Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • @Cmdr:

    A)  You’re completely off base, Smacktard, but your name says it all and I said I was done with you.

    You keep saying that.

    [B)  The 110th Congress was sworn in during the month of January, however, they did not pass any legislation until April/June.  I credit this to their inability to find matching drapes to their sofas, but it could be sheer incompetence on their part as well.  So yes, the crash in 2007 can be squarely landed at their feet.  They promised to take America in a new direction and they accomplished that mission objective.  We went from growing (sluggishly) to shrinking (moderately fast.) [/quote]

    I thought you were “done with me”, but anyway what you posted is wrong. On Jan 10th 2007, the 110 congres passed a minimum wage hike. It was approved by the senate on Feb. 1

    Youre argument still doesnt make sense: the 110th congress comes in, does nothing (according to you) until May-june, and somehow that causes a Bear market in Oct.? Exactly what pivotal legislation was passed that got us into this mess? Because all I saw congress doing was passing a meaningless minimum wage hike, toothless ethics reform, and some supplmental funding measures for Iraq/Afghan. Everything else they tried was veteoed by Bush.

    So exactly how is Congress to blame for the recession we’re almost certainly in?

    However, I do think in the last week of August, we’ll not only have to wear rain coats to keep the blood from the feud off of us, but that we will most probably end up with Obama with a margin of two or three delegates - maybe Clinton with the same margin.  And, as we have seen from both 2000 and 2004, the Democrats don’t lose graciously, thus, we can expect September to be filled with court cases and recounts.

    In the end, Obamas pledged delegate margin will be around 80-120. After Barac wins Missisippi, it will be like March 4th never happened (he’ll actually be further ahead). Hillary will have to win 65% of remaining delegates just to TIE Obama. Aint gonna happen with only 9 contests left.

    The real fight will be if she wins the popular vote and Obama has a significant delegate lead.
    In that case, they give it to clinton with Obama as VP. Without the popular vote, Hillary has no chance.

    This means, even if a democrat IS elected, odds are the Congress will switch back to the Republicans.

    Hastert’s seat just went Democratic. That was unexpected and doesn’t bode well for repubs in 08.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That’s because the lies were circulated (in clear and direct violation of Campaign Finance Reform Act) about Oberweise.

    However, he does not get to keep that seat.  He only gets to have it for a few months and then loses it in November.

    Stop the personal digs.  If I see it again in this thread I will delete the whole post.  If you are confused as to what I am referring PM me. df

  • 2007 AAR League

    anyone notice how the “red states” seem to be going obama’s way. a lot of the south and the midwest.  basically all the midwest.  no racists here.  well, maybe.

    also, the hispanics rufuse to vote for a black candidate.  the democrats maybe giving the republicans a present.  who knew they were so racist?

    the “blue states”  seem to go for hillary.  what the liberals cant vote for a black man?  i’ve always said the liberal views are the most racist ever.  ie.  they blacks need help b/c somehow they cant do things themselves.  the most racist view ever, ever.

    wyoming stalled some momentum for clinton, but is it really momentum, or is it just who the press decides to play up for a week or two.  and the sheeple follow their press.

  • The liberals are just voting for hilary because they think shell be Bill again and all liberals loved him.  Its not like if the general election is Obama / McCain they will jump on mccain.

  • @Cmdr:

    That’s because the lies were circulated (in clear and direct violation of Campaign Finance Reform Act) about Oberweise.

    However, he does not get to keep that seat.  He only gets to have it for a few months and then loses it in November.

    Again, showing your niavette of how things are done and when.

    If youre going to call someone naive, you should have your facts straight: Bill Foster gets Haster’s seat until JANUARY. The ELECTION is in Nov.,election030908.article

    The victory in the 14th Congressional District means Foster will serve out the remainder of Hastert’s term, which ends next January.

  • 2007 AAR League

    anyone notice that it’s legal for hillary to make bill vice president.  and she could just appoint bill as VP after the election if she wins.  then step down.  and we get bill again.

    hell, bill even wants to make it legit for him to run again, by saying much like putin, that its only 2 consecutive terms thats outlawed.  those clintons.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Let him whose name says it all be corrected once again:

    Once a congressman is voted out of office he loses all his influence, in essence he is already deposed it is just a matter of formality.  He gets to vote, but he is no longer courted by either side; rather the new congressman arrives in Washington and begins networking.

    It’s the same with a President btw.  Bill was basically useless after 11/2000 when George was elected.  Had Gore been elected, he would still have had all the influence he had before, instead of the bottom dregs of the barrel.


    Yes, Balung, I’ve noticed that the “racist republicans” seem to be going for Obama a lot.  We also, being sexist and all, seem to be voting for Hillary a lot.  Guess we did not really enjoy the Democrats and the News Media picking John McCain for us so now we’re sabotaging them and going to get them smacked right upside the head with someone they will NOT enjoy for 4 years.

