Axis & Allies World Championship 2008

  • Hello together!

    First of all: We hope it´s ok that we post here. Otherwise we apologize.
    But we want to invite Axis& to us.

    After the first Axis&Allies World Championship in 2002, the German Axis&Allies Club ”DAAK” will host again the World Championship in 2008.
    Here a short overview:
    On March 1st a qualification tournament will start. For this event we would like to invite all Axis&Allies players from A&A clubs, gaming forums and so on.
    Axis&Allies „Revised“ (AAR) will be played using the Larry Harris Tournament Rules 2.0 (LHTR 2.0). The players plan and send their moves by e-mail. An online dice server will act as real “dice” and sends the battle results to the players.
    After the qualifying 16 players have qualified themselves for the World Championships final which will start on November 1st 2008.
    The player, who is able to win his 4 games in the final, will be the new A&A World Champion.
    If you have questions about the tournament or if you would like to sign-up, please send an email to:
    For those who sign-up: Please mention for which A&A club or gaming forum you will fight for (if applicable).

    For further information please visit:
    or use the direct link to the message board:

    Please look there for the category “Axis&Allies World Championship 2008“

    We hope for an enjoyable event for all players!

    So long,

    Lili Marleen
    Tournament Leader

    DAAK President

  • do you consider a tournament, or if possible in this one

    that every A&A site gives determined number of players

    for example.
    each A&A site sends few players( based on some tourn.results on its own site) and then the best players from each site go to this Singles tournament, but besides there names its written the name of the site, in our case ˝Axis and˝

    and idea i suggest is the doubles tournaments, the best doubles from each site, or how many pairs needed and then tournament of A&A sites

    and the brackets for next year, and the number of players from each side that would cooperate would be determined by the results of previous tournaments

    its just an idea

    but , please think about it

  • Hello Amon Sul,

    I´ll try to answer your questions:

    each A&A site sends few players( based on some tourn.results on its own site) and then >the best players from each site go to this Singles tournament

    First we planned to give every club, gaming forum etc. a certain number of “wildcards” for the WC. But in order to favor no club we would have to give about 20 of these “wildcards”.
    So we decided to play a qualification first in which every player of every club can take part if he likes. This to favor nobody and to give every player the chance to play.

    but besides there names its written the name of the site, in our case ˝Axis and˝

    Yes, of course. The club of each player is mentioned with himself. So each player plays not only for himself but also for his club. That´s why we wrote: “For those who sign-up: Please mention for which A&A club or gaming forum you will fight for (if applicable).” Besides: A link to your website is already written down in our Message Board column “Axis & Allies World Championship 2008”.

    and idea i suggest is the doubles tournaments, the best doubles from each site, or how >many pairs needed and then tournament of A&A sites

    Well, first we would like to test, whether players from other clubs even like to compete with us and against each other. So a double tournament could be considered if we get enough feedback for the single tournament.

    and the brackets for next year, and the number of players from each side that would cooperate would be determined by the results of previous tournaments

    I didn´t get this point (I even don´t know whether I got all your other points  :lol:). Could you explain it in other words to me?


  • @Lili:

    and the brackets for next year, and the number of players from each side that would cooperate would be determined by the results of previous tournaments

    I didn´t get this point (I even don´t know whether I got all your other points  :lol:). Could you explain it in other words to me?


    what i wanted to say is that for example if we have 16 players

    the winner of this years tournament would be ranked as #1 before the next years and thus be playing the player which is ranked on 15th place

    something similar to the playoffs in NBA
    so 1-16

    and please dont offend or anything like that
    but i have one personal question

    are you woman?

  • the winner of this years tournament would be ranked as #1 before the next years and >thus be playing the player which is ranked on 15th place

    Well, of course it could be considered that the best players of the prior tourney are ranked in a coming tourney.
    But: I don´t think we should go that far in the future. This year the World Championship is primary a test, whether A&A clubs find a way to compete with each other in order find the best (or luckiest  :-D) A&A player.
    I think, if enough players are interested, this Championship will be continued anyway. Perhaps another club will host it then and another tournament modus will be used.
    This year DAAK thought that we should launch this tourney.

    and please dont offend or anything like that
    but i have one personal question
    are you woman?

