I think that we are increasing th entropy of the dicussione and someone may do not understand (I am the first)
Infantry in Karelia? Is out of discussion. All the thread is about blitzing without leaving infantry to be killed i nthe Russian turn.
The scenario in discussion are two. Blitz in and out of Karelia and blitzing to KAR and then to ARK.
Economyc analysis. There is a problem we have to say wich is the economic value considered. It seem that we are interested to TUV and to IPC gain. Another problem is the time priod involved. Let’s consider from end of G1 to start of G2. I will do a statistical anlysis (I am not considering the highly improbable possibilities, I do not plan considering them)
Blitz a to KAR: +2 IPC - 2 IPC = 0.
G1 IPC Gain: +2
German TUV variation: 0.
Russian TUV variation: 0.
Blitz to KAR and ARK:
- 2 (KAR, blitzed G1) + 2 (ARK, blitzed G2) -5 (Tank loss, R2) + 1/2 * (3 IPC - Russian Inf, R2) - 2 (Kar, left open, R2) - 2 (Ark, lost, R2) = -3,5 IPC
G1 IPC gain: +4
German TUV variation: -5.
Russian TUV variation: -1.5 (on average), worst -3, better 0.
This is the economic anlysis in time period [end G1 - start G2], with average results considered.
Different results may be obtained if different period of time are considered.
Another thing to avoid is consider KAR only as +2 and not as -2. We are speaking of leaving it undefended.
Strategic and opportunistic cost, related to the strategy that one is following may be considerd in the evaluation. They may be hardly quantified in general and are strictly related to the single game (for this reason they are opportunistic).
So it sould be possible that blitzing to ARK may be a great move in such games. But not fro mthe economic point of vies. From a strategic/logistic point of view it may be but from a economic point of view is a losing move.
Just to complete my evaluation, we may consider the economics of sending an inf in KAR:
+2 (KAR) - 3 (INF) + 1/3 * (3, Russian inf) - 2 (KAR) = 2 -3 +1 -2 = -2 IPC
period [end G1, start G2]
G1 IPC gain: +2
German TUV variation: -3.
Russian TUV variation: -1 (average), best -3, worst 0.