• Atomic Bombs could only be produced in certain laboratories, so I thought of a better way (perhaps) to do this Atomic Bomb Tech.

    Chart 3 - Nuclear Research – You may roll on this cart from Turn 1, but you get the techs in the order that they are in instead of being random.

    1. Nuclear Research Lab - You may now purchase Nuclear Research Labs.  Each one costs 15 IPCs to build, and may be built on any territory which you control.  If the territory is captured by an opponent, then they both gain control of the Lab and gain all of the Nuclear technologies which you have researched up to that point.  Yes, I do understand that this adds another piece to the game.

    2. Atomic Bomb – Each of your Nuclear Research Labs may now produce 1 Atomic Bomb per turn.  These have the following stats.

    Atomic Bomb
    0    Attack
    0    Defense
    0    Movement points – may only be moved by bombers, transports, destroyers, cruisers, and/or battleships during the non-combat move phase.
    7    IPC cost

    3. Atomic Bombers - Your Bombers may now perform Atomic Bombing Runs.

    Atomic Bombing Runs – Any of your bombers which started the turn in a territory containing an Atomic Bomb may, during your Combat Phase, load 1 Atomic Bomb and perform an “Atomic Bombing Run” on a territory.  This Atomic Bombing Run may either target an IC or it may target units.  Ignore aa fire for the purposes of Atomic Bombing Runs.

    1. Against ICs:  roll 4d6 – The 3 highest dice’s total = total normal damage counters applied to the IC.  The fourth die’s total = total Permanent Damage Counters applied to the IC.  For each Permanent Damage Counter maximum production value of the territory is reduced by 1.  (The territory may never have more than half (rounded up) as many Permanent Damage Counters as the IPC value of the country.  (i.e. Japan may never have more than 4 Permanent Damage Counters on its IC, but India could have up to 2 Permanent Damage Counters on its IC.)

    2. Against units:  Roll 1d6 - that many units are destroyed.  {More than half (rounded up) of the units in the territory may NOT be destroyed by 1 Atomic bomb in this way.  (i.e. if a territory has 9 units in a territory, and you roll a 6, then you only destroy 5 units.}  This use can only be used in strafing attacks.  i.e. You can’t do this along with land units attacking a territory, but you could have other air units attacking or even other Atomic Bombing Runs attacking the same territory.

    Atomic Rockets – Your Rockets may now perform Atomic Rocket Attacks instead of their normal rocket attacks if you so choose.  (Obviously, if you don’t have the Rocket tech, then this tech is useless to you.)

    Atomic Rocket Attacks – During your Combat Phase, choose a territory up to 3 squares away from the rocket.  This Atomic Rocket Attack may only target ICs.

    1. Against ICs:  roll 4d6 – The 3 highest dice’s total = total normal damage counters applied to the IC.  The fourth die’s total = total Permanent Damage Counters applied to the IC.  For each Permanent Damage Counter maximum production value of the territory is reduced by 1.  (The territory may never have more than half (rounded up) as many Permanent Damage Counters as the IPC value of the country.  (i.e. Japan may never have more than 4 Permanent Damage Counters on its IC, but India could have up to 2 Permanent Damage Counters on its IC.)

  • @Imperious:

    So i propose we just add a new forth category of  Atomic research level 1, 2 and 3. 1 and 2 do nothing and 3 gets you the bomb as long as you have one additional tech that becomes ‘the delivery system’: The cost of each research could be altered to 8 per or 10 per due to the high costs of this research.

    Heavy bombers allows the delivery system to be by the bomber

    Rockets allows you to shoot the A-bomb as per rocket rules

    Heavy Artillery can also be considered as a delivery system

    Also forgot to mention AA guns should have no effect on bombers dropping the weapon. The altitude required to drop such a weapon is way out of the AA gun range, not to mention the rules is you can only build one at a time and to lose it would be a huge waste.

    yes, these are good research rules. I love atomic artillery.
    Atomic Bombers should be able to be shot down by interceptors though, right?
    and 8 IPCs is high enough.

