You’re welcome.
Axis And Allies Agents
Now for something completely different…
Started a thread on LHGD for a WWII spy game based on Magnum Force:
Ideas and suggestions welcome.
Yes, I know shooting around corners is a bit wierd, but hard to see how it can be avoided.
New “Gestapo” map.
A few rules mods; scrap being able to fire round corners,
Add the following: you have 2 red dice for firing, and two black dice for movement. Before rolling you select any two dice. If you have different colours you can move then fire, or vice versa, enabling you to move round a corner and still get the first shot in.I also think agents should be able to move and fire at least one space even if their modified roll is less than 1.
It looks like the game “Clue” with bullets and bombs. That could be cool . . .
Read the rules link posted at LHGD. I was reminded of “Action” mag and the Magnum Force game by a recent TV doc on how the mag got banned for being too violent. The game is really the 70’s equivalent of modern FPS video games.
All suggestions for adding more WWII feel are welcome.
First look at the new scenario idea for the game.
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What the hell is this??
What the hell is this??
why is this in variant and not house rules?
What is the determinant of house rules vs variants?
It fits no description. Its not anything AA. It belongs to BGG.
But let him have his fun. Eventually he start working on AARHE because if he doesn’t put some back into it Ill take his name off as contributor. :evil:
Flash: use your talents for good use. We have more suitable work for your skill set @ AARHE.
Axis Roll: id think you too can have a say in it but im afraid we altered too many items from AAR for your taste.
Mmmm, didn’t know where to put it.
Started out as a WWII game, but the theme changed a bit…
Anyway I’ll post when I have more stuff, but at the moment I’m working on Advanced Kingmaker, but I will try to get round to AAHE1939 or whatever it’s going to be called soon. Honest…