Still too expensive, but better than nothing!
Panther D Stats
Panther Ausf D (GE, Rare)
Cost 35 pts
Speed 4
Defence 6/4
AI 7/7/6
AT 15/13/11
Extended Range 12
Superior Armour 2Compared to the SS Panther G it loses SS-Determination and gets -1/-1/-0 anti-vehicle attack. Pretty good for the points though.
Where did you get these stats?
WotC Bob
I’d say it is an excellent deal for 35 pts. That in my estimation makes a very affortable tank and you could field 2, I know that may be a stretch on a 100 pt game bu anything bigger and it looks real good. with14 pt difference Panther to SS panther. Those points could be utilized quite well.
Axis Fan
Is this a new reserve unit?
Yes it’s from Reserves.
Got the date - 1943.
about time 8-)
Seems pretty cool. The other Panther was kinda too expensive. Even though SS Determination was cool, a smart player usually didnt let the SS Panther get very far and usually destroyed it. So im actually glad that the Germans get a cheaper Panther.
I’m honestly surprised by the amount of players now saying the SS Panther G is overcosted, etc. SS Determination makes it a very powerful piece and a game winner. Yes the Panther D is good and cheap, but I don’t think it replaces the G.
I agree I never would would replace any reg unit for an SS. That’s almost like replacing reg panzer grens for SS’s (on a smaller scale) But I like that for 9 more point’s you can do a serious upgrade on a PZ IV G. But I fielded a SS Panther and it didn’t disappoint. Had I been a little more aware of the rules (My fault) it could have eliminated pretty much all the armor fielded. By the way my Hetzer did quite well and played correctly can really be a life saver.
On a side subject……does anyone think that the M10 Wolverine will be coming out for the US this pack? Im pretty sure it will. That would be a nice piece to add to the Americans. :wink:
i just wish all armor got the overrun abuility… 5/5 infantry pisses me off :x
i just wish all armor got the overrun abuility… 5/5 infantry pisses me off :x
Especially when you are dealing with them using the Ruskies.
i just wish all armor got the overrun abuility… 5/5 infantry pisses me off :x
Especially when you are dealing with them using the Ruskies.
Ya as russians Ihave problems with 5/5 infantry… any ideas?
i just wish all armor got the overrun abuility… 5/5 infantry pisses me off :x
Especially when you are dealing with them using the Ruskies.
Ya as russians Ihave problems with 5/5 infantry… any ideas?
Fanatical Snipers do the trick. They get an extra die against SS units. The only other 5/5 unit you might have trouble against is the Grizzled Veteran. The russian hero should be able to go up against him.