hillary far left??? she voted for Iraq, vowed to keep troops in iraq for years when shes president, voted to label the iranian revolutionary guard as a terrost organization and has taken more money from defense lobbyists than any other candidate AND publicky defended taking money from lobbyists.
if edwards stays in it, hillary takes the nomination.
BTW, I apreciate the civility exercised so far in this thread, It makes my life a little easier. 8-)
Well, dzrt, you know me. I love being civil. Especially when I talk politics with Jen, Bung, Darth Max…. sh!t… everyone on this thread nearly.
Honestly, at this point, I think Edwards would be EXTREMELY WISE to offer his services as Obama’s Vice President. Edwards is young and white, so he can bring back the young generation and keep the white males and allow Obama to ride the race card very heavily to get the black vote back away from the Republicans (who have been eroding the black and Hispanic votes from the democrats for a long time now.)
The two of them, together, would obliterate Hillary. It would be like the race between Reagan and Mondale! (for those of you who do not know, that was about as one sided a land slide for Reagan as you could possibly imagine without having a Baghdad Election (someone with a gun in the voting booth asking you, politely, to vote Saddam.))
i think you could get the same “Boost” to the R camp if a two of them banded together, say McCain (good for war), and Huck or Mitt (Huck and Mitt have hit eachother too much to work well together).
Thompsan as he isn’t one of the big leaders may be a good choice though as he is popular but he has Bush’s big problem… he can’t sell his ideas, not because he has trouble talking in public but because he just dosn’t have the charisma (ironic as he is an actor).
Sorry but it looks like Huckabee and Colbert are gonna win :wink:
that show yesterday was halarious. really made me think a lot better of huckabee. and if he honestly gets the nomination and has colbert as his running mate, that’d be sweet.
but it seems that McCain is ahead in the polls in south carolina. thank God for that. perhaps he should have colbert be his running mate. :lol:
oh and ron paul is sunk now for good. his writings from the early 90’s have come out, and they are racist as hell. we should have known this b/c lately he had refused to return campaign contributions from groups such as the aryan nation. he said that would be wrong b/c that would send a signal that one persons views are better than anothers when all views should be equal…. :roll:
well at least hopefully we wont have to see and hear so much damn ron paul stuff…
I live in Chicago, I feel blessed if they even mention what Republican is leading, let alone show any of them speaking! :P
Anyway, I’m kinda hoping McCain doesn’t get the nomination. I don’t think his coat tails are long enough to get even one Republican to upset an incumbent democrat in the house/senate this year. We need someone charismatic and energetic.
Personally, I don’t want the white house. I want the house/senate back where we can stop democratic legislation before it’s ever written (since the president cannot write the laws, the budget or anything. That’s all legislative branch, not executive.)
oh and ron paul is sunk now for good. his writings from the early 90’s have come out, and they are racist as hell. we should have known this b/c lately he had refused to return campaign contributions from groups such as the aryan nation. he said that would be wrong b/c that would send a signal that one persons views are better than anothers when all views should be equal…. :roll:
well at least hopefully we wont have to see and hear so much damn ron paul stuff…
lol, in defense of my candidate (this is not a political attack, and not a flame, so I don’t know how it would be against the “tone” law), and for info sake: he’s doing another big fund raiser on Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday, his self confessed hero along with Mahatma Ghandi. I would find it hard to believe that he would be racist if he openly said that, and denied ever having even read what someone else wrote in his name. Although I would have thought it more prudent if he had kept track of who had been writing for him, but it is a mistake that he is taking moral responsibility for… And he didn’t say all people’s views are equal, he said people are entitled to their opinions whether you can agree or not with them. You have to actually listen to his rebuttal’s to understand why he does what he does…
Mind you I don’t think he has a very good chance of winning… He would need to show more forceful leadership in order to win “mental” instead of “intellectual” votes…
oh and ron paul is sunk now for good. his writings from the early 90’s have come out, and they are racist as hell. we should have known this b/c lately he had refused to return campaign contributions from groups such as the aryan nation. he said that would be wrong b/c that would send a signal that one persons views are better than anothers when all views should be equal…. :roll:
Well, in that case, we may as well can Trent Lott as well.
