Of course, a Brazil IC is great for Japan. =)
yep sure is
ok if your bringing the troops up for an attack on WEU for the 1 turn transport, i can see, but again wouldn’t it be better to save the $ and transport the men from US into Africa and then use those same transports the next turn to drop those troops +1 extra off in EU.
if this plan is for an invasion, it seams like a stupid plan as 3 units arn’t going to do much of a landing, expetally when the US should already have a mass transport chain in effect between US and Africa. all your realy doing is speeding up 3 units a turn that if you invested that same money into 2 transports could be bringing over 4 units and over the course of 2 turns the US transports are now out performing the vary small advantage that the Brazil complex gave.
build complex in Brazil
trani and 2 land units
land 2 land units in Africa OR WEU
Build 1 trani and 2 land units
tranis’ swap spots, land 2 land units
Build 1 trani and 2 land units
1 trani swaps again, land 2 units
build 3 land units
2 tranis drop 3 land units, 1 trani returns to Brazil
Build 1 and 2
it took 6 turns to drop 3 units well keeping consistent transport chanes going, and this is in a perfect world where the Germans won’t see this easy target and send fighters against it.
if they stocked, then it would be 3 units every other turn.
had they inported Tranis from US, then ya more would arive faster, but it would slow the US transport of MORE troops from the EUS
compaired to spending the money on US tranis
build 2 tranis, build 4 ground units
Build 2 tranis, build 4 ground units
transport 4 ground units to Africa
build 2 tranis, build 4 ground units
transport 4 ground units to Africa
Transport from africa 4 ground units to WEU, SEU, or a few places along the African coast.
this gives 4 units not 3 doing exactly what the Brazil complex did in half the time and gave more flex as it could strike more locations.
Brazil can’t add any real value to a US stratagy other then it means the US is diverting resources in a diffrent place and in effect slowing there war on Germany.