Hey there, anyone interested in playing axis and allies 1940. I have second editions
Posts made by elque
RE: Austin Tx: anyone have Global game and want to play?
RE: Recap of global game played 12-3-11 with photos
Agree that the first UK move should create a seal to protect Egypt from Amphibeous landing.
RE: Recap of global game played 12-3-11 with photos
Japan focuses on the chinese. Transports preparing to load in the Sea of Japan for offensive action later. The Chinese were able to reopen the Burma Road but the Japanese began to concentrate their air power in Kwangsi province. Note that the Russians loom ominously at the Manchurian Border.
RE: Recap of global game played 12-3-11 with photos
The Australians focused on building their navy a bit and increasing their income.
Recap of global game played 12-3-11 with photos
There were three players to this global game. I played the Axis so most of my comments are from that perspective.
Germany build an AC, DD, TT in round 1 in prep for possible Sealion. In combat, the only unusual play (if that) Germany’s takeover of S France - useful for its port and IC. The initial sea attacks around the UK were met with mediocre success. Did a SBR with 2 bombers, a TAC and fighter. These would have been put to better use sinking UK ships. I wound up with 3 subs with a potential for convoy disruption in SZ 109. The UK had a surviving destroyer that my opponent did not put to use in turn 1 to sink my vulnerable subs. I think that I lucked out.
I decided early on that Japan would focus on China for the first two rounds and build 3 additional TTs for a total of 6. No attack of Russia. By Turn 3, there would be a major force with 3 TTs in the Caroline Islands. A task force with 3 additional TTs would be poised off SE asia. At that point I would evaluate the disposition of allied forces to determine whether to go for Australia or go for the money islands.
The US focused its builds in the Pacific for the first 3 rounds.
Britain failed to do much damage to the Italian Fleet so I did an amphibious attack of Syria. Perhaps exploiting the Caucasus if unchecked by the British …. More narrative and photos later.
Quick question on sea zone connectivity
are seazones 109 and 119 west of the UK connected?
French territory question
Would the UK obtain IPCs by occupying original french territories like Morocco or French Indochina?. Is there a difference if they were liberated from the axis or not?
RE: Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
Apologies for poor quality photo of European Board after R4. Germany has taken the 3 french territories, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria. Germany should be able to take some of the territories captured by Russia in R4.
The economic balance favors the allies.
RE: Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
The German figures in Southern Africa are planes. Germany migrated its planes from Tobruk to bolster Eastern Europe with a couple to Southern Africa last turn.
RE: Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
Photo of the Pacific after J4
RE: Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
Photo of Europe after G2
RE: Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
Photo of Med and Africa after J4
Game report from this past Sunday, Alpha+3 rules with photos
Played 3+ rounds of Axis and Allies Global Sunday. Two players only - I was the Allies. , We’ve preserved the game’s status and will resume. Will try to highlight but understand many of my comments are from the allies perspective.
Germany opened the game by capturing the 3 French territories and Yugoslavia. I liked the capture of Southern France as it offered the Germans an IC and port. This allowed them to establish a presence in the Mediterranean. Japan opened with an seaborne attack on the Russian Far East. Under Alpha +3 rules, an attack on any Russian Territory bordering Mongolia activates that country as a minor ally. Japan opted to keep Mongolia neutral for a while. Another note about Alpha+3 rules: the ability to take AA guns as casualties matters. A British air attack over Western Germany achieved poor results as Germany exchanged its AA guns for British fighters. Of course, London’s extra AA guns gave me additional confidence to leave the home island lightly defended.
Given that Japan appeared committed to an Asian land campaign, Australia set about building its economy with National Objectives and DEI territories. Most US builds were in the Pacific. Britain Pacific built tanks to capture Persia and Iraq and flew some air force over to bolster Egypt. Britain Europe still had most of its navy after G1 so concentrated on preserving Africa until US arrived.
