Confusing Islam with Sikhism has nothing to do with spelling.
let me refresh you: A joke was made to take advantage of the pronunciation ( and poor spelling) of the word sounding like Sikhs from Seks. Its not supposed to be accurate,historically based, scientifically based, or even phonetically accurate because like my last post its in poor form to demonstrate how silly poor spelling and the like looks on these forums. Grammar and sentence structure have a larger ability to get by due to the nature of posting simple language messages, while poor spelling is much clearly cause for concern. It dumbs down these forums.
I understand your dramatic need to angle some “see i found a weakness in Imperious Leader and exposed his fraudulent ways…haha” I also know you still are bitter over my french comments. Elephants and their ability to remember silly details can be is the form of people here it seems.
But this is not one of those times. Id move on and pick another battle to fight another day.
Your clearly pulling out more than necessary from a simple joke about atrocious spelling. Defending that is probably a worse thing to do than pulling straws anyway.