• AA42 will have its own forum and sub forum for strategy. Its not Revised or AA50. Its different.

    I have no idea why they made another global AA game. I hope its like a deluxe version of Revised, but it cant be because of the price. I know for a fact that its not revised but its using the map from it but it will be different.

    I think this limited edition thing is kinda weird, but its promoting multiple projects and thats a good thing.

    The name is kinda ridiculous also.

  • @Imperious:

    AA42 will have its own forum and sub forum for strategy. Its not Revised or AA50. Its different.

    I have no idea why they made another global AA game. I hope its like a deluxe version of Revised, but it cant be because of the price. I know for a fact that its not revised but its using the map from it but it will be different.

    I think this limited edition thing is kinda weird, but its promoting multiple projects and thats a good thing.

    The name is kinda ridiculous also.

    The most surprising thing to me is that it sorta came out of nowhere… if it wasn’t for the retailers announcing it, we’d have no idea about it.  And we thought they gave too little promotion on AA50… one day you’ll walk into a store and find some A&A game you never heard of if this keeps up  :|

    It’s using the map from revised, as in, the same map identically?  That’s quite strange.  So it’s not revised, but it has the same map, same nations, same price… maybe it will be a boxed set that comes with LHTR!  … :oops:

  • its not revised. It says new units AND new Sculpts. Which means Plural of more than one new type of unit…so its not even revised. Plus it says modified rules.

    I think its the deluxe version of Revised that we were asking from larry back in 2005-7. It may be all new pieces or it may just be what we got in AA50 sans Italy. Its got to be a new map but very close to Revised.

    Perhaps the tokens are thicker and the player aids are better quality and map is larger too?

  • Well, isn’t the blurb they gave exactly identical to the one they gave with Revised?  Perhaps they just recycled the Revised blurb and therefore we don’t really know ANYTHING about it… dunno.

  • well for starters its got 370 pieces and Revised had 366 pieces.

    Its got similar script, but the chimps at WOTC always do the minimal work effort and probably just took the script from Revised and tweaked it just to get the job done … which was to give the company’s that are selling it something to have for their pre-order sales.

  • @Imperious:

    well for starters its got 370 pieces and Revised had 366 pieces.

    Its got similar script, but the chimps at WOTC always do the minimal work effort and probably just took the script from Revised and tweaked it just to get the job done … which was to give the company’s that are selling it something to have for their pre-order sales.

    I just wonder what those 4 extra pieces could possibly be, lol.  Unless they plan on removing other pieces to make room for more…

  • I am not surprised
    never agreed with the popular view that anniversary is the new revised

    yes anniversary is better and all that
    but it is not a replacement for revised, way too expensive

    not that Hasbro cares about Australia but its $115 vs. $50 here

  • Second, since they decided AA50 is only for the people who buy it on release date and stopped producing copies, it would cost quite a bit more than $100 at this point.  On ebay the cheapest right now is $130!  Oops.  Well, at least they are producing AA42 for people like me who missed it the first time and didn’t want to spend so much!

    This is entirely Hasbro’s fault.  Instead of superseding Revised with Anniversary, they decided that only a few people should have access to Anniversary.  They made Anniversary a limited edition game and stuck to their word.  So instead of Hasbro reaping the rewards of a game people WANT to play, it’s the secondary market which is making the killing.  Ironically, Hasbro does not make a dime from that market.

    Now as for your next question/demand… are you a moderator?  Just curious, seeing how you are telling me where I can or cannot post.

    Anybody can post anywhere.  I just question the rationale of someone who’s played A&A:50 (on Triple A no less); determined it was not worth the price of admission yet continues to troll the A&A:50 board.  You’re right.  A&A:50 is not worth $100.  It’s worth far more than that.  That is a statement the majority of visitors in this board will agree with.

    Once I played A&A:50, there was really no going back to revised for me.


    I have no idea why they made another global AA game. I hope its like a deluxe version of Revised, but it cant be because of the price. I know for a fact that its not revised but its using the map from it but it will be different.

    Hasbro would’ve been much better off making a revised edition of Europe.  With AA1942, that makes THREE versions of the Global Game (since AA1942 is not meant as a replacement to revised).  Can someone say over-saturation?

