Anzacs help may finally get that area involved for more 3 Island Group NOs.

    So I was thinking of giving US some more money in game but found out after game UK was not putting enough ships in London due to missing a rule ( killin me ), got diced in Dog fights and Naval battles too. So we still need to see if a good combine in Pacific for Allies is all thats needed.

    Just need more play in pacific to see if there is any needed changes but leaving for now.

    Baron, Barney
    My concern now is is US going to go all Pacific but if Germany gets there 2 Best NAs ( Sub Interdiction - US UK pay 1 icp per turn for every German sub in the Atlantic up to 10 subs max and +1 for Wolf Packs ) plus all the convoy raiding going on plus if Germany also buys more subs for the Atlantic with Italy subs helping with convoy raiding too. US has to spend money in Atlantic. SO I think were OK for now. UK makes enough money to get some kind of landing some where and maybe if US goes mostly Pacific then UK has to go Norway. Thats why each game is different. Will see.

    It was nice to get probably the best US and Japan players going at it in the Pacific for the tests. As a matter of fact both guys have played each other at Gen Con the last 3 years and one of them has not beatin the other one in 3 years now.

    Thanks to Carl from driving down 2 1/2 h to my place to play. It was a pleasure to see another good player play at “The Generals Fortress”.

  • '17 '16 '15

    yea I’d just stick with what you got for now. While using different means with the global game, having Germany and even Italy a chance to battle in the Atlantic is a good option imo.

    What I haven’t done yet is try and steamroll Russia. That’ll be next test. : )

    Good action SS and Karl as well for doing the drive : )

  • Ya Man ! The battle begins again this Saturday ! Made a bunch of chart updates and got new NA and Tech cards to use for guys and will see with different players playing for US Japan and see if my Japan partner can hold Midway T2 and on and hoping the US player counters and holds Midway to deny Japan 2 island group NO of 5 icps each end of T2 for Japan. Japan from start has to also make a decision on what 4 things they want to go for from the Carolina’s but can only do two things,. Best to kill Line Island US fleet and take Dutch New G to deny Anzac a second 3 island NO for 5 icps. and leave Manilla and Dutch Island for another turn.

    Game report on Sunday if I’m alive.

  • '17 '16

    @SS-GEN said in Balanced Mod [Anniversary 41]:

    3island groups.png

    I removed the Anzac NO Black Chip group. Gave US a new NO 3 island group.

    Not in this pic. After play testing

    I did not want to derail Argo’s thread.
    Does these three islands are all south of Hawaii on your map?

    Why did you remove the first Black NO group?

    After thinking on AA50, I wonder if South New Guinea (Port Moresby), Solomons and New Hebrides would have made a better thematic for an ANZAC NOs linked to trading with US and receiving Lend-lease from USA.

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