Thanks for the info. Good news is it will be back in stock at some point. Bad news not sure when that will be. We are anxious to begin the plunge from 1942 second edition into 1940 Global.

Posts made by Muscleape
RE: Is Pacific 1940 second edition out of print?
Is Pacific 1940 second edition out of print?
Is this set no longer available at retail? I can not find it anywhere. I did find it secondhand on eBay though.
1942 Game in Progress
You can check out the game in progress on my Youtube channel….
RE: Axis and Allies 1942 SE videos
I had a bunch of videos on my old channel. I have started posting them again on my new channel. Below is a link to what I uploaded last night.
RE: Finally bought this game!
It’s a great game. It is a masterpiece board game.
RE: Longest Game Ever.
In our games the centrals usually win if the Russian revolution rule is in play. If it’s not in play, the allies win.
RE: Game 4 Finished Uploaded to You Tube
You make great points. I have to over your math again for Italian front. I also think we need to look at Russia’s reinforcements if they do not attack Mesopotamia. By all means keep suggestions coming as it gives more ideas for our ne t game.
Spain was attacked because USA had 4 tanks and could take Spain without losing money. In that game allies were hoping Paris would hold out for another turn. It was a gamble, and it did not pay off. At that point in the game the centrals were in the drivers seat and the allies were desperate to increase their income.
RE: Germany's war plan
Keep in mind every time you buy transports for UK in round 1 or 2, it means less boots on the ground. It’s a trade off. I think it’s better to use French transports for moving UK troops to western front. Granted, using the French transports is slower.
RE: Game 4 Finished Uploaded to You Tube
I like the opening move. When the Russian rev rule is not in play, I usually go heavier into Russia.
Ignoring Italy on turn 1 is one way to go. However, Italy will be coming at AH with a nice stack on round 2. In addition, they have units in Albania they activated in round 1.
They will be able to attack Trieste on round 2 and contest it.
Game 4 Finished Uploaded to You Tube
Stop by and check it out. One note, all chips regardless of color represent one unit. We just love looking at Super Stacks of units.
RE: Political/Economic Collapse Rules Question
I thought only Russia can collapse.
RE: How to do a good KJF.
All good points and a fun thread to read. If I’m Japan I focus on India first. I try to take it on turn 2 or 3. I was never a fan of KJF. By the time you kill Japan the Germans are an ipc juggernaught. Russia will fall and Germans will control strategic factories and have income to push UK and USA off Eurasia.
RE: Alternative Winning Strategy and Tactics for Central Powers
I enjoyed the discussion. My experience is OOB rules with no Russian Revolution. Under these conditions, the Central Powers have the odds stacked against them. The only chance they have is to spend for troops on the ground not navy.
RE: Longest Game Ever.
This game finally finished. It took 18 turns. I will post the finished video on my you tube channel. This was game 3 of a best of 7 series. We used OOB rules and no Russian Revolution Rule. The Allies won the first 2 games with the same game conditions.
RE: Ottoman Empire's war plan
It all depends on what UK does. If UK ignores them the ottomans can really grow quickly and threaten.
RE: Longest Game Ever.
The Americans have busted through Trieste. AH being pushed back. UK contesting Constantinople. Germans about to contest Paris. French driving through Kiel. Supply lines cut for both German and French lines. Turn 17…it’s Germany’s turn. Will Paris hold?
RE: Germany's war plan
Russia will fall between turns 5 - 9 depending on many factors. The UK must gut the Ottoman Empire. All India builds the first 6 turns or so. It will vary based on game to game situation. This leaves the French pretty much alone on the western front. The UK can land reinforcements from England and Canada using French transports. Assuming UK lost her transports to the German navy.
If ottomans are not dealt with early they will fester like gangrene. They will seep into Africa and increasing income. I have seen games where ottomans were at 40 ipcs. This happened because UK was building in London the first few turns instead of India.
RE: Austria-Hungary war plan
AH has always been my favorite power to play. They have the most options on the first turn and what they do sets tone for the game. It is fun to see AH on the march with an effective general in charge lol. In real life, the AH military was dismal.
Longest Game Ever.
I am now on turn 15 of an epic game. OOB rules and no Russian revolution. Neither side has a clear cut advantage. The Germans have broken through in the south and French have broken through on north. It is a race to Paris and Berlin. Allies have slight advantage in income. U.S. Is on verge of breaking through the alps into AH territory through Italy.
How long have some of your games gone? Assuming you are using OOB and no Russian revolution.