I mean according to the battle of Castle Itter, there was a SS officer that helped the allies out.
WWII Renactment
Does anyone know of any WWII renactments around Nebraska/Iowa?
Gewehr: is that a MG 42?
1200 rounds per mininte of fun baby!! :-D :evil:
Yes, it is.
if you can feed it belts that fast :wink:
Or just one long belt, just don’t overheat the thing. Or you’ll have to cnange the barrels
They have an air soft version of that thing for about $1,100. Its a very good copy. probably good for reenactment.
yea, like I’ve got 1,100 bucks…not including the bbs and batteries, ect.
They got all kinds of awsome stuff here, airsoft and even those cap firing. Basicaly there mock shells with a cap on each one, when fired, it gives off smoke, flying catrages, and looks real. But still too expensive for me…that is if someone wanted to loan some money over :wink: