Presumably the details are set in stone, otherwise the game wouldn’t have been announced.
Still, I would like to see:
Collect money at start of turn; hopefully getting rid of toy notes suggests this may happen.
Neutrals: this can be done simply: give each neutral an appropriate number of units in defence. These need not be placed on the board at set-up, so when the country is attacked it joins the opposing alliance, who take it over. If it survives or is liberated it can be treated as occupied by it’s allies for game purposes.
A simple system of “spheres of influence” decides which neutral is controlled by which ally, who gets its income and any surviving units. This eliminates any need for neutral unit pieces.
There should be no cash penalty; the attacker has to balance the gain of the territory against the cost in units of attacking it.
New tank types as well as moulds so we can use new and old types as medium and heavy units, with possibly the same for bombers, fighters (for long-range units) and artillery.
The eastern front drawn correctly, with a more or less straight line from Leningrad - Don instead of that hideous fictional “bulge” jutting into Russia.
Western Europe drawn correctly with north west Germany in Germany, not Western Europe.
Suez canal drawn correctly with the canal wholly within Egypt, not along the Egypt/Levant border.
Moscow in western Russia, with another Soviet IC in the Urals.
Australia and UK Pacific territories controlled by USA is historically correct for 1942 and should enliven the Pacific war, with possibly a limited production IC in Sydney.
Japanese-Soviet pact as at least an option to prevent the dreary JTDTM.
Above all, GET RID OF THE OLD CAPTURE-THE-CAPITOL RULES. Without doing this every game will inevitably revolve around who can cram the most units into the Moscow-Stalingrad area quickly enough.