I’d rather have playability over realism. That’s not to say you can’t have both, but if you tie things to closely to the realism side you end up with a boring one sided game.
On the flip side, if we go too far it would be equally as bad to have a game that is always decided in the Pac instead of Europe.
I don’t like the idea of VCs and I think most players like to take Capitals. Call it an old M84 bias, but people like marching into Capitals and building big armies to win, not playing to build a few trans to sneak a few Island VCs that may take 2 turns to get back but you only have the current US turn to do so.
IMO, its a plain and simple cheap win (exception time based games) just like M84.
To truely encourage a World Wide game, it must be equally likely for Ger-Mos to fall as it would be for Tokyo-WUS and it must happen within the same time frame, otherwise one will be viewed as “easier” whether it is or not.
You also can’t go overboard with ticky tack rules and over complicating things too much, like minor powers or non-aggression treaties or specializing too many units (exception: Tech).
Some of my fixes would include:
-Add a Sz to prevent the Ecan-Alg one turn shuck
-All Pac Islands worth at least 1 IPC.
-Key islands like HI, Sol, Mid, Wake worth more (2-4 ipc). You don’t need a VC if you make them worth enough IPC. Example, France isn’t valueable b/c its a VC, it is valuable b/c it is worth 6 ipc.
-Make WUS worth 8 IPC (equal to Japan), give the US potential production cap issue.
-Give China back to the US but divide it up into 3-4 ter. Make one worth 2 ipc, the others worth 1.
-Give Russia an arm or 2 (or rt) in the Eve area. Not able to make a rd 1 attack but gives the player the freedom to move either East or West pending their strategy.
-Make Egy a “gimmie” for Ger on Rd 1 (maybe 3 inf, 1 rt, 1 arm vs. 1 inf, 1 arm) and not counterable by UK.
-Rebalance the Middle East and India. I would think you want India “holdable” for the UK for a 2-3 rds without reinforcements. Maybe drop it to a 2 ipc territory but beef up initial forces.
-Alternative: Start Japan extremely weak on Asia, but strong in the Pac. Maybe they only start with 2-4 inf on Asia that are able to attack. Maybe they start tran and navy heavy but extremely light on ground troops.
I’m sure I could think of more, but in any case it would have to be massively play tested and quite honestly play testers can’t compete with the numbers of games that can be played online in a 1 vs. 1 format.
My final Alt that I’ve mentioned in another thread or two would be to split the US into 2 separate players, an East and West US player. West US gets China. You’d have to rebalance IPC but if you had the WUS coming out to 18-20 ipc (not including taking any J islands) and EUS coming out to 22-28 (not including any gains in Afr or Eu) you can essentially mandate a specific % split of US resources to the appropriate theatre.