oh boy lots of work…. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Have you figured out the difference between flag icons and IPC icons?
(which I am guessing is why flag icons get exported but IPC icons don’t…solving this can be useful as we could be able to release the map as PDF or 300dpi high-res via photoshop)
the pdf destroys the oil icons as well for no apparent reason. this cant be fixed… so forget the bastard pdf. that program is a joke anyway.
I am thinking it wouldn’t look incorrect. Each territory is a region not a country anyway.
See what we can do on this.
whats wrong with just not allowing these territories to ‘count’– you cant enter them…
Victory City
A lot VC locations are geographically inexact.
If you are lazy you can browse locations form this, where I made best of the map according to certain recgonisable references to real map.
Alternatively, you can continue your quest of making things look better. lines. Last thing was Africa. Central Asia next hehe. Capsian sea and stuff hehe.
On this i am afraid not much can be done. Most of these issues have to do with the ability to space away the different information and spread out this information into the space so its readable and easy when playing. If their are some huge gaffs then perhaps i can change them. looking at central Asia, but trying to avoid it actually. Caspian sea is fine!
You haven’t show me the stuff that was making us stuck with naming it “1.3”.
What are they?
National player aids?
In the future probably best not to have version number on artwork.
No file to edit. i can write over junk but its looks lame.
Operations manual
Are you putting the front page back in?
yes forgot.
Regarding a new index we discussed earlier. Just something simple like…
Game Sequence…2
Phase 1: Collect Income…4
Phase 2: Purchase Units and Developments…5
Phase 3: Combat Move…6
Phase 4: Conduct Combat…9
Phase 5: Non-combat Move…17
Phase 6: Mobilize New Units…18
Phase 7: Develop Weapons…19
Phase 8: Diplomacy…21
Appendix: 1939 map…22
Appendix: Units… 26
Appendix: New Units…27
Appendix: National Advantages… 28
Appendix: Historical Victory Conditions…43
will be added…
Look, we used VC to model population centres.
With it you can raise INF and build cheaper IC.
I think we’ve only broken the rule once, for Cairo.
Haiwaii is already important in AARHE, Pacific war modelled correctly via rules such as
*no stacking in tiny islands
*realistic 50-50 air movement
If you want Honolulu VC for naval repair. Then give it a value of 0.
I mean, do you really want INF popping out of it? To me Haiwaii is nothing more than an outpost.
value of zero? hmmm novel idea… can we add Tunis then? Tobruck?
Alternatively, redefinite the system and decouple popluation with straetegic victory.
Then break “victory city” game mode into city victory" and “strategic victory”.
please explain this or post exactly how it should read. I have no clue whats being said here.
built in ID rolls:
IC’s implicitly included ID has been reduced before because at 3 it makes it too cheap. (Each ID costs 5 IPC usually.)
IC costs 5, 10 or 15 IPC. Usually 10 or 15 IPC.
Before it was reduced to 2.
With 1 ID implicit for VC.
Also I wonder if we should make ID cost 3 IPC.
ID rolls are free… the IPC you have will not go into wasting it on silly flak battery’s. This didn’t represent any substantial investment compared to raising an armor division or even infantry division. IPC goes to war making junk. Flak AA is a secondary associated military expenditure. Its one of the gaffs about AAR that we get rid of. Armor, Infantry, Artillery and flak batteries the last does not belong as an item in that list. You might as well add a category for ‘chow line’ with armor division.
Air units in land combat
do you want this?
air superiority AIR units roll at normal combat value, fire selectively and in opening-fire
without air superiority AIR units roll at dogfighting value, fire non-selectively and in main round, excess hits allocated on land units
No. for Air superiority they fight at dogfighting values, against land when Air Sup. is achieved they fire at normal values… that is correct.
Land Combat: Hit Allocation
update “start of the first combat round” to “start of combat cycle”
But the previous method was more exact meaning don’t you think? I can change it but the meaning is basically the same except in the first case a player will know exactly what is meant.
Capturign defender retreat infantry
I notice its now “hitting on 1-2”. 33% chance. Not too high is it?
not at all. not having armor is a huge disadvantage to infantry. its easy to get trapped by tanks in open country.
naval combat
so you made changes
but you might not have checked for its rule preciseness and how it is in practise if you don’t write a combat sequence
without it I don’t know exactly what you mean
I can’t visual what you are modeling as a typical naval engagement
destroyer negate submarine opening-fire
undetected submarines should always pre-emptive its target
if detected the target maneuvers evades to last till main round
friendly BB negate enemy BB opening-fire
thats like saying BB do have make use of its range when ENEMY has BB
more logically would be BB fires first and if hits are taken by destroyer it doesn’t get to fire
proposed naval combat sequence
1. DD choose screen OR ASW
2. AIR choose target OR CAP
1. DD (ASW) and AIR (CAP) perform ASW search
2. undetected SS fires
3. DD (screen) and BB fires AA at those targetting it or its screen
4. remove casualties
1. AIR (CAP) choose AIR (ASW attack) OR AIR (dogfight)
2. BB fires, remove casualties
1. DD (ASW) and AIR (ASW attack) perform ASW attack on any SS
2. detected SS fires
3. DD (normal) fires
4. AIR (normal) fires, at dogfight values if enemy has AIR (dogfight)
5. AIR (dogfight) fires, at dogfight values
6. remove casualties
Retreat decision
note planes never preempt ships in this case
this is good stuff. I will add it. Planes don’t preempt ships because ships fire at longer ranges than the planes themselves, but a relative reduced capacity, not having air power to support ( CAP) is a huge disparagement but accurate and reduces ships to sitting ducks. This is historical based modeling. lots of carriers will be purchased and naval fighters will find their way on islands for cap defense for the player who cannot afford a carrier.