Look above :wink:
Anybody interested in developing a 1940 or 1943 set up?
Thanks for the advice. When I begin this 39 set-up I know for sure where I will have to come for advice and input.
I will wait and see how you guys develop the 40 set-up, then maybe I’l think about the 1939 version of AA50. Maybe im just looking for an excuse to make French unit molds :roll: and French dice
Verry Nice map IL.
Love the pictures fades in back ground. Nice proportions and territory shapes. I also like the border specific colors.
And my holy grail, UK is at a more realistic lattitude. -
I agree with Kruppsteel, 1943 will be too defance. I want that 1940 campaign with Bismarck sinking Hood.
Very Nice map IL.
Love the pictures fades in back ground. Nice proportions and territory shapes. I also like the border specific colors.
And my holy grail, UK is at a more realistic latitude.the map is verbatum from AA50 , except i added names Sicily and Corsica because the islands were too large to ignore
IL, is it possible for you to change the file format from PDF to a bmp of jpeg format?
That would we could chop the map into smaller pieces to make a huge laminated map from it. :-D
ok ill get it done
Thanks a lot! :lol:
i cant save at Jpeg, PNG, or BMP. It prompts a memory error saying the file exceeded the capacity.
I have the original .ai file and PDF. thats it.
Shoot :cry:
That’s the error we were getting as well, but in order to chop the map into let’s say 28 identical pieces we need exact measurement on pixels. We were hoping to use your map as our final play map of our little group.
Ill try to get that by other means and post.
I also posted the PDF which has the 1941 setup on the map which would facilitate setups.