    Again here is my suggestion for the atomic bomb stats

    Cost: 15, only one can be built by each country each turn.
    Movement: Infinitenly across land
    can be delivered by advanced artillery, rockets, heavy bomber.

    players chooses between military targets or cites if it is in an IC zone. Otherwise it is against military targets
    Against Military targets: roll four dice and hits are score on a four or less. After the combat round in which the atom bomb is used the combat stops, and the attacker must retreat unless he has killed all the defenders.

    Against Cities: 3dice damage IC temporarily, and 1 D6 damages it permenently.

    After an atomic bomb attack, the atom bomb is it destroyed

  • yep

  • So Bardoly, question about the rules, i want to make sure I understand the timeline for it…

    –if from turn 1 you can research labs, you could potentially get them turn 1–
    –turn 1 then you potentially build a lab during buy units phase?
    –turn 2 you could research the bomb?, and potentially buy one if successful
    –turn 3 you could research atomic bombers to deliver, build them and
    –turn 4 drop a bomb…

    –i don’t think it’s too long or short, because it’s a very best case scenario for 4 turns to have all that happen.  just want to make i was on the same page.

    i think it puts some nice legs to the 1-2-3 levels, the placement of actual lab pieces could be optional i suppose, i could also see the capture giving them the lab tech, but maybe not all associated techs.

  • @LuckyDay:

    So Bardoly, question about the rules, i want to make sure I understand the timeline for it…

    –if from turn 1 you can research labs, you could potentially get them turn 1–
    –turn 1 then you potentially build a lab during buy units phase?
    –turn 2 you could research the bomb?, and potentially buy one if successful
    –turn 3 you could research atomic bombers to deliver, build them and
    –turn 4 drop a bomb…

    –i don’t think it’s too long or short, because it’s a very best case scenario for 4 turns to have all that happen.  just want to make i was on the same page.

    i think it puts some nice legs to the 1-2-3 levels, the placement of actual lab pieces could be optional i suppose, i could also see the capture giving them the lab tech, but maybe not all associated techs.

    Well, theoretically speaking, you could even do it by turn 3, but the odds against it would be quite high.

    Turn 1 - Purchase researchers, get a breakthrough, research Nuclear Labs, purchase and build a lab.

    Turn 2 - Purchase researchers, get a breakthrough, research Atomic Bomb, purchase and build an Atomic Bomb.

    Turn 3 - Purchase researchers, get a breakthrough, research Atomic Bombers, do an Atomic Bombing Run with a bomber which you already control.  Of course, probably not many territories would be in range for either Japan or the US this early.

    I think that you are right about the capture of a Nuclear Research Lab giving them the Nuclear Research Lab tech instead of all of their Nuclear techs to date.

  • Has anyone thought of having A-bombs destroy IC and aa guns (scorched earth)?  These are the only indestructible units (unless aa gun is on trn and is sunk).

    I think having A-bomb destroy IC and aa gun, and having the territory no longer provide IPC and be unable to build a IC or units for X rounds/turns (I use rounds/turns interchangeably, meaning full cycle of countries) would be a great idea but the tech would have to be hard to obtain with a max of one or two per game (sort of like an arms race, the country that gets it first has access to it).

    And to stay with OOB rules, we could do a tech tree as some people suggested, needing all three techs: 1) rockets, 2)LRA, 3) Heavy bombers and then unlocking A-bomb tech, requires a roll (cost 10 but not cumulative (one shot), limited to 1 per round) of three dice with all three being the same number (111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666).

    The #'s will determine the cost and length of time needed to build it.

    111= 2 rounds, cost of 20, limit of 1 attempt to build it per game, takes up 1 production capacity
    222= 2 rounds, cost of 18, limit of 1 attempt to build it per game, takes up 2 production capacity
    333= 2 rounds, cost of 16, limit of 1 attempt to build it per game, takes up 3 production capacity
    444= 3 rounds, cost of 14, limit of 2 attempt to build it per game, takes up 4 production capacity
    555= 3 rounds, cost of 12, limit of 2 attempt to build it per game, takes up 5 production capacity
    666= 3 rounds, cost of 10, limit of 2 attempt to build it per game, takes up 6 production capacity

    Research and breakthroughs have some luck involved so that’s included in reflected on dice rolls.

