@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Future Expansions?
I agree, Frimmel, I’m not a big fan of the randomly packed sets. Why does a “D-Day” set have Japanese units, for example? For that matter, why have Japanese units at all? It’s not as though there was that much variety in the Pacific, unit-wise. Just wave upon wave of grunt soldiers yelling “Banzai” and being shredded by the Marines (yes, I’ve been watching “The War” this week, which is another topic, I suppose). And it was mostly a Naval war in the Pacific anyway – no tank battles anywhere (at least, none that I’m aware of). The Eastern Front, though – that’s another story altogether. I just wish I had more Russian units and – here’s the catch – someone to play them with!
Why does a “D-Day” set have Japanese units, for example?
I think its because the Japanese were there sightseeing, you know, the Louvre and Eiffel Tower make for memorable photos :lol:.
What really got me about that set is that the Higgins Boat is a rare. How can you be expected to have D-Day landing when you can’t get a Higgins Boat? It is a cool piece but it is D-Day for goodness sake no Higgins Boats no D-Day.
What is the name for the North African set going to be? Is the Desert Fox, Rommel, going to be in this one? Or is he somewhere else. I guess he’s all I know about the North African campaign, except it was primarily English and German units, right?
What is the name for the North African set going to be? Is the Desert Fox, Rommel, going to be in this one? Or is he somewhere else. I guess he’s all I know about the North African campaign, except it was primarily English and German units, right?
Umm, there was this American general known as Patton involved – maybe you’ve heard of him? :wink:
hmmm. . . he does ring a bell.
I feel like an idiot. Let my newbie-ness show. :-D
With the newly modified units coming out in the starter pack, what is happening to all of the booster packs that are out? For example if I want the Contested Skies booster pack, is there a certain one I need to look for so that the pieces look the same as the “new” starter pack?
Ahhh, that’s good news. :-)
I don’t think I’ll be getting any more sets. I just cant see going out buying basic units (like the Sherman) all over again just so I can get the new-and-improved sized version. And I don’t really want to have a mix. I’m too anal to have a giant Sheman and a baby Sherman in play at the same time.
The new set has a lot of new stats for the old pieces and it looks like almost all of the vehicles have been repainted.
Ahhh, that’s good news. :-)
I don’t think I’ll be getting any more sets. I just cant see going out buying basic units (like the Sherman) all over again just so I can get the new-and-improved sized version. And I don’t really want to have a mix. I’m too anal to have a giant Sheman and a baby Sherman in play at the same time.
The new set has a lot of new stats for the old pieces and it looks like almost all of the vehicles have been repainted.
David, don’t hold out on us – how do you know this? Can you post any pictures? Anything :?
My booster case was delayed for various reasons. I was thinking of writing an article that outlines all of the differences.