• I read e.g. that the destroyer now is at 8 IPC with both a 2 attack and defence value. The cruiser is said to have 3/3 and costs 12 IPC. So why ever buy a cruiser if there was no other ability? 50% increase in cost at “only” an increase of 50% in hits means much less units for the some money. I.e. 2 cruisers = 3 destroyers (with 6/6), but they are one more unit!

    Do cruisers therefore have “shore-bombardement” (with or without opening-fire)?

    Subs (at 6$) with only defence value of 1 makes sence.

  • This was my question too; it doesn’t make sense unless there is a “special ability” (which was alluded to in a previous thread).  Hopefully squirecam or someone else that attended GenCon can clear this up.

  • At BGG a guy said that he was there and Cruisers bombard during Amphibious assults. Also the rule was if you only had 1 attacking unit(tank, infantry, artillery) that you could only use 1 ship to bombard. If you used 2 units then 2 ships could bombard etc….

  • @Flying:

    At BGG a guy said that he was there and Cruisers bombard during Amphibious assults. Also the rule was if you only had 1 attacking unit(tank, infantry, artillery) that you could only use 1 ship to bombard. If you used 2 units then 2 ships could bombard etc….

    Nice!  I like that.

  • IL will be pleased to hear that.  He never liked it that you could put 1 lone INF on shore and have 6 BB’s bombard the coast.

  • I have a question regarding lone transports.  If I send a fighter into combat situation and it happens to travels over transports does it kill them?  Basically, what I’m saying is does killing the tranny’s count as a combat move, or can the fig kill the tranny and still conduct combat in a different territory?

  • Official Q&A


    I have a question regarding lone transports.  If I send a fighter into combat situation and it happens to travels over transports does it kill them?  Basically, what I’m saying is does killing the tranny’s count as a combat move, or can the fig kill the tranny and still conduct combat in a different territory?

    No, you can’t kill defenseless transports en route.  It requires a dedicated combat movement, and counts as combat.

  • @Krieghund:


    I have a question regarding lone transports.  If I send a fighter into combat situation and it happens to travels over transports does it kill them?  Basically, what I’m saying is does killing the tranny’s count as a combat move, or can the fig kill the tranny and still conduct combat in a different territory?

    No, you can’t kill defenseless transports en route.  It requires a dedicated combat movement, and counts as combat.

    Thanks K!

  • @captainjack:

    This was my question too; it doesn’t make sense unless there is a “special ability” (which was alluded to in a previous thread).  Hopefully squirecam or someone else that attended GenCon can clear this up.

    Right. Cruisers bombard.

    But you still need destroyers to locate subs. IIRC, they are still the only unit that stops a sub from moving freely from zone to zone.

  • Yes great strides are being made here:

    transports are no longer considered battleships and don’t shoot back. They are not fodder so buy a real warship to soak up.

    Shore bombardments are no longer a joke so no more “every turn we launch a new invasion” just to get the benefit of free shots with bogus attacks and unhistorical outcomes.

    More realistic technology tree

    Hopefully we can hear about defender retreats in this version and less potent AA guns

  • @Imperious:

    Yes great strides are being made here:

    transports are no longer considered battleships and don’t shoot back. They are not fodder so buy a real warship to soak up.

    Shore bombardments are no longer a joke so no more “every turn we launch a new invasion” just to get the benefit of free shots with bogus attacks and unhistorical outcomes.

    More realistic technology tree

    Hopefully we can hear about defender retreats in this version and less potent AA guns

    :? technology tree…  I must have skiped over that part what does the new tech tree have?

  • Tech tree consists of  Land, sea, and air abilities. I hear its more than double the normal techs…

    Thats 6 tech thing is gone.

    I can just bet they have historical techs like ASW allowing planes to fight subs w/o destroyers and sutff like that

  • I don’t mean to ask a dumb question, but what it “IIRC”?

  • @Imperious:

    Hopefully we can hear about defender retreats in this version and less potent AA guns

    Actually I read somewhere that one of the techs (radar I believe) increases AA guns to hit on 2 instead of 1.


    I don’t mean to ask a dumb question, but what it “IIRC”?

    If I Remember Correctly.  or some variant meaning the same

    And from what I’ve read it’s 2 trees each of 6 techs, if you get a 6 on one of your tech rolls (you now purchase researchers that continue to roll for techs each turn if they don’t succeed) you roll for one randomly like in Classic.  You pick which tree you want to roll in, one being for land units the other for air/sea.

  • Actually I read somewhere that one of the techs (radar I believe) increases AA guns to hit on 2 instead of 1.

    OMG! i hope that is not true… MY bombers are gonna get wacked.

  • I was sort of hoping if they put the cruiser in that they would go to an 8-sided die so as to get a better differentiation of units, like in Xeno Games Pacific at War.  Actually, if you want to get real unit differentiation, a 10-sided die would be better.  Destroyer 2, cruiser 4, and battleship 6 or 7, with a destroyer attacking a sub on a 3, and if you have a Hedgehog ASW tech, a 4 or 5.  Then you could also drop carriers to a 3 with no problem for surface attack.  Maybe we can test that idea in my game design class next year, assuming that I do not work on it before.

    Not sure about radar giving an AA gun a kill on 1 and 2.  Proximity fuze I could see that, as that boosted the effectiveness of the US Navy 5"/38 by a factor of 4 against Japanese aircraft and also boosted the effectiveness of ground AA fire by what looks to be a similar factor against the V-1 attacks.  Radar just gives you the ability to shoot in cloud and at night.  As long as you are using mechanical time fuzes, your rounds per kill does not change much.  Right now, I am working on a house rule of a fighter having two shots at a bomber or fighter in air combat if radar is available, as that did significantly improve intercept probability.  If a player gets the proximity fuze tech, his AA guns do kill on a 1 or 2.

    Be interesting if there are any ASW specific techs.

  • Yes AA hitting at 33% and at 100% with 3 planes is horrible. I guess AA guns are gonna be like AARHE:

    roll D6 and only if you roll a one, you get to roll again 1 destroyed= 2-3 plane returns to base and done not perform mission. 4-6 no effect mission continues. built in AA rolls at factories and VC and elimination of the AA piece entirely.

  • According to one thread on the “smokey swamp” forum, one air/naval tech is heavy bombers and means you roll 2 dice when determining IPC damage. I think “Radar” is meant to counter that. Probably its on the land side of the production chart, which would be worthwhile for Germany to invest in since you could also get Mech Inf, for example.

    Think of “Radar” as improved air defenses, improved AA-gun tech, day fighters and night fighters working together around the clock. At the strategic level, all this can be considered to be included in the tech.

  • well we’ll have to see the complete picture im afraid to see how these things fit together and create a picture.

    If you find something from another site repost everything here so others can see what were talking about.

  • Official Q&A


    I was sort of hoping if they put the cruiser in that they would go to an 8-sided die so as to get a better differentiation of units, like in Xeno Games Pacific at War.  Actually, if you want to get real unit differentiation, a 10-sided die would be better.

    For real differentiaton, D12 is the only way to go.

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