IL, you apparently are not a fan of the new show…
Otherwise you would know that there ARE robotic Cyclons… and they no longer look like a man wearing a chrome plated toaster suit.
=========The chrome was da bomb! Those guys had charm with those pretty suits. Robots with deep electronic voices was the best idea for the bad guys that was ever concieved.
The Raiders are now living entities, instead of piloted by other robots (which, if you think about it IS rather silly… a machine flying a machine… just have the machine fly itself).
+++++++Another cheap gimic to save money
Lorne Greene was rather bland as Commander Adama. But Edward James Almos has been fantastic, even as Admiral Adama smiley
OMG! lorne Greene was an awesome actor… It was like the ponderosa in space. I dont want some mexican commander… good greif!
Scantilly clad bimbos? You mean like Starbuck’s girlfriends from the 70’s show? Or are you having Star Trek flash backs?
++++++++++++At least they wore a uniform. The idea of Robots wearing thongs is horrible!! at least Starbuck got Athena ( the true babe on the show) Cassiopea was ok and she wasnt naked… your point?
I think what I most enjoy though about the new one is the writing and the sub-plots. They have dealt with terrorism, abortion, religion, political scandal, etc. etc. All of this with the less than 50,000 humans that survived the initial attacks.
+++++++++++++ great they dont deal with fighting the Cylons… instead its abortion sci fi show? Whats wrong with the Galactic going under attack by baseships and thousands of fighters in dogfights? I dont waste my time with what that Bitch Starbuck ate for breakfast! i want War!!!
Watch it from the beginning… and watch them in order. I guarantee you will be hooked (unless WWE Raw is the epitomy of “quality television” for you smiley )
++++++++ I saw the first 3 hour pilot and it was terrible… Nothing beats john colicos in his blus suit seething over Adamas ability to slip thru the noose of another Cylon attack! Watch every episode from 1978-79 and get back to me.
BTW the new baseship is totally unimspired design . its ugly the fighters are ugly too.
Even Galactica 1980 is better than the new show. Now thats an insult if i ever posted one.