Don’t forget that it’s just as crazy for a country to take a territory away from another country, gain the IPCs for the territory, and then the other country take it right back on their turn and gain the same IPCs as well. Think France in AA50 - Germany collects 6 IPCs (+5 NO IPCs) on it’s turn, then UK captures France and also collects 6 (+5 NO IPCs), Italy liberates France (collects +5 NO IPCs), and then the US re-captures France on it’s turn collecting 6 (+5 NO IPCs). So, in one turn, France produced at least 18 IPCs (38 IPCs if you count the NO’s.) Now which is more crazy? A morale boost because the German submarine wolfpacks are winning the Battle for the Atlantic? or one territory - France in one round of play producing as many IPCs as any 1 other country normally would? (except Godzilla Japan of course :-P)
Actually, I believe that if Italy liberated France, then it reverts to German control and no IPCs are given out at that time for it, so it’s just the two Allied invasions that garner additional IPCs.
However, the multiple combing of the French countryside for IPCs is a game mechanic problem of another matter. Perhaps collecting IPCs for everyone only once at the end of a round would the proper way to collect them, but trying to fix production ability by turning it into goodwill and determination will probably create another new problem.
In AAE, Convoy Zones represent materials being transported from off-board territories (South Africa to UK for instance). In AAP, there is some of this, as well as zones for say Borneo, if you control Borneo, but not the waters around it, you don’t get the income. For AA50, this would need to be the better model of the two as the whole world is shown. This would encourage naval play and reward the masters of the high seas.
However, a third option is simply that there are zones that would have been popular transport routes to ICs and countries. Enemy vessels could attack shipping here to do damage enroute from other territories, hence the amount of IPCs is reduced from the controlling players hand.