• Moderator

    Out of curiosity can someone post a picture of the Anniversary Board here? I want an idea of how it looks…


  • its all on BGG

  • Moderator

    Thanks Imperious!

  • Here is a new picture from WOTC at their website! Notice how U.K. has Eastern Poland and it doesn’t revert back to Russia and the lone German Destroyer in the Red Sea.


  • Also, I hope that they aren’t including rounded-edge dice.

    they are larry confirmed it. Thats why i bought the AA dice from Field Marshall games. I don’t need to wait 10 minutes for the dice to finish rolling thank you very much.

    I was thinking surely they would have done something better on the dice… red black… come on now

    and that set up is bogus obviously because UK owns all the eastern Europe.

  • Official Q&A


    I would suggest that it is another one of those instances where someone in marketing puts the game together for a picture, but doesn’t really know all (most) of the rules.

    Yup.  But at least they changed the number of players so that it’s correct.  It said 2-5 before.

  • That really blows about the dice.

    Well if nothing else I do have several sets of dice already. I might even have to order some of FieldMarshalGame’s snazzy AA dice.

  • dude, you gotta get at least one set of them. Its a no brainer if you play with buddies. Plus the dice can be used for all the other games

  • Nice Dice Tower :-o

  • played recently. Note: Field Marshall dice near board

  • A very keen observation IL.The control markers on the edge of the board,are those for country rankings,for the IPC’s?

  • Why are you using yellow Japanese peices? Can’t build destroyers, cruisers, or artillery? Awesome picture. Thanks for sharing.

  • What the bloody hell is that US bomber doing in China.  :-D

    And Germany still having a fleet in the Baltic…, surprising…  :?

    You guys aren’t trying to fool us now are you?  :lol:

  • Having played a few games with the GENCON set-up I’m really happy to see this play-test game. It’s quite close to what we arrived at in Northern Europe, in one of the games that we played where Germany bought a CV and a TRS on turn 1. But there are some differences on other parts of the board that I  hope represents a different set-up:

    1. Egypt hasn’t fallen. This to me speaks for a DD or CA being in the East Med in the start-up.
    2. China is still strong. This speaks for a much stronger set-up with maybe as much as 8 or 10 Chinese infantry at-start rather than the measly 4 in the GENCON pic.
    3. India is still UK and UK has a CV-led navy. This to me speaks for a stronger naval set-up for UK in the Pacific and which also adds up to the possibility of defending a built IC in India and thus for a much better balance in the game.

    Craig, I’m sure you can’t confirm or deny these comments…  :wink:

  • @Craig:

    The control markers on the edge of the board,are those for country rankings,for the IPC’s?

    Yes.  I placed an IPC track along the outer edge of the board.

    That’s a great idea.  Do you have magnets under your control markers so they don’t move around?

    Mind posting a copy of your IPC tracking strip for the rest of us, it’s a great idea.

    I’m also interested in where you got the cool clamps you use to keep the board together.  It sounds like we’re going to need something like that for the AA50 OOB map.

  • @Bierwagen:

    I’m also interested in where you got the cool clamps you use to keep the board together.  It sounds like we’re going to need something like that for the AA50 OOB map.

    thats in deed something i would also like to have!

  • @Craig:



    The control markers on the edge of the board,are those for country rankings,for the IPC’s?

    Yes.  I placed an IPC track along the outer edge of the board.

    That’s a great idea.  Do you have magnets under your control markers so they don’t move around?

    Mind posting a copy of your IPC tracking strip for the rest of us, it’s a great idea.

    I’m also interested in where you got the cool clamps you use to keep the board together.  It sounds like we’re going to need something like that for the AA50 OOB map.

    No magnets.

    The IPC track is just something I whipped up with MS Word.  Nothing special.  Just make your own chart and then cut it into long strips.

    If you look closely, I actually have a paper copy of the playtest map sandwiched between plexiglass and a piece of hardboard.  Then I just used some clips that are meant to be used on glass cabinet doors.

    I do agree that there may be a need to come up with some kind of clips to hold the map sections together but I don’t think that these are applicable.


    Why dont you fess up already. You and Larry have been playing 1v1 for months.

    How dare you hold out on us !!!  :lol:

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