    Yeah! That´s all you guys like to know!
    But I have to disappoint you. Neither do I look like the blondie in the film nor am I female.
    But I´m still fighting for women rights at DAAK.  8-)

  • @Lili:

    Yeah! That´s all you guys like to know!
    But I have to disappoint you. Neither do I look like the blondie in the film nor am I female.
    But I´m still fighting for women rights at DAAK.  8-)

    no, i didnt mean anything wrong, its just havent seen many woman playing A&A, besides Jenn we dont have any here on the forum, there was one girl Mary, but she and Jenn didnt get along very well  :? :cry:

    sorry, english is not my mother tongue, but from what you write there , it sounds like you re neither man or woman

    so are you a girl?

  • Lili Marleen:

    I assume this is the Axis and Allies club of Denmark correct?

    I respect your club greatly as we both have a similar vision of aesthetics and favor large maps and painted pieces.

    How much do you guys charge for a full set?

    Also, how much do you charge for your enlarged Revised map?

    Lastly, You may want to come up with a English version of your site for the non-danish public.

    Amon Sûl:
    Lili Marleen is a world famous song sung by soldiers and heroes of the whermacht. It was popularized by Marline Dietrich who was a goddess greater than Marlin Monroe. That song kept many Germans minds active in the cold Soviet winters.

  • @Imperious:

    I assume this is the Axis and Allies club of Denmark correct?

    No, not danish!  :lol: We are the German Axis & Allies Club. DAAK = “Deutscher Axis & Allies Klub”


    How much do you guys charge for a full set?

    Also, how much do you charge for your enlarged Revised map?

    Again I´m not sure whether I got all points. What do you mean with “full set”? And “charge”? Do you mean, you have to pay anything? DAAK is a Axis & Allies Play-by-E-Mail club, where players can play without any costs. It´s free. The tools for gameplay in our download sector, like the Revised map or odds calculators are free. Did you mean that?


    Lastly, You may want to come up with a English version of your site for the non-danish public.

    Actually we have an english version. Simply click on the english flag on our homepage. The Message Board itself and of course all topics concerning the World Championship are bilingual, english and german. Of course most of our users write in german.

    I hope our president Pernaug will write here soon, because his english is far better than mine. He surely gets all points at once.



    PS: Lale Andersen has the original singer of Lili Marleen I think.

  • Well, I think Lili managed to answer all questions correctly.

    Basically we are open to new ideas concerning the future of this event. However, lately is has been proven quite difficult to motivate other clubs to participate in such a tournament due to interest conflicts (or lack of interest).

    If one of your players has difficulties to signup at DAAK for this tournament (an (free) account is necessary to play) please let me know.

  • yea i thought you guys were those chaps in Denmark . MN.

    I wish they joined this site. They do amazing work IMO.

  • I’d like to speak in favor of the open-ended structure of the DAAK tournament.

    If each club were only to send a certain number of players, people that don’t have time to participate in that club’s tournament scene would be ineligible.

    For these boards, the tournament scene is a move a day.  A move a DAY!  :roll:

    Come on, I wouldn’t want to be eliminated from the Big Tournament just because I like to sleep in a few times a week.  :-D

  • Hi,

    in the World Championship a move has to be done every 3rd day, e.g. your opponent does his move at day 1 so you have to move at day 4 latest.


  • @Lili:


    in the World Championship a move has to be done every 3rd day, e.g. your opponent does his move at day 1 so you have to move at day 4 latest.


    Yes, the “move a day” refers to the tournaments.

  • @newpaintbrush:

    For these boards, the tournament scene is a move a day.  A move a DAY!  :roll:

    Come on, I wouldn’t want to be eliminated from the Big Tournament just because I like to sleep in a few times a week.  :-D

    I know a move a day as a minimum seems painfully slooow to complete a game so I totally understand the rule. But that’s actually why I’ve never signed up for an A& tournament. My problem is that sometimes my dsl connection just doesn’t want to be a dsl connection. I think it’s a wiring thing because sustained high winds often cause connection problems. So I might have a couple days here and there where I can’t reliably get online. So I just don’t sign up for the tournaments at all instead of becoming blacklisted as some bum who craps out and forfeits games all the time. ~ZP

  • I am glad to see that there are options besides our strict time rules for players who want a ranked option for games.

