So I was wondering if it would be possible if there could be a 2 player game but only 2 countries would fight, and is it possible, if yes well are there ‘custom rules’ that could be implemented?
Extremely green players
Which country do you beleive is the easiest to operate for a player with little experince and no WW2 knowledge?
Spain :-D
If the other players are experienced, they should just help the new player along, and prevent him from making any game-breaking decisions. I think the new player can operate any country, assuming they know all the basic rules.
my pick would be the United States. there is little to no chance of being invaded.
my pick would be the United States. there is little to no chance of being invaded.
Yeah, I almost said the same thing before, but then I thought about all the amphibious, planning, and coordinating with allies.
If not Spain, maybe Antarctica? Give him a transport and a dude down there. Maybe in round 4 or so he can make a difference. -
i normally give them italy
it’s the smallest country, sure, but they get to fool around with a navy (until someone decides to destroy it), all the naval combat and such, amphibious assults if there is no egy G1
They can expand into Africa, and provide can opener for Germany, or defend FranceA couple of things for them to do, not too complex, and this way, their wasting only 10-20 of the Axis IPC’s, whereas with another country they could be wasting a lot more
Spain :-D
Long live to Spanish Republic! Franco go home! :lol:
More seriously, USSR. It’s better for a novice because naval strats are usually too confusing
The guys here have all made excellent, excellent points.
It just doesn’t make sense to give a green player German, Japan, or UK. Otherwise, there are good reasons for the rest of them.
Or, you could just put him in charge of the Red October. :lol: -
Thanks friends.
in more seriousness, Italy or Russia.
All under careful observation of the Allied team.