Germany and Italy tag teamed the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean nicely and eventually captured Malta. The British built an IC in Egypt and put enough planes there to hold off the Axis for now. Italians broke south from Ethiopia and are at the door of South Africa’s IC. Will have to do major builds there in GB4 to defend the IC. Germany has naval superiority in the North Atlantic but no transports left. Nevertheless, Britain will be bolstering the home island in addition to South Africa this turn.
Germany has been very good at husbanding lots of planes and will likely wield them to counterattack the Russians who invaded Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Finland on R4. Russia has been building lots of TAC bombers and Tanks from Turn 1 as I was betting that Russia would be going on the offensive. Usually I prefer fighters but with all the Russian tanks, I thought I could use TACs at a 4 more often than not.
The Axis spent probably north of 30 IPCs on tech development die rolls and has only one breakthrough to show for it. Italy’s fighters attack at a 4. For what it’s worth, I all but begged Mike not to try any tech die rolls. Those IPCS could have been spent on U boats to starve the British.
The Japanese fleet struck on J4 and trashed Anglo-American navies and air scramblers in the PI and Guam. Allies would have been better served concentrating everything in the PI. Expect risky counterattacks from all 3 allied powers on damaged Jap ships in Guam. Given the emerging economic superiority of the Allies, I am willing to engage in attacks with marginal expectations. GB Pacific , Australia, and US have 100 IPCs among them. Japan has about 37 reading the board.
Planes and friendly neutrals
Can a plane whose aircraft carrier has been damaged or destroyed land in a friendly neutral country. e.g. GB1) british fighter participating in a battle in SZ 97 was planning to land in a carrier within the same SZ. The carrier is damaged. Can this fighter land in Greece to complete its move. Does it matter whether Britain activates it with a land unit in its non-combat move phase of turn 1.
RE: AA guns under alpha 3 rules
Thanks for the clarification, folks
AA guns under alpha 3 rules
Some friends and I played A and A Europe last night under the Alpha +3 rules. I fear that I misinterpreted the rules for AA guns. I read the passage “each AA gun in the territory may fire up to 3 times but only once per attacking air unit”. London’s 5 AA guns should be able to role once against each of three attacking German fighters in an amphibious assault then for a maximum of 15 die rolls. 5 AA guns each firing 3 times against each of 3 attacking air units.
However, the next sentence of the rules places the maximum number of rolls at the actual number of attacking planes - as it alpha +2. In fact, it is a more binding constraint in that the total dice rolled is the lesser of 3x the AA guns or the number of attacking planes. In the amphibious assault described above, the 5 London AA guns could generate no more than 3 die rolls against the 3 German airplanes.
So … which is the correct interpretation?
RE: Atlantic wall
The axis had good success by stockpiling mech infantry and tanks in France. From there, most of the potential allied landing areas are reachable. Axis launched three successful counterattacks to repel allied landings in the course of the game. Next time, as Axis I would augment the stockpile with a couple or artillery pieces.
The allied counter to this would probably involve a limited British landing on a vulnerable area following by substantial American reinforcement on the same turn that would include a few fighters. Of course, it takes time for the allies to build all this stuff and coordinate landings.
RE: A&A Europe 1940 Game through build phase of R8 (pics)
We finished the game tonight. The Axis captured Moscow in G11 and held all cities against counterattack. Axis win by TKO - 8 victory cities occupied.
British did capture and hold Norway; Americans successfully invaded Normandy a third time but were repelled by Italian counterattack. In the same turn Americans also captured Denmark but were repelled by German counterattack. Italians eventually captured Cape Town and their IPC level was 39 at time of Moscow’s fall.
RE: A&A Europe 1940 Game through build phase of R8 (pics)
Italy’s IPC count was in the mid to high 20s through most of the game. Biggest variable was the NO involving allied ships in the Mediterranean. They’ve had the “Greek” NO consistentely since turn 3, I think. They stand to collect 30 or 31 IPCs next turn unless the allies enter the Mediterranean.
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