@ckladman Yes, the game tends to favor the allies without objectives, and the axis with. To balance, you could trying giving a bid (additional starting units) to the side that is at a disadvantage, or play with objectives but reduce the payout. (3 ipcs vs 5.)
7 fighters and 3 carriers
Is it allowed to send 7 fighters after a target if only 6 of the can land on a carrier even if it is highly likely that some of the fighters will die?
I played tonight against japan who wanted to attack the us nawy with 7 fighters and land the 6 of them on the 3 carriers and then “forfit” the 1 remaining fighter should it be so “lucky” to survive.
nope, there MUST be a certain landing point for every air unit.
You cannot deliberately move any air unit out of range of a potential safe landing space.
Page 21 on the right side just below non combat movement.
thanks for the quick replys