• OK, which AA50 Rules were actually changed?

    And by change, I mean that the rule as it existed in AAR was definitely changed in AA50.

    So which rules have been changed? Not new rules, but changed.

  • An enemy plane can’t hit a sub unless an enemy naval unit is present - right?


  • If you have a destroyer on the battle board, your planes can hit enemy subs.  As soon as the destroyer is destroyed, the subs will submerge.

  • Official Q&A

    Hmmm, that might be a good thing to have, but it may take a little while.  I’ll get back to you.

  • @Krieghund:

    Hmmm, that might be a good thing to have, but it may take a little while.  I’ll get back to you.

    What?  I don’t understand.

  • The changes are marginal except for the technology and bonus IPC.

    Just changes for China, prices and values of units, subs and transport changes.

  • Official Q&A



    Hmmm, that might be a good thing to have, but it may take a little while.  I’ll get back to you.

    What?  I don’t understand.

    A list of changes between Revised and Anniversary would be a good thing to have.  I’ll put one together, but it’ll be a couple of days before I can get to it.

  • '10

    apparently AA guns only fire when you attack their territory

  • How have the subs rules changed from AAR?

  • Official Q&A


    How have the subs rules changed from AAR?

    Subs now cost 6 IPCs instead of 8.

    The definition of a hostile sea zone has changed to a sea zone containing enemy surface warships.  Surface warships are battleships, carriers, cruisers and destroyers.  Subs are warships, but they are not surface warships.  Transports are not warships at all.  As a result, sea zones containing only enemy subs and/or transports are now considered friendly.  This has several effects.

    Subs no longer block movement of enemy ships.  Ships can move though sea zones containing only enemy subs (or transports) as though they weren’t there.  If they end a combat move in a such a sea zone, they can either attack the subs (or transports) or ignore them.  In the case of an amphibious assault, attacking them will disallow offshore bombardment, while ignoring them will allow it.  If a sea zone contains both enemy subs and surface warships, the subs can’t be ignored.

    If a ship finds itself in a sea zone containing only enemy subs (or transports) at the beginning of its turn, no action is required.  The ship has the option to stay there and attack, stay there and do nothing, move away during combat movement and attack somewhere else, or move away during noncombat movement.

    Subs’ movement can only be blocked by enemy destroyers.  Subs can end either combat or noncombat movement in a hostile sea zone.  If combat movement ends in a hostile sea zone, combat ensues.  Just as other ships can, they can attack or ignore enemy subs (or transports).

    Subs no longer prevent enemy transports from loading if they are in the same sea zone.  Sub-stalling is dead.

    There are also some changes in subs’ combat abilities.  They now defend on a 1.  In combat, air unit hits can’t be assigned to subs unless there is a destroyer friendly to the air units in the battle.

    Just as in AAR, a single enemy DD will cancel most sub special abilities.  Subs still fire before everything else if no enemy DD is present, and their casulaties are removed immediately.  However, since there is no Opening Fire step anymore, they fire with everything else if there is an enemy DD present.

    Submerging is now done at the beginning of the combat round.  A sub (attacking or defending) may submerge instead of firing.  Attacking subs choose first, then defending.  The presence of an enemy DD still cancels this ability.  This means that subs can submerge before any shots are fired unless there is an opposing DD.  Submerging simply means that they’re removed from the battle board and placed back in the contested sea zone, and there is no impact on the game beyond that.

  • shore bombardment works differently.
    1 ship per attacking land unit is allowed to fire and the bombardment casualities do fire back.

    this makes any bb strategy less viable, because you cant do bb raids with 1 inf and n bb basicaly doing some kind of sbr.

  • Could someone that has the game post the rulebook?

  • Krieg

    But if there is no destroyer, isn’t there still an Opening Fire phase?

    Also, isn’t the no air attack w/o a destroyer the same?

  • Weren’t the bombardment casualties allowed to fire back before?

  • Has the way that planes travel with carriers changed?

    Can planes stay on a non attacking carrier when that carrier moves?

    EDIT: Looks like to me it now appears that planes must leave the carrier before any carrier movement. p15
                                  Isn’t that indeed different?

  • Official Q&A


    But if there is no destroyer, isn’t there still an Opening Fire phase?

    Technically, no.  The subs get to fire or submerge before everything else, but it’s called Surprise Strike now.  There is no Opening Fire phase, but it acts the same way.

    The difference is that in Revised subs always fire in Opening Fire whether there’s an enemy DD or not.  The casualties just aren’t removed immediately if there’s a DD.  In AA50, if there’s a DD, subs fire at the same time as everything else.  It’s a subtle difference, but it affects how sub casualties are chosen.


    Also, isn’t the no air attack w/o a destroyer the same?

    No.  Air units can hit subs without a DD in Revised.  You’re thinking of Europe and Pacific.


    Weren’t the bombardment casualties allowed to fire back before?

    No.  In Revised, shore bombardment occurs in Opening Fire, so the casualties are removed before their turn to fire.


    Has the way that planes travel with carriers changed?

    Can planes stay on a non attacking carrier when that carrier moves?

    Nothing in fighter/carrier interaction has changed, except for mobilization of new units.  You can place a new fighter on an existing carrier in AA50 when you mobilize units.  Also, when mobilizing a new carrier, in Revised you can move an existing fighter from the IC territory onto it, whereas in AA50 that fighter has to end its movement in the sea zone where the carrier will be mobilized (same as in LHTR).

  • Krieg:

    Don’t now if you saw p15 of the rules about planes must leave any moving carrier

    Is than not a change?

  • @Constantinople:

    OK, which AA50 Rules were actually changed?

    And by change, I mean that the rule as it existed in AAR was definitely changed in AA50.

    So which rules have been changed? Not new rules, but changed.

    Yes, we need change. What kind of change ? Change we can belive in.

  • IL, you know the rules, no politics  :-P

    Anyway, if there is no Opening Fire phase, when do AA-guns fire ?
    During Surprise Strike ?

  • Official Q&A



    Don’t now if you saw p15 of the rules about planes must leave any moving carrier

    Is than not a change?

    No, it’s not.  It doesn’t mean that fighters must leave a moving carrier, just that if they do they launch before the carrier moves.  The wording isn’t the best, but that’s the intent.

    Anyway, even if the fighters had to launch, there’s nothing stopping them from moving to the same destination as the carrier and then landing again.  “A difference which makes no difference is no difference.”

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