    So if you are the first to obtain the A-bomb tech, and you roll 111 through 333, only one country gets an attempt at building it.

    444-666 means that until there are two attempts to build A-bombs, other countries can try to obtain the tech and build it.

    The A-bomb build attempt can be disrupted if the capital of the country falls or the place where the A-bomb is being built falls

    • Limitation being, A-bombs can’t be built on any territory with less than 3 IPC value, requires an IC, and a new bomber has to be built from the same place as the A-bomb is being built.
      Also, it takes one extra round to load the A-bomb onto the bomber.  And it has to A-bomb a territory with an IC on it, and in a single run (no stop overs) but is able to expend 8 movement points to get to the target (kamikazi).

  • ok this a very complicated but it seems your saying:

    1. get the prerequisite techs as previously outlined.

    2. spend 10 IPC for a one time roll ( it does not continue every turn) and you need to roll 3 dice getting all the same number ( like a combination to a lock…kinda)

    3. once you obtain the required pips, you pay the additional IPC and you will get the bomb in X turns.

    Also, it takes one extra round to load the A-bomb onto the bomber.

    also why is this a rule? Where do you see the need for such a rule? Each turn is 6 months, so how does it take that long to put the a-bomb under the fuselage of a bomber?

  • @gnasape:

    Has anyone thought of having A-bombs destroy IC and aa guns (scorched earth)?  These are the only indestructible units (unless aa gun is on trn and is sunk).

    I think having A-bomb destroy IC and aa gun, and having the territory no longer provide IPC and be unable to build a IC or units for X rounds/turns (I use

    this idea has come up,
    but it is not refelctive of what atomic weapons were historically.
    Even if each bomb piece represented 6 bombs, it would not permenently take out all of a countries industrial production and capacity for six months.

  • IL,

    I added the one about extra round just in case people deemed it too powerful.


    ok this a very complicated but it seems your saying:

    1. get the prerequisite techs as previously outlined.

    2. spend 10 IPC for a one time roll ( it does not continue every turn) and you need to roll 3 dice getting all the same number ( like a combination to a lock…kinda)

    3. once you obtain the required pips, you pay the additional IPC and you will get the bomb in X turns.

    Also, it takes one extra round to load the A-bomb onto the bomber.

    also why is this a rule? Where do you see the need for such a rule? Each turn is 6 months, so how does it take that long to put the a-bomb under the fuselage of a bomber?

  • @Emperor_Taiki:


    Has anyone thought of having A-bombs destroy IC and aa guns (scorched earth)?  These are the only indestructible units (unless aa gun is on trn and is sunk).

    I think having A-bomb destroy IC and aa gun, and having the territory no longer provide IPC and be unable to build a IC or units for X rounds/turns (I use

    this idea has come up,
    but it is not refelctive of what atomic weapons were historically.
    Even if each bomb piece represented 6 bombs, it would not permenently take out all of a countries industrial production and capacity for six months.

    It did end the war for Japan.  It did sap the will to fight seeing mass destruction caused by the A-bomb, you can rebuild factories but can you easily rebuild the will of the people?  IC and IPC’s to me represents the war commitment of the whole country.  I think this has enough hoops that by the time when you get it it’s games over for Axis or Allies.

  • @gnasape:

    It did end the war for Japan.  It did sap the will to fight seeing mass destruction caused by the A-bomb, you can rebuild factories but can you easily rebuild the will of the people?  IC and IPC’s to me represents the war commitment of the whole country.  I think this has enough hoops that by the time when you get it it’s games over for Axis or Allies.

    thats a great point, and brings up the question of what does the IPC accually represents. Because Axis and Allies does have really have any political rules, I prefer IPCs to simiply represent industrial production and the player to represent the countires leadership as well as the will of its people.

    One of my main supports for the IPC just representing indutrial production is that if each infantry represents an army, then the US player would lose many hundreds of thousands of lives in the game. This would have definently sapped the US’s will to fight, but that does not show up in reduced IPCs.