    With DAAK’s time restriction for their Tournament, that creates a 4th option for gaming…

    A&A.ORG Tournaments with 24 hour posting requirement, 4 week game time limit
    DAAK Touarnments with 3 day posting requirement, open ended game limit
    A&A.ORG League with 7 day posting requirement, 10 month maximum game limit (hard date cut-off)
    A&A.ORG standard games…  no time restrictions at all.

    And with increased activity among all of the players from multiple sites, all players can find the format that best suits them and be active and enjoy.

    And with all of the recent activity on this site for translations to other languages…  I am glad to see the global gaming community moving closer together!

  • Actually for tournament games we have a game limit of 2 (2nd edition) or 2.5 months (AAR). After this period the match goes for jurisdication, where it is determined which players moves on into the next tournament round. This is necessary to ensure that the tournament is ended within an acceptable timeframe.
    But: The jurisdication does not determine who is the winner of the game, only the person who will go into the next tournament round.

    Non tournament games have no game limit and the turn time is whatever the players agree on (default three days).

  • Still a much more relaxed time frame than with our Tournaments (or even with our League)…

    Just trying to let folks know they have options :-)

  • Hello ncscswitch,

    thanks for your post. Additional I just want to clarify that we didn´t post in order to catch members for our tourneys (of course every player is welcome anytime!). It would just be nice to host as many players as possible from other clubs to play a worthy World Championship together.
    So if some of you like to be our guests for a while… just let us know. Especially your sign-up is missing, ncscswitch, since you already played quite a lot games at DAAK (and you are current No. 19 of the rankings).  :-D
    We posted at AAMC as well, but I think they are still not sure, if they are a match to our players!  :evil:
    Another thing: We hope we can provide our own new AAR dicey for the first time, when the tourney starts.


  • Moderator

    Welcome to the DAAKers.   :-)

    You’re always free to post here if you have an upcoming event or something.  We also have an Events Forum.

    We actually have quite a bit of crossover with DAAK, I know several users are registered at both (including me) but I’m not sure how many actually participate in your Tournaments.

    I’ve been a bit hesitant to join tournaments b/c of potential language issues.  I only speak English which isn’t a problem for an occassional game at DAAK but I was concerned about it for a tournament situation.

    So, my question to you is, do you know if most DAAK players have at least a little understanding of English?  I mean enough for turn posting and game talk.  Or have you ever run into a language issue for tournament game?

    Another question on this tournament, it is my understanding that anyone that signs up will start playing on March 1 in some type of qualifying game, then out of all those games the top 16 (or 16 winners) will then play in the Final tournament.  Is this correct?

    Also, I’m assuming you you’ll be using the FIDA (split bid) type placement?

  • @DarthMaximus:

    Welcome to the DAAKers.   :-)

    Thanks.  :-)


    You’re always free to post here if you have an upcoming event or something.  We also have an Events Forum.

    Sounds good. Not all clubs are that generous.


    We actually have quite a bit of crossover with DAAK, I know several users are registered at both (including me) but I’m not sure how many actually participate in your Tournaments.

    I’ve been a bit hesitant to join tournaments b/c of potential language issues.  I only speak English which isn’t a problem for an occassional game at DAAK but I was concerned about it for a tournament situation.

    Yes, I see, you are our No. 9 in the rankings, right? Another top player missing right now in the tourney.  :wink:


    So, my question to you is, do you know if most DAAK players have at least a little understanding of English?  I mean enough for turn posting and game talk.

    I would go so far to say that EVERY german player (or other european player in the club) has enough understanding of English. Actually the mails between the players concerning the gameplay are all written in English, e.g. “taken with 1 INF” and so on. We have American players who play a lot of (and even win) tournaments. All announcements of the club are made in german as well as in english, especially those concerning tournaments.


    Or have you ever run into a language issue for tournament game?



    Another question on this tournament, it is my understanding that anyone that signs up will start playing on March 1 in some type of qualifying game, then out of all those games the top 16 (or 16 winners) will then play in the Final tournament.  Is this correct?

    Also, I’m assuming you you’ll be using the FIDA (split bid) type placement?

    Yes, both is correct. We will have a qualification in the same kind of gameplay as the finals will be. K.O. system. Players of the same club will not play against each other in the first round. But after round 1 every match will be drawn random.
    And yes, we use the FIDA bid.


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