The only thing really wrong with that is that Japan is going to have its way on the mainland pretty easily I think. The 3 infantry and fighter that start in India isn’t exactly that much unless you build a factory in India. Japanese transports in my games tend to be the game enders because they can reinforce the mainland really well from Manchuria. Also, taking out Germany first will be difficult without the help of the United States. What is England doing in the Atlantic?
A discussion on Russia's National Advantages
Yes, but us former AD&D gamers also have ready access to lots of d4, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d00 :-D
Yes, but us former AD&D gamers also have ready access to lots of d4, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d00 :-D
1st, 2nd or 3rd edition?
I was a 2nd edition mostly, but I got roped into 3rd edition because my DMs refused to play second anymore. :(
And yes, I have roughly 48d4 because I had a spell once that did 3d4 * Level damage for 1 Level/Round. (Way over powered, but the chances to get it was less then 7-tenths of 1% and I got uber lucky…well, not UBER lucky, there were actually better ones that were harder to get.)
Fun, fun!
First Edition (though with 2nd Non-Weapon Prof added).
I have a LOT of dice, but in my primary set I have 25d4 for one of my character’s Cone of Cold :-D
I like those 13d4 Magic Missiles too :-)
The sound a Magic Missile makes… THWAP!
Asbestos’ Magic Missiles…
Average Damage: 45 hit points… no save, automatically hit :-D