@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Future Expansions?
hmmm. . . he does ring a bell.
I feel like an idiot. Let my newbie-ness show. :-D
With the newly modified units coming out in the starter pack, what is happening to all of the booster packs that are out? For example if I want the Contested Skies booster pack, is there a certain one I need to look for so that the pieces look the same as the “new” starter pack?
Ahhh, that’s good news. :-)
I don’t think I’ll be getting any more sets. I just cant see going out buying basic units (like the Sherman) all over again just so I can get the new-and-improved sized version. And I don’t really want to have a mix. I’m too anal to have a giant Sheman and a baby Sherman in play at the same time.
The new set has a lot of new stats for the old pieces and it looks like almost all of the vehicles have been repainted.
Ahhh, that’s good news. :-)
I don’t think I’ll be getting any more sets. I just cant see going out buying basic units (like the Sherman) all over again just so I can get the new-and-improved sized version. And I don’t really want to have a mix. I’m too anal to have a giant Sheman and a baby Sherman in play at the same time.
The new set has a lot of new stats for the old pieces and it looks like almost all of the vehicles have been repainted.
David, don’t hold out on us – how do you know this? Can you post any pictures? Anything :?
My booster case was delayed for various reasons. I was thinking of writing an article that outlines all of the differences.