All infantry on R1: does it still apply?

  • Buying all inf is not necessary if G1 indicates less aggressive attacks against Russia. In my only game, Germany built a tranny on G1 and wasn’t set up to take Karelia on G2, so I bought 1 fig and 4 tanks. It ended up working well, as i captured Poland on R4, reinforced the U.S. in Italy on R5, and crushed Japan before they got through China on R5.

    An Axis surrender happened quickly after  :-D

  • If you only buy infantry, then you can retreat from territory to territory to Sibir.

    If you buy a mix with tanks and artillery too, (like the 4 inf/1 art/1 tank combo) then you can do some power projecting against weak German positions. Soon you will be in Berlin, visiting IL.

  • no punch for Russia, 10 inf will bury you quickly.  I like 2 inf art 4 arm and 5 inf 3 arm but it’s all taste… just watch out for those extremes they don’t get you very far.

  • It depends, if going for a KGF i will go all armor, all the time.  KJF or balanced then i try for 1 fig, 4 inf, 2 art.  But in KGF honestly you already have enough inf to block for the first 2-3 turns you should build as many armor as you can afford (buying inf to round off your builds, like turn 2 you typically have 31 IPCs, i buy 5 arm, 2 inf).

  • latley I have found the 10 inf build a viable option (maybe not optimal).  If Russia sends a significant portion of her units for Eastern theater speed bumps (China, Persia, Bury, etc) than a 10 inf build against Germany seems like one of the more sound options on the table, in order to make up for lost manpower sent towards Japan.  Though this option can put Russia on the defensive pretty quickly, which may not inherently be an awful thing.

  • A buy of 2-3 fighters + infantry for remaining seem like a good idea. What do you think? With the aircraft, you have mobility in your attack, and you lose 0 material (Russia can send infantry wave after wave!). Granted, one aircraft is the price of 2 tanks. But in the long run, you might be saving some IPC

    I haven’t played a game yet, so not sure if it is a good idea or not


  • Yes, Russia can send waves of infantry, but the idea is not to see them as expendable.  Stalin could do that because Russia had a population six times as large as Germany.  However, in A&A, Germany has significantly more IPCs than Russia, meaning Russia can’t waste anything.  What was a less than optimal strategy in real life is suicide in Axis and Allies.

  • I’ve seen a lot of post indicating building Russian offensive power is the key. I guess it depends on what scenario you’re talking about but I like building all Russian inf on Turn 1 and have been very successful with it. I agree that it depends on what Germany does turn 1 but still think this is a viable option. It kinda dictates to the German player which territories he attacks. Germany can’t attack both north and south effectively. So they have to chose. And the Russian players builds as much inf in the way of the German advance as possible and then bleeds the German player of inf, forcing him to attack Russian inf w/tanks. By that time the Allies should be taking territories, resources, bombing Germany, etc… and then the German player starts to die. Especially if the US has a KGF strategy. Then, the Russian player can start building offensive weapons. And, the extra inf in the early turns gives the Russian player extra inf for the defense of China and it’s backside.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I don’t think all inf is the best buy in Revised or in this game.  It’s not a bad buy…just not a great one.  If your inf/art and inf/armor ratios are too high, then either you don’t counterattack and thus get less IPCs per turn…or you lose more inf then you should in counterattacks because you aren’t bringing enough punch.

  • I do not think so.  I like to buy a bomber and 6 inf and hustle Italy to East poland for a r4 strike at Russia.  I have noticed that as soon as russia goes on the offensive it seems to spell the doom of germany just my .02.

  • I agree w/the offensive punch buy in later rounds, even Round 2. Just not in Round 1. By buying all inf in Round 1, it gives you 10 to 11 inf in Karelia, plus 4 Caucasus and 4 in Russia. Then, buy offensive weapons in later rounds to go w/all those inf you have. By buying offensive weapson in Round 1, it doesn’t seem to give Russia enough inf to absorb all the losses it’s going to take. Plus, w/a stack of like 10 inf in Caucasus in Round 1, it’s plenty of inf to attack and take any territory in the south that the Germans have losely defended.

  • But at what cost?

    It really depends on G’s turn 1 buy as well.

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