  • Customizer

    Maybe this is an expansion… I dont  know… It doesnt make sense to release another version of global AA 5 years after AA Revised…!

  • It’s pretty weird. But I could make a try and playing it (on-line of course) if China is finally well done. I could try even if China is semi-decent done, or any state of better done than in AA50  :-P

    It’s totally ilogical release this. I would be better testing AA50 more time (mainly Asian battlefield) and make it better balanced and less buggy then having 2 games, one unbalanced yet played and other that will not be played or buyed by many  :|

  • @TG:

    Anybody can post anywhere.  I just question the rationale of someone who’s played A&A:50 (on Triple A no less); determined it was not worth the price of admission yet continues to troll the A&A:50 board.  You’re right.  A&A:50 is not worth $100.  It’s worth far more than that.  That is a statement the majority of visitors in this board will agree with.

    Once I played A&A:50, there was really no going back to revised for me.

    For “the record,” I stated my friend owns a physical copy of the game.  Second, as this topic has nothing to do with AA50 but instead a new title in the series, I don’t think it’s fair to consider this “trolling the AA50” board, as this isn’t the rightful place for this topic anyway.

    The majority is not always right  :wink:  Tell me how many games have you played outside of the Axis and Allies series?

    I will agree that their time would have been better spent on an Axis and Allies Europe Revised game, but, the time spent on this new one is unknown… could have taken a few days to draw up for all we know.  Plus, I don’t think the Axis and Allies game system is well suited for a Europe conflict game (unless they go the Bulge/Guadalcanal “All New Mechanics” route) as I fail to see how it would possibly become anything but a tank rush to moscow.  Of course, I would be very happy for Larry to prove me wrong!  I think developing a better version of Pacific would be better than making a new Europe, as I think it has more potential… new naval combat rules like Guadalcanal would be great, for example.

  • @Funcioneta:

    It’s pretty weird. But I could make a try and playing it (on-line of course) if China is finally well done. I could try even if China is semi-decent done, or any state of better done than in AA50  :-P

    It’s totally ilogical release this. I would be better testing AA50 more time (mainly Asian battlefield) and make it better balanced and less buggy then having 2 games, one unbalanced yet played and other that will not be played or buyed by many  :|

    Oh please, you know most people here will buy anything with the Axis and Allies branding, including the 42 edition  :wink:  lol

    I do agree about China, the 1941 scenario was a major appeal to me but China is just horribly implemented there…  :|

  • '10

    Im always excited to see another AAA out there, but I agree that AAE needs a revision and they should have just printed more copies of AA50.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Im always excited to see another AAA out there, but I agree that AAE needs a revision and they should have just printed more copies of AA50.

    I totally agree. They should print a new version of A&A Europe with the cruiser units and the rules from A&A 50 Anniversary, and an Italian player. That would fix the issues with the present game, wich many claim to be broken.

    But I do belive that the reason WOTC release a global game first, is the fact that more people are playing Revised than Europe. And there are no doubt whatsoever that the Anniversary rules are far superior to the Revised rules, so the Revised need to be revised again.

    Now since Greg Leeds is the new boss in WOTC, and since he is a real bussines-man he will try harder to make money even if we are in the middle of a depression, he will give us a new A&A game every 4 month. In august we get A&A 1942. In january 2010 we get A&A Europe revised, and in august 2010 we get A&A Stalingrad, and in january 2011 we get A&A North Africa, and in august 2011 we get A&A the Great War 1914-1918. This is what both I and IL belive in. This is our religion.

  • yes this is religion. We believe in this!

  • For “the record,” I stated my friend owns a physical copy of the game.  Second, as this topic has nothing to do with AA50 but instead a new title in the series, I don’t think it’s fair to consider this “trolling the AA50” board, as this isn’t the rightful place for this topic anyway.

    You stated AA:50 is worth neither your money nor your time.  Yet you still follow this board.  That by definition is trolling.  The fact that this thread does not belong in this board is irrelevant.


    Im always excited to see another AAA out there, but I agree that AAE needs a revision and they should have just printed more copies of AA50.

    I would have liked it if they did print more copies of AA50.  I have a few friends who want to play A&A:50, ever since I introduced it to them, yet can’t purchase their own copies now.  It really hurts small, after-market companies like Field Marshall Games who are relying on a large installation base.


