My name is Emiel Lieffering,
I am planning on hosting a tournament for Axis and Allies 1940 Europe 2nd Edition through TripleA. Anybody could enter and we will host it in a discord server. We will play for fun and the games will be played in teams of 2 players. You could join this tournament as a team or be matched with another player.
If you are interested you can add me on discord (Emielson#2198) or send me an e-mail at
A&A Europe 1940 Game through build phase of R8 (pics)
We are resuming this game tonight. Thought is might be interesting to review. Axis looking to take Moscow within 2 or 3 turns for 8th victory city. US has been ejected from Normandy twice. The second time Germans had bare majority of combat factors (28 to 24?) so there was luck
- Mech and tank buys were helpful to the Axis
- Germany bought minor IC in Caucasus on G7. Should probably have bought one in Iraq a couple of turns earlier
- Britain used carrier in GB1 to attack German Navy; Italy took Egypt in I1
- Strategic bombing for either side has been ineffectual
Another Photo of the eastern Front detail
Here’s Africa
where is your Romanian major IC? 8-)
Agree in retrospect that a major IC in Romania would have been helpful. The Axis minor IC in Egypt was pretty much a requirement as well.
What happened to the Italians planes? :?
There is one in the Ukraine and one in the caucasus. Several were lost in combat in Africa. After a while, it just seemed that tanks were a better buy for use there. There had been a lot of fighting in the Red Sea and East Africa earlier in the game.
What happened to the US Navy?
Two successive normandy landings were repelled. The first was a small landing and the second was an landing in force. In each case, the US navy docked off normandy suffered losses from axis air counterattack coupled with some german destroyers. The Italian navy never made it into the Atlantic.
What did Italy’s IPC count look like during the game?
Italy’s IPC count was in the mid to high 20s through most of the game. Biggest variable was the NO involving allied ships in the Mediterranean. They’ve had the “Greek” NO consistentely since turn 3, I think. They stand to collect 30 or 31 IPCs next turn unless the allies enter the Mediterranean.
We finished the game tonight. The Axis captured Moscow in G11 and held all cities against counterattack. Axis win by TKO - 8 victory cities occupied.
British did capture and hold Norway; Americans successfully invaded Normandy a third time but were repelled by Italian counterattack. In the same turn Americans also captured Denmark but were repelled by German counterattack. Italians eventually captured Cape Town and their IPC level was 39 at time of Moscow’s fall.
We finished the game tonight. The Axis captured Moscow in G11 and held all cities against counterattack. Axis win by TKO - 8 victory cities occupied.
British did capture and hold Norway; Americans successfully invaded Normandy a third time but were repelled by Italian counterattack. In the same turn Americans also captured Denmark but were repelled by German counterattack. Italians eventually captured Cape Town and their IPC level was 39 at time of Moscow’s fall.
Land three American transports loaded with 3x infantry and 3x tanks in Africa and along with the assistance of the Brits and some token French forces, the Axis will never ever control all of Africa! An Allied player that allows this is defeinitely doing something wrong! ( I agree that Africa is a relative sideshow, but you simply cannot allow the Axis to take ALL the African IPCs!)
I have a hard time beliving that America can’t simply buy enough stuff to overpower German defenses in Europe. The issue is getting there because Germany should have a decent fleet contesting landings. The allied players were either 1. Playing stupidly repeatly or 2. Rolling really badly. The allied should win 95% of the games all things being equal. This game is still heavly weighted in the favor of the allies.
Land three American transports loaded with 3x infantry and 3x tanks in Africa and along with the assistance of the Brits and some token French forces, the Axis will never ever control all of Africa! An Allied player that allows this is defeinitely doing something wrong! ( I agree that Africa is a relative sideshow, but you simply cannot allow the Axis to take ALL the African IPCs!)
The Us can send three tanks to Brazil and pick up the three men there.
I have a hard time beliving that America can’t simply buy enough stuff to overpower German defenses in Europe. The issue is getting there because Germany should have a decent fleet contesting landings. The allied players were either 1. Playing stupidly repeatly or 2. Rolling really badly. The allied should win 95% of the games all things being equal. This game is still heavly weighted in the favor of the allies.
95%? Okay, why not play me online? I’ll be axis
I have a hard time beliving that America can’t simply buy enough stuff to overpower German defenses in Europe. The issue is getting there because Germany should have a decent fleet contesting landings. The allied players were either 1. Playing stupidly repeatly or 2. Rolling really badly. The allied should win 95% of the games all things being equal. This game is still heavly weighted in the favor of the allies.
95%? Okay, why not play me online? I’ll be axis
I don’t play online sorry. If they had a computer version with current rules and I had 5-8 hours to sit in front of a computer and play I would think about it.
Also the game is weighted in favor of the allies because the allies won world war 2.
I have a hard time beliving that America can’t simply buy enough stuff to overpower German defenses in Europe. The issue is getting there because Germany should have a decent fleet contesting landings. The allied players were either 1. Playing stupidly repeatly or 2. Rolling really badly. The allied should win 95% of the games all things being equal. This game is still heavly weighted in the favor of the allies.
95%? Okay, why not play me online? I’ll be axis
I don’t play online sorry. If they had a computer version with current rules and I had 5-8 hours to sit in front of a computer and play I would think about it.
Also the game is weighted in favor of the allies because the allies won world war 2.
They have a computer map where you can move units and you don’t have to sit at a computer 5-8 hrs a day. If you like, you can make just 1 move per day.
They deliberately make the game so the axis have more advantages than they did historically. That’s why the entire RN in the North Atlantic can be killed G1.
BTW, you should look into anniversary edition. Most agree that OOB, it is slanted toward the axis
If you like, you can make just 1 move per day.
They deliberately make the game so the axis have more advantages than they did historically. That’s why the entire RN in the North Atlantic can be killed G1.
Link me to the map and I will play you assuming that I don’t have to download anything.
Also look at how things are set up. Russia can’t attack till R4, America doesn’t go to war till U3…its meant to roughly(in a bad way) have a few turns be a year of real time. And had Germany done things differently they likely could have killed the RN in the North Atlantic. Remember that these figures don’t repersent single units but instead groups of units.