Well, I would like to reiterate that, at least for myself and hopefully for the rest of the party (even though I’m a registered Democrat, I consider myself Republican) we appreciate Mr. McCain’s service as a soldier, especially considering his circumstances and are glad that he is continuing to serve at the national level as an elected leader.
That said, however, I don’t know anyone, left, right or center, who wants him to be President. He’s too unpredictable, and much of his votes and actions are questionable in our minds. To be honest, I think he’s been in Washington DC too long and has forgotten what the American People want. I only say this because of the total, and complete, social unrest every time bills that hinder freedom of speech or grant amnesty to illegals come up for a vote. By which I mean our vociferous resistance to their passing, not any militant actions.
As for Edwards, I never expected him to have a chance. Now, I do. And, I think, of the three leading Democrats, I am more inclined to vote for him, at least he’s a member of our generation, not a hold over hippie from a bygone era. Actually, having left Fred Thompson’s side, if Mitt Romney doesn’t get the nomination, and Edwards does get the nomination, then I will, most likely, vote for him (just as I would have in the last Election for Howard Dean.)