    I also think it is fun for a player to have total control over his people and not be bothered by politics.

  • I think the A-bomb has alot to do with national resolve. This goes beyond the destruction but also demonstrates the vitality of such a huge weapon in terms of its effect on people.

    I would say perhaps a nation must roll a d6 and surrender on a 1
    if a second bomb is dropped its a 2 or less
    third 3 or less…

    well you get it.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I also think it is fun for a player to have total control over his people and not be bothered by politics.


    I would say perhaps a nation must roll a d6 and surrender on a 1…

    Irreconciliable differences?

    Perhaps, if a Victory Point system is in play it could provide the incentive: “I can quit now with more VPs or keep on fighting until every last territory glows in the dark”

    So in effect you win (amongst the losers) if you don’t drag out the inevitable.

  • well in any case KISS standard should apply. Everything must ‘look’ like something Larry would design and integrate with the game and not interfere with existing rules ( or as minimal as possible). That would convey maximum support to players of all types who prefer very small changes.

  • @allboxcars:


    I would say perhaps a nation must roll a d6 and surrender on a 1…

    I could go for something like this, although I dont see why national resovle would weaken exponentialy with the increased atom bombs.

    And allboxcars, I do like the victory point idea and individual victory, could you elaborate on exactly what you have been thinking about, so that people might not decided to fight to the death or still have reason to fight when they are outnumbered.

    You should make a new topic about it

  • @Bardoly:

    Well, theoretically speaking, you could even do it by turn 3, but the odds against it would be quite high.

    cool, thanks Bardoly.

    IL’s idea about the 1 d6 with a one to surrender could give the political aspects in a very simplified model, while Bardoly’s tech tree gives a simple flow to research and the 4d6/1d6 bombings of ICs/units gives a simple picture into the damage it produces.  this balance between over-complicating either side could give both aspects of the war and still be fun to use and stick close to LH’s ideas. 
      and if we keep atomic bombers at a range of 6 for normal (without LRA), then it would only be Europe that could glow in the dark potentially by round 3.

  • I dont really like the research labs and it does not realy makes sence that atomic bomers is its own tech when heavy bombers is a tech.

    It would be stupid If there were bunch of A bombs on the board but could not be used becasue there were no bombers for them.

    I like IL’s research rules better as they are pretty straight forward and even include atomic artillery, which also makes adavnced artillery a better tech and makes both breakthrough charts more balanced.

  • well remember the 1 surrender increses by one with the droping of each A-BOMB, so eventually the enemy will surrender after 3-4 of these gems.

    Also, if you have super subs you may include a new delivery system for the Atomic Bomb. Germans had considered this because they wanted to get a V-2 to Washington by launching it from a sub.

    So you need:

    Heavy Bomber for air delivery by plane
    Advanced Artillery ( like an atomic railgun) for land delivery
    Super Subs for sea delivery
    Rockets for long range air delivery

  • @Imperious:

    Also, if you have super subs you may include a new delivery system for the Atomic Bomb. Germans had considered this because they wanted to get a V-2 to Washington by launching it from a sub.

    Really? thats awesome! i would say the subs have a range of one on delivering those and atomic artillery have to be attacking the territory  it launches it in.

    I dont like that the liklyhood of surrendering increases for each A-bomb dropped,

    a population could potentionally endure it indefinently or become use to  a-bombs as part of conventional warfare, so i think that should show up in the game.

    I would think do to the shock value of the new weapon the likely hood of surrendering should be the highest the very first time the bomb is used. And also the surrender roll should only aply if the bomb is used in a stratigic attack, and you cannot stratigic attack a territory that now has a IPC value 0.

    One example would to support this would be that
    If Japan had not surrendered after the first two bombs were dropped it would problably have been a sign that the Japanes leadership and many Japanese citizens were prepared to fight to the death even if it meant the destruction of their whole country.

  • OK when bomb dropped:

    1= surrender
    2= IPC reduced permanently by 2 D6
    3-4= IPC reduced permanently by 1 D6
    5-6= no builds for one turn in territory hit by bomb, IPC not reduced permanently.

    how bout this rolled each turn the bomb is dropped?

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