True. But as we know, even front runners can get knocked out for seemingly innoculous things. Look what happened to Dean. He got excited, then lost the primary and the Democratic Party had to wait four years longer with Bush. (Yes, I think Dean could have beaten Bush.) And that was pretty tight along the line, so it’s still anyone’s game, even Guilliani.
That said, i don’t think Guilliani has a chance, to be honest. He was “front runner” because the media wanted him to be. Now they want McCain to be. (Though, I think McCain will win in New Hampshire, I don’t think he’ll get the nomination.) Honestly, I think it’s between Huckabee and Romney with a possible upset by Thompson if either of them gaffes.
On the democrat side, I think it’s between Obama and Edwards with Hillary posed to steal the election if either of them gaffes.