Newt for Dictator of the UN!!!
i thought trent lott stepped down years ago.
and second, why dont democrats get rid of bryd…… he’s the oldest democrat in congress and has used the n word a ton…and he was a GRANDDRAGON of the KKK…yeah, who else knew that…the leading democrat in congress ran the KKK…the media doesnt like people to know that.
anyhoo, who watched the colbert report a couple of days ago with huckabee…that guy was funny! colbert- “john McCain just said he’d hunt osama to the gates of hell, what i ask you sir is will you follow osama into hell itself?” huck- “and beyond, i’ll charge into hell with a plastic squirtgun if i need to” :lol:
and jen…cmon now McCain is energetic and has a ton of charisma. only damn rush limbaugh and hannity really dispise McCain, to bad they have millions of listeners. but alas i usually agree with them on most things. McCain has been running his campaing on lint and pennies in his pocket starting last summer. give him some credit for that, he had the least amount of money out of all the runners of both parties. at least it shows that the election is not for sale.
viacom took the video off of youtube. probably b/c it would of helped huckabee too much b/c its so freakin halarious. viacom is not a friend of republicans. :x
I don’t know where Rush and Sean stand on McCain. I just know he’s already lost a bid for the Presidential nomination once and if you look at the bill’s he’s co-authored and his voting record, he’s NOT conservative enough to actually win the game.
and second, why dont democrats get rid of bryd…… he’s the oldest democrat in congress and has used the n word a ton…and he was a GRANDDRAGON of the KKK…yeah, who else knew that…the leading democrat in congress ran the KKK…the media doesnt like people to know that.
Many people DO know that, and yeah, I don’t have a clue of why he is still around. It’s baffling being as most minorities (blacks in particular) vote democrat.
McCain is energetic and has a ton of charisma. only damn rush limbaugh and hannity really dispise McCain, to bad they have millions of listeners. but alas i usually agree with them on most things. McCain has been running his campaing on lint and pennies in his pocket starting last summer. give him some credit for that, he had the least amount of money out of all the runners of both parties. at least it shows that the election is not for sale.
I like McCain myself. Not for his stances but for his character. If he runs and Hillary is his opponent… it may be my first time to vote Republican ever.
And think of it this way, bung. Democrats think Rush is an arrogant pill poppin’ douche-bag. Him not liking McCain could in the end help McCain.
I agree, Stuka, McCain could swing a lot of votes away from the democrats. However, I think he’ll keep more republicans home then he swings away from the democrats.
his voting record is good. whats not agreeable with putting the guard on the border and making it secure first. i agree with him, we cant have a huge campaign to knock down peoples doors to drag away illegals. those who are caught with our system as is, fine send them back, i’m all for it. its unamerican to kick in peoples doors while they are eating dinner to drag off their parents. and it might hurt the economy.
second, he’s been a fighter pilot and a captain of a naval ship. and his strong position for more troops when it was very unpopular in 2004-06 shows he knows his stuff. he’d be the best for foreign policy and for defense bar none.
at home the only thing i dont like is his vote for the campaign finance law. but i really dont know much about it. anyone know and care to elighten me? other than that, what has he voted for that really gets conservatives mad at him. is there anything at all?
That’s his speaking record, Balung. His voting record are two amnesty bills, votes against tax reductions, votes against defining marriage as man+woman, votes against limiting abortions to those only needed to save the life of mother or in the case of rape or incest, etc.
I’m not saying I agree with all of those initiatives, or disagree with all of those initiatives. Just pointing out that his voting record is not exactly conservative.
he is for securing the border right now. and he’s wise for amnesty, how i our right minds can we get rid of all illegals, it would be barbaric for one thing, and it would be very bad for the economy. maybe he doesnt want to hurt america.
he was against tax cuts for the filthy rich. i wouldnt mind an extra 1-2% on them. they do already pay most however which sucks, but thats what he voted against, he just didnt want to make the already filthy rich even more rich. why do they need more money in tax breaks?
he voted against man and woman marriage b/c that would also discredit civil unions, which he and i are for. so its not like he’s pro gay marriage, he just wants them to be able to have civil unions. (basically marriage by judge).
for the abortions, if the child is shown to have no brain in it, or have half a heart and would die anyways immediately, i would let the woman choose. i am against her choosing for rape however b/c i dont see it as the childs fault. incest i dont see it as the childs fault either, but its gross. i am for abortions to save the life of the mother, no one can give her a death sentence, but even if its 60-40 in favor that she might die or have medical problems i would still want her and would like it if she toughed it out with courage for her child, but i wouldnt make her.
so i think McCain if he did vote that way on abortions only did it b/c it said nothing about grossly disfigured(so bad the kid will die) or for kids who are severly handicapped in some way. and i’m talking super duper handicapped. no passes for murdering kids with downs syndrome, those kids are great.