    Now since Greg Leeds is the new boss in WOTC, and since he is a real bussines-man he will try harder to make money even if we are in the middle of a depression, he will give us a new A&A game every 4 month. In august we get A&A 1942. In january 2010 we get A&A Europe revised, and in august 2010 we get A&A Stalingrad, and in january 2011 we get A&A North Africa, and in august 2011 we get A&A the Great War 1914-1918. This is what both I and IL belive in. This is our religion.

    Overkill.  I fear you might be right.

  • @TG:

    For “the record,” I stated my friend owns a physical copy of the game.  Second, as this topic has nothing to do with AA50 but instead a new title in the series, I don’t think it’s fair to consider this “trolling the AA50” board, as this isn’t the rightful place for this topic anyway.

    You stated AA:50 is worth neither your money nor your time.  Yet you still follow this board.  That by definition is trolling.  The fact that this thread does not belong in this board is irrelevant.

    Where did I say it is not worth my time?  Being not worth my money, yes, but time, no.  I’d be happy to play any Axis and Allies title, except maybe D-Day, as every game plays exactly the same, except for the die rolls.  So if I did say it was not worth my time (which I don’t believe I did), that was an error on my part.

    Also here is the definition of trolling, for you:

    An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]

    UNFORTUNATELY, I did provoke an “emotional response” but that was hardly my intent.

    Simply lurking a forum for something I do not own to read up on discussion is not, by definition, trolling.  Nor is posting an on-topic reply on a thread that happens to be, in itself, off-topic.

    Now, look, I understand you are somehow upset that I prefer to spend my money in a different way than you do, but I would really prefer if we could stop this bickering and get the thread back on topic.  :-D



    Im always excited to see another AAA out there, but I agree that AAE needs a revision and they should have just printed more copies of AA50.

    I totally agree. They should print a new version of A&A Europe with the cruiser units and the rules from A&A 50 Anniversary, and an Italian player. That would fix the issues with the present game, wich many claim to be broken.

    But I do belive that the reason WOTC release a global game first, is the fact that more people are playing Revised than Europe. And there are no doubt whatsoever that the Anniversary rules are far superior to the Revised rules, so the Revised need to be revised again.

    Now since Greg Leeds is the new boss in WOTC, and since he is a real bussines-man he will try harder to make money even if we are in the middle of a depression, he will give us a new A&A game every 4 month. In august we get A&A 1942. In january 2010 we get A&A Europe revised, and in august 2010 we get A&A Stalingrad, and in january 2011 we get A&A North Africa, and in august 2011 we get A&A the Great War 1914-1918. This is what both I and IL belive in. This is our religion.

    But, what about a revised Pacific???  Do you think such a game will never exist?  :?  That would benefit far more from the new sea rules than Europe would.  I’m not sure I follow why revised Europe is in so much more demand than Pacific.  I mean, Europe is completely broken as the strategy every n00b would want to try first as Germany (LOL TANKS) is practically unbeatable, but the Japan India Crush in Pacific is equally ridiculous IMO.  Of course, the difference would be that Japan has alternative paths to victory in Pacific, while Germany either tank rushes or dies.

    If they could make a Europe where tank rush wasn’t broken, I would be very impressed though.  Would be quite a game… I just can’t imagine how it’s possible.

  • You stated AA:50 is worth neither your money nor your time.  Yet you still follow this board.  That by definition is trolling.  The fact that this thread does not belong in this board is irrelevant.

    lets not go down this road please…

  • 2004 Revised is out of print and since AH made lots of these and still sold out, they decided to make another version (think risk) and will update it to make the investment worth while. So expect to find a perfectly written rules and balanced game and no need for house rules. Expect quality pieces even greater than AA50. Expect a new map but having the same configuration as revised. Expect a few more things as well.

  • @Imperious:

    2004 Revised is out of print and since AH made lots of these and still sold out, they decided to make another version (think risk) and will update it to make the investment worth while. So expect to find a perfectly written rules and balanced game and no need for house rules. Expect quality pieces even greater than AA50. Expect a new map but having the same configuration as revised. Expect a few more things as well.

    No!  Don’t make me expect all of those things!  My wallet is already feeling the (slight) pain!  :-D

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