That one change alone would be enough, China collects Infantry at the End of her Turn would result in +1 infantry a round at least most of the time.
Remember guys, China’s not a “real” nation to be played. The game is Germany, Italy and Japan vs England, America and Russia. China’s just there to slow down Japan but not to give America an unfair economic advantage. (before it was American soil, but now we’re talking 12 IPC worth of ground, that’s kinda a lot of money to be giving America.) So to prevent America from starting with 50+ (60 with NOs) they created China and made it a different nation. It’s still slowing Japan, but it’s not giving America added power.
hell, they don’t collect IPC, they can’t build units at factories even if the Axis build one and it’s liberated, they can’t leave their own soil (except Kwangtung/Hong Kong).
We don’t need to turn China into a playable, stand alone nation. But it does need to be buffed slightly.
Either move the fighter to Chinghai or allow China to collect infantry at the end of their round. (Or better yet, why not let China move with Russia instead of America? That way they can move their units where they want them and it prevents Japan from having a slightly biased ability to crush China.)