  • Didn’t know republicans were as excited about either clinton or obama.

  • @Cmdr:

    Let him whose name says it all be corrected once again:

    Once a congressman is voted out of office he loses all his influence, in essence he is already deposed it is just a matter of formality.

    That’s fine (called “lameduck”) but not really what you said. You said: “He only gets to have it for a few months and then loses it in November.”

    Thats different then being a lameduck. A lameduck congressman still occupies the office and gets to vote. He does not “lose it in Novemeber”. He stays until the next Congress is sworn in (January).

    And the only way Bill Foster can become a lame duck (which your assuming he will be) is if he loses in Nov. What makes you think hes going to lose to the guy he just beat? If your that sure about it, I have a PayPal account…

    Bill was basically useless after 11/2000 when George was elected.  Had Gore been elected, he would still have had all the influence he had before, instead of the bottom dregs of the barrel.

    It didn’t stop Bill from pardoning all sorts of scumbags.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Didn’t know republicans were as excited about either clinton or obama.

    I wouldn’t say “excited” but many of us view McCain as being just like Clinton or Obama on domestic issues.  And if he’s going to pass the same legislation as they would, and that legislation would do irreparable harm to the nation in the short term (until conservatives can repeal it and restore balance and equality to the people) then why should we be labeled the ones who destroyed America’s economy, America’s health care and America’s freedoms?  Wouldn’t it be better to have the liberals take the blame so we can restore order faster?

    Remember, Jimmie Carter was a liberal, saying the same things as McCain, Clinton and Obama, and he almost destroyed this country in 4 years.  Luckily, strong conservatives stood up and took over in the 1980s and saved the nation from total economic collapse.  FDR also a liberal, was driving this nation right into the socialist gutter until Japan attacked us.  If Japan had just been patient, they could have purchased us for a few hundred yen when we would have been begging for anything but our current form of government under FDR. (The New Deal has been the RAW DEAL for America since it’s inception.  If it was not for the massive demands on American business and our oil exports to foreign nations from World War II, we would have been bankrupt in the late 1930s and early 1940s, despite the New Deal.)

    So yes, many republicans, myself included, would rather a democrat get into office and pass democrat legislation then a republican get into office and pass democrat legislation.  That way we don’t get saddled with the blame when the country fails, rather the blame will go where it is deserved and conservatives will regain prominence in this nation and restore us to prosperity.

    The only reason we are in this predicament is because of the lies and slander of the democrats against good, honest, hard working American politicians who would not be bought by liberal lobbiests.  Because they stuck to their morals, lies were spread about them and, historically speaking, Republicans will retire in the face of dishonor, even if that dishonor is fictional, for the good of the party.  If we fought for our politicians like Democrats do (slandering those who attack instead of asking those who were victimized to resign) there’d be no strong democrats left.  The people would have voted them out decades ago.

  • @balungaloaf:

    anyone notice that it’s legal for hillary to make bill vice president.  and she could just appoint bill as VP after the election if she wins.  then step down.  and we get bill again.

    Not if Bill’s state of residence has also changed to New York.  Statute prohibits the VP from being from the same STATE as the Presidential candidate.  That is why there was such a fuss about Dick Cheney changing his state of residency from Texas to Wyoming just a few months before he became the VP candidate with Bush 43.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Didn’t know the Veep couldn’t be from the same state as the Pres.

    But that’s totally irrelevant, Switch.  You just said that Bill could just change his state of residency if he had moved it to New York.  Though, I think he’s still from Arkansas.

    “I think that there’s some greedy people on Wall Street that perhaps need to be punished.” John McCain - 1/30/08

    “I voted against the tax cuts because of the disproportional amount that went to the wealthiest Americans.  I would clearly support not extending those tax cuts.” John McCain - 4/11/04

    " I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief." John McCain - 6/9/01

    “Climate change, in my view, is real.  It can affect states like Florida dramatically because I think it has to do with violent weather changes, as well.” John McCain - 1/24/08

    “Suppose we do nothing, and we don’t eliminate this $400 billion dependence we have on foreign oil.  Some of that money contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.  Then what kind of a world have we given our children?” - John McCain 1/30/08

    “As far as ANWR is concerned, I don’t want to drill in the Grand Canyon, and I don’t want to drill in the Everglades.  This is one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world.” - John McCain - 1/16/08

    “To make someone believe that you are killing him by drowning is no different than holding a pistol to his head and firing a blank.” John McCain - 11/21/05

    “I have been an agent of change in Washington.  I know how the system works.” John McCain - 1/6/08

    “We all know, and it’s obvious, that if we repeal Roe v. Wade tomorrow, thousands of young American women would be performing illegal and dangerous operations.”  John McCain - 8/22/99

