Most likely I’ll schedule a game with Gargantua next week.
Hopefully next time you’re up here I’ll get to meet you in person over an A&A table. :-)
I was wondering if there was anybody here from Victoria BC Canada?
Wish i could help you out kemosabe.
i’ll be in Vancouver this wednesday until sunday for the Canadian Diabetes Association meeting . . . if you plan to be in the area, let me know. (hopefully my roommate is cool about a game :) )
unfortunitly I never go to vancouver but thanks anyways :D
i guess i’m pretty close to u. i live in nelson. :wink:
close? sure :roll:
I was wondering if there was anybody here from Victoria BC Canada?
Hey, GeZe, I’m in Victoria too!
I am in Victoria, B.C…
Officially here too, will pm you guys as I know this is rather old….
I’ve been at this site for over 10 years, and never saw this thread… LOL…
That’s because i don’t post here so there is nobody to follow around and flame. :roll: