KNP - France built up QUITE a force…first few rounds bought all infantry and last round bought 4 tanks (I think it was 4). But because of his huge stack of infantry, the next round he planned on attacking Italy or Western Germany. The only scary thing was because Russia was pushing back so hard, Germany had a LOT of tanks in range of France and whatever battle France initiated, Germany probably could have countered and wiped whatever surviving French soliders remained. France was a bastion of a stronghold indeed. UK fighters were landing in there to deter Italy from even considering attack (when Germany still thought it had a chance at Russia.)
I used a basic bait move to get Germans tanks in range of a brutal counter. I knew he would get excited at the idea of being 1 country outside of Moscow with his tank stack (14 I think)…and he didn’t realize, where he was, Russia could counter with LOTS of Infantry and three of their small tank stacks…but combined, all hitting, was significant because tons of hits for infantry to take, plus 2 fighters and 1 TAC bomber.
Sure enough, he fell for the trap, lost a tank (cause he had no infantry support by this time, they all died off getting here), so he had 13 tanks, and on the counter, we just destroyed them all. So he had no infantry or Tanks on the Eastern front. He started focusing on Germany, so for France to go on offensive too early would have been bold, but they were getting to that point…especially with Russia coming at Germany now, because Germany couldn’t afford to counter and send units OUT of Germany at France because Russia would be coming from the backside.
One good thing my Uncle did as Germany was a heck of a bombing campaign on UK. Something like 60 or 66 IPCS between the factory, Airfield and Naval base. UK fixed the naval base and complex each turn but no the airfield and I think last time on Naval he also ignored it because his fleet was so big he had no worries of Luftwaffe attack resulting in BS or ACC repairs. Made me open my eyes to a POST opening round usage of bombers against UK. I would still use Luftwaffe combined with German boats and subs to take out UK navy turn 1 but then dedicate bombers to hitting UK.
PS: It WAS very nice to see Germany take a different strategy. Because everytime I play Germany its practically the same thing. LOL.