    “There are jobs that Americans will not do, we all know that.” John McCain - 12/9/04

    “Amnesty has to be an important part of any guest worker program because there are people who have lived in this country for 20, 30 or 40 years, who have raised children here and pay taxes here and are not citizens.  That has to be a component of it.” John McCain - 5/29/03

    " I support the Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act, but the current bill makes insufficient progress on amnesty for those wrongly denied it." John McCain - 12/15/07

    “I would announce that we were closing Guantanamo Bay and moving those prisoners to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.” John McCain - 2/11/08

    Okay, let’s compare those statements to Madam Hillary Clinton, future empress of the United States of America:

    “It’s shocking that there is such a continuing political pressure to lower tax rates on the wealthy.” - Madam Clinton - 1/21/08

    “With all due respect, do the billionaires in America need more tax cuts?” Madam Clinton - 3/14/07

    “We have this class now of professional corporate managers who believe their number one obligation is to secure the biggest possible pay package at the expense of everybody else.” Madam Clinton - 1/12/08

    “The road toward campaign finance reform has been a long one, and we have not achieved final victory.  But in passing this legislation in the Senate, we have taken a major step forward.” Madam Clinton - 4/2/01

    “The scientific consensus is clear: human activities are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, causing our planet to warm.” Madam Clinton - 10/27/05

    “The real victims of global warming will be our children, and their children, who will inherit an earth suffering severe environmental consequences.” Madam Clinton - 3/14/01

    “Protecting America’s vast environmental treasures, such as our National Parks, National Forests and ANWR, is a bipartisan tradition stretching back to Teddy Roosevelt.” - Madam Clinton - (Website statement, 2008) {Personal note, it was Republicans who created and protected the national parks and forests, it was the Clintons who opened every national forest and park to logging in the early 90s.}

    “As a matter of policy, torture cannot be American policy, period.  There is very little evidence that it works.” Madam Clinton - 9/26/07

    “I think I am an agent of change.  I embody change, I believe I am more prepared and ready to actually deliver change, and I think that ultimately, I am what Americans want to know and believe.”  Madam Clinton - 1/5/08

    “Let us unite around a common goal of reducing the amount of abortions, not by making them illegal as many are attempting to do or overturning Roe v. Wade.” Madam Clinton - 6/13/06

    “I deeply regret the way the Republicans are politicizing and demagoguing immigration, they are trying to outdo each other in basically demeaning and attacking those who are here in our country, yes, without documentation, but who are often doing the work that keeps our country going and raising their families and making a contribution.” Madam Clinton - 12/1/07

    “Rater than keeping us more secure, keeping Guantanamo open is harming our national interests, I have certainly concluded that we should close it once and for all.” Madam Clinton - 2/11/08

    Hmm, you want to tell me again how John McCain is different then the democrats and just how conservative he is?  Sounds like he’s spouting the same nonsense as the Clintons (and the Obamas, but I just can’t sift through his speeches without totally going insane from reading the words “Change” and “Hope” 400 times a paragraph.)

    McCain is a democrat at heart.  He wears a red name tag so he can get elected in his home state.  But he’s a democrat.  He has not been conservative in at least the last ten years, maybe longer.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i’m uber conservative and loathe lefties.  and i agree with a lot that he says.  let him fully explain some more.

    like tax cuts for the rich.  he wanted spending cuts to go with it.  etc for all other issues.

  • He, he, Jen has right, both Mc Cain and Rodman says the same. Seems both USA partys are almost equal.  :-D

    As Kodos sais: “Vote the party you want… anyway you are dooooooomed…”  :lol:

  • @Funcioneta:

    He, he, Jen has right, both Mc Cain and Rodman says the same. Seems both USA partys are almost equal.  :-D

    As Kodos sais: “Vote the party you want… anyway you are dooooooomed…”  :lol:

    “Not me, I’m voting Independent!”

    “Go ahead!  Throw your vote away!”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    i’m uber conservative and loathe lefties.  and i agree with a lot that he says.  let him fully explain some more.

    like tax cuts for the rich.  he wanted spending cuts to go with it.  etc for all other issues.

    Sure, just bear in mind everything he says right now is to get him elected.  It’s NOT what he said WHEN he said it.  That carries more weight with me then political rhetoric spewed forth in a last ditch hope of convincing conservatives he’s one of us and not one of them - even though his speeches for ten years have been right out of their handbook.

  • Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.

  • 2007 AAR League

    kang gets no respect.

  • Kang was female if I’m not wrong. Maybe Kang abducted Hillary and Kodos abducted Mc Cain?  :-D

    What about Obama? Wait, there were a cooker in the ship in the first chapters… Maybe the alien cooker abducted Obama… I think you are dooooomed  :-D

  • It’s Falling Cellery:

    Watch Cellery plummet! Who comes up with these things?

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