Have you ever pissing your opponent off with BB

  • he probably meant an $80 purchase LOL!

  • The sub neutralizes the Battleships’ attacks because you have to complete sea battles before you can complete land battles, and since the sub is present in the sea where the BBs are, the BBs have to go after the sub first, thus rendering their nice land annihilation shots useless.

  • It may sound like a lot of work to set it up but often in my games the sceenario is often realised

    Well, Timmy, beating a dead horse sometimes is a lot of hard work.  But sometimes, you get a T-Virus or something like that going on with your horse, and you just have to show that undead horse who’s boss.  So then you better beat it, and beat it hard.  Because when they is undead hosses on dem streets -

    They’re Out To Get You, Better Leave While You Can
    Don’t Wanna Be A Boy, You Wanna Be A Man
    You Wanna Stay Alive, Better Do What You Can
    So Beat It, Just Beat It

    You Have To Show Them That You’re Really Not Scared
    You’re Playin’ With Your Life, This Ain’t No Truth Or Dare
    They’ll Kick You, Then They Beat You,
    Then They’ll Tell You It’s Fair
    So Beat It!

  • Bunnies… your posts crack me up.

    They are witty as well as insightful.

    If I could, I’d give you +1 karma

  • @forzaniller:

    how did the sub end it ???

    The UK fleet had moved to SZ5.

    By placing a SUB in SZ5, the UK BB’s either had to engage my SUB, or run away.  That shut down UK’s BB shots into Germany and Eastern.

    It also prevented the UK from doing NCM reinforcements of his land forces using the TRNs that were in SZ5 also, since they had to move in Combat Movement to either flee from the SUB, or they would engage it with the BB’s.

  • I really wouldn’t mind the Allies investing in BB every round. It takes a great bite out of their income and that means less land units that go against the Axis.

  • It seems to me that with the UK spending that many IPC’s on BB’s that Germany will have very little preassure to prevent them from pushing into Russia. Beside’s doesn’t each BB used exclusively for bombard (assuming by the time you have 3-5 BB’s you are not buying them for defense from German air  :-)) require 12 rounds of bombard to even out the cost of purchasing them? (24ips invenstment, hits 2/3 of the time, killing on average 2/3 inf = 2ipcs, 24ipcs/2ipcs per turn = 12 turns) I know that the allies can often make slightly uneven trades and still win, but it seems to me that the best winning strategy comes from making the most ecoinomicly benefitial trades and purchases. I just don’t see the massive BB bombard as nearly effective as the unloading of land units into Russia.

  • I found these 2 games currently going on in the league they seemed to be fitting for this post.



  • WTF a Russian carrier??
    (referring to that 2nd link)
    personally, I don’t believ in BB’s either, only use the ones I got on the start, they’re too expensive. Make them 22 IPC’s and I’d start considering, Make them 20 and I’d start purchasing them.

  • The 1inf, 1BB support costs 3 IPC and damages 2.5 IPC (2 from BB + 0.5 from inf)
    Worth only if transport capacity is in excess (e.g. late UK) and it goes around Allies’ multi-attackers disadvantage vs Germany, which is ~1.4x.

    The sacrificial sub costing 8 IPC is worthy only in desperate situations, to prevent a large BB bombardment (more than 4 BB = 8 IPC, make it 5 with the sacrificed attacker’s inf), or to use scarce building ‘slots’ (e.g. 10 units in Germany can be 9 troops + 1 sub). And it can be crushed by UK, then US BB’s can still bombard…

  • I have only played the one game where UK had 5 BB’s, and the US had a “normal” fleet that it was using for Africa and to threaten Southern.

    Also, once the “trick” of the SUB was established, it was less effective.  Although it also cost less since the UK was only in SZ5 every other round…

  • Wait a sec.  I thought Battleships (I assume that is what BB stands for) cannot bombard land unless it’s part of an amphibious assault, and even then, can only fire once??

  • @kfgolfer:

    Wait a sec.  I thought Battleships (I assume that is what BB stands for) cannot bombard land unless it’s part of an amphibious assault, and even then, can only fire once??

    That is correct.  But the BB’s cannot fire at all if there is an enemy unit in the SZ that they need to move to in order to fire their single support shot.

  • ok, so what was he talking about when he said use battleships to attack a lone inf. in the soloman islands??  can you do that if you don’t have a transport with you?

  • No, you have to have a TRN and a land unit on that TRN to use a BB shot

  • With LHTR 2.0 the sub stalling isn’t as effective cause you may leave a SZ that holds enemy units at the start of your turn, and can load units to trn and give naval combat elsewhere e.g. you have your fleet in SZ 5 Germany buys a sub to prevent you from bombarding. Then you can move your fleet to SZ 6 load inf from Gbr (or nwy). Now you can still bombard weu (and kill the sub with figs of course).

    And the US should always be able to bombard since UK can kill any subs that would prevent US from doing so.

  • But it does prevent the bombard in Germany and Eastern.

    And in the game that this occured in, that was more than adequate to meet the Axis need.

    Lastly, the US would need to also be buying BB’s en masse and have them shadowing the UK fleet in order for them to follow up on the bombards.  It is bad enough for the Allies to have the UK invest $100+ in BB’s.  If the US does it too, Russia is TOAST before those BB’s become a factor.

  • My thoughts exactly. If Russia is to survive the Axis onslaught, they’re going to need Allied help on the land, altough the Allied Navy should always be able to withstand and defeat an assault by the Luftwaffe(which I always intend to be as big as possible :-D)

  • Hi you all

    It seems like I have to explane my idea.

    Russia and Germany are often figthing between ukraine, caucasus, Karelia, west russia etc.

    If you have a equal battle where russia have a lot of converted fighters (4-8) and perhaps have received one or two supply with perhaps 3 full trannie i will explain the scenario.

    UK have 3 trannies and us perhaps 4 or 5 waiting for joint strike to come. Germany has to hold back troop to counter if joint forces strike.
    By firing 2 BB one Uk and one US with marine you should hit 1,87 units per turn which will cause the Germans to hold back units to be ready for countering the joint strike. From western Europe to war agianst the russians is between 3 and 4 spaces and thereby you are slowing down the axis to advance from west. Thereby the russians have an easier battle agains germany. And then if the Germans choose to cover west or eastern territories adjecent to Berlin You strike with the Joint strike the weakest spot either western Europe or Eastern Europe.
    Thats my point - if you feel its stupid fair enough but when i play agains my crew it seems like a good solution

    kind regards Niels

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    A funny one i often use

    If you have a massive fleet near Englang with allies - use your Battleships every round by attacking a space with one infantry am.assault and fire the battleships.
    If you play with NA us will hit avr. 1 pr round and Uk 5/6 pr round
    Additional Battleships is more fun and combinet bombardment with some destroyers is perfect. The russians use to like that Germany has to hold units back for covering the western front

    It may sound like a lot of work to set it up but often in my games the sceenario is often realised (mayby because i prefer KG but of course it can be used on Japs to but i think it is a waste off time eliminating their fleet

    kind regards

    Dead Zone W. Europe.  Leave 1 defender there, now you burn off the off shore bombardments for minimal costs and can reinvade to collect the cash later.  After al, W. Europe is worth 6 IPC, why waste 36 IPC in dead infantry to bombardments for nothing?

    And, as Switch said, if you put your fleet in SZ 5, just buy a submarine.  8 IPC can save you hundreds of IPC!

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