Axis and Allies 1942 Edition Fact Sheet ( AA42)

  • Even this is the fact sheet thread, speculations are always entertaining.

    I really hope all new unit costs make it into AA42, AA gun is not so important, the naval rules have been confirmed, and so probably AA42 will have the same naval units costs as AA50. I do hope that bombers will be priced @12.

    The new SBR rules are better than the old ones, so it should be included. I don’t expect any NO system similar to AA50, even if it’s an optional rule, it is perceived as too complex for an updated version of Revised. As for new TTs, probably not, but with only one or two new TTs, this would be a great improvement.

    I didn’t think of a new setup in AA42 which differs a lot from Revised. There might be some CAs, and 2 more German units in Africa to make a better balance.

  • Ahh your right,

    I should only have a base map, with no changes from the AAR setup…
    thanks for the input.  I will go back and edit my previous post.

    I will edit out-remove the Speculative comments,
    on Setup Changes, and leave it with just what we know so far,

    a base map, with the new CA Naval unit listed on the Turn Purchase Key.
    I will not deploy the CA, since we won’t know until some info is released.

  • Cruisers are in this version.

  • Great job as always, Bluestroke

    However, you put ice next to West Canada coast. You could ferry units from Japan to Wcan in one step in Revised. Not in anny. I really hope z63 is ice free again. Also, I would like a new territory between West USA and Wcan, and WUSA reduced to 8 IPCs

    I think those changes would make the ignore Japan strat impossible  :-)

  • Nice map-work! But I do think the final AA42 map will be much closer to the AA50 map and the AA50-42 set-up. NWE, CZE might be removed and NWY/FIN and BLK/BUL merged as well as China reduced to 4 or 5 territories, but otherwise I can’t see why all other things can’t be in AA42. The larger Pacific and Siberian areas especially should be what Larry wants the game to be like. Maybe it’s because almost no-one’s playing the AA50-42 scenario that we’re seeing this game…  :wink:  (Of course less complexity as well, with China, Italy and NOs being cut off.)

  • We still got no confirmation if AA42 has any more TTs than Revised. At least we should get some small info about TTs, and new rule changes from Revised.

    I doubt that there will many new TTs, maybe a few. Other speculation is rule changes, I hope AA42 will have the new SBR rules and bombers @12. In Revised, bmrs was not bought.

    Hopefully IL can get some info from the chimps at Wotc, but they’re probably busy eating bananas rather than promoting the new main A&A game.

  • I have had this idea on how to make the Pacific Theater larger scale, despite a smaller map…

    If both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres were moved westward, decreasing space for Eastern USA, and increasing the area in the Pacific.

    And from there, add some extra territories and add some smaller victory cities in the Pacific, giving the USA and Japan more incentive to fight it out in the Pacific.

    Also, and even though we know Italy and China won’t be involved, but they could have made them sub-moves. Italy a sub-move of the Germans. And China a sub move of the Soviets(makes more sense then sub-move of the US). This way, there really wouldn’t be cluttering, and they could still be involved.

  • @Funcioneta:

    Great job as always, Bluestroke

    However, you put ice next to West Canada coast. You could ferry units from Japan to Wcan in one step in Revised. Not in anny. I really hope z63 is ice free again. Also, I would like a new territory between West USA and Wcan, and WUSA reduced to 8 IPCs

    I think those changes would make the ignore Japan strat impossible  :-)

    Thank you,
    I have updated the map and removed the ice field to allow access to Western Canada from Sea Zone 63.  I also made Los Angeles the Victory city again, instead of San Francisco in Western USA.
    This is funny, while making the AA50PlayerAid Maps I forgot to close this Ice Field.  Now going back to AA42, I forgot to reopen it.

  • eaglex72,

    Have you tried out TripleA?  It’s a computerized form of axis and allies.  Saves a lot of time for setup and is easier to play online.

  • I never tried it.

    I read about it here, it seems really cool.

    Thank you for your suggestion. I have to research more about it.  :mrgreen:

  • So, only one more month until release!

    No more information is released yet  :-(

    Can’t wait for this game, it will be great!  :mrgreen:

  • IL, did you ever hear of AH coming out with a new computer game version for AA42 like Hasbro did on the original one?

    Or is there an online AA game you are fimaliar with that you can recommend?

    The revised AA42 should be sweet, and I like the revised price as well. :-D

    I would like to see the option of Italy being seperate as this was unique in the AA50 and it worked. That would cover both preferences for everyone. :-D

    It could be an optional set-up and you would have to buy the extra Italian pieces as an expansion set. Or maybe they can come up with a couple of expansion sets, depending upon feedback and demand. :-)

    Keep up the good work! 8-)


  • no software is being created. But try where you can play a proper version of revised and not have to deal with LL people or other stuff thats not part of the game.

  • @Imperious:

    no software is being created. But try where you can play a proper version of revised and not have to deal with LL people or other stuff thats not part of the game.

    Thanks, I will check it out to see. 8-)

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I just got an update on the release date from the PR person at Avalon Hill.

    The release date is August 18, 2009.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Also, it looks like I’ll be getting a review copy of the game a couple of weeks before the release.

  • @djensen:

    Also, it looks like I’ll be getting a review copy of the game a couple of weeks before the release.

    Will you be able to share any details when you get it?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Yes of course but I’ll only have a few days to do it. I’ll be crunched with some other things during early August.

  • Well then just make pictures of the pieces and map and perhaps some player aids?

    The article can wait till your ready, while pictures tell alot in quick order.

  • Lets all give djensen some + karmas for this great news  :-)

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