• In our AAR games, we added a house rule that makes Fighters and Bombers unable to fire upon subs without the presence of a Destroyer, just like it is in AAE and AAP. Does anybody else do that?

  • @MrNelson:

    In our AAR games, we added a house rule that makes Fighters and Bombers unable to fire upon subs without the presence of a Destroyer, just like it is in AAE and AAP. Does anybody else do that?

    Enhanced just requires some sort of naval vessel.
    Planes alone can not sink a sub.

    It’s weakens Planes effectiveness against subs but doesn’t make destroyers such a ‘required’ piece.
    the sub would be able to dive after opening fire, so the planes force the sub to dive, but don’t get to shoot at the sub (unless the ship was a destroyer, which negates the sub dive capability).

    In Enhanced, there are convoy raids for $IPCs.  submerged subs can not carry these out, so there is a method to this madness :)

  • many submarines were destroyed by planes during the war. i think htat rule is unnessary.

  • enhanced is about gameplay options and balance not realism

    in gameplay it simply means you cannot defend aginsst convoy raids with planes alone

  • Subs spent most of their time traveling on the surface.

    I usally just use a 12 sided die.  If the sub rolls a 1, it kills the airplane.  Subs did have Anti Aircraft guns.

    That rule seems to work for the most part.

  • I used the same rules for subs from AAE as well with my group. If not, subs are almost as useless as they were in the original game.

  • @tekkyy:

    enhanced is about gameplay options and balance not realism

    in gameplay it simply means you cannot defend aginsst convoy raids with planes alone

    isn;t taht what happened bascialy in the real war?

  • heres some manageable rules to use:

    Submarine Movement
    During your turn, your submarines may go through hostile sea zones. Each enemy Destroyer or Cruiser in a sea zone may choose to roll an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) search die against your submarines trying to go through. These are the only ships which can perform these duties unless the player has acquired specific technology for ASW. Other naval units cannot perform and ASW search and combat and passage can always occur without issue. A roll for naval search is performed by each ship locating the submarine on a 2 or less. Each successful roll only results in the possible combat with only one submarine. Example: You move your subs thru a sea zone containing three enemy destroyers. The enemy decides its wise to attempt to engage in an ASW search and he scores 2 locating rolls which successfully find 2 out your 3 submarines passing thru the sea zone. They are now subject to ASW combat rolls again hitting on a two or less. The Intercepted submarines are obligated to at least one round of combat after which they may submerge or retreat and avoid further combat unless they retreat to yet another sea zones containing ASW units. Note: After all ASW search rolls, undetected submarines may choose to enter combat as well in the sea zone or continue movement to their original destination (which may involve combat).

    Naval Combat: Submarine warfare
    Submarine fires in opening-fire. Each submarine attack is conducted with pre-emptive fire for the first round unless a matching Cruiser or Destroyer is present at a 1 to 1 matching basis. Each submarine selects a targeted enemy non-sub unit. Screening Cruisers and Destroyers can assign the potential hits to themselves instead of the screening ship. Roll after all selections are made, and all rolls on a targeting are rolled at the same time. Submarines may submerge at the end of any combat cycle whether an enemy Destroyer or Cruiser is present or not.

    Naval Combat: Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
    Cruisers, Destroyers, and eventually air units (with acquired technology) can perform ASW combat against enemy submarines during their own turn. Each Cruiser and Destroyer rolls a search die against each enemy Submarine detecting on 2 or less. Each Bomber/Transport plane rolls a die detecting on 3 or less. Each Cruiser and Destroyer then selects an enemy Submarine independently among the detected units. After all selections are made, each Cruiser or Destroyer rolls an attack die hitting its target on 2 or less. Technology can raise this to a three and other technologies can allow some air units the ability to attack submarines.
    Naval Combat: Hit Allocation Summary
    1. Submarine hits are selective; but screening units can take the hit instead. Also, submarine hits must be allocated on non-submarine naval units if possible. Naval units’ hits in main-round must be allocated on naval units first before air units can be allocated.
    2. Air units are also selective; but screening units can take the hit instead.
    2. Battleship and Aircraft Carrier hits must be first allocated on these ships first, then Cruisers and Destroyers, and lastly Transports.
    3. Cruiser and Destroyer hits must be first allocated on like ships, then higher, and lastly Transports.

    Specific Technology can help the performance of ASW techniques or their counterparts ( enemy subs)
    These technologies are developed by levels and each of these requires 3 levels of successful rolls in order to obtain. Lastly, each nation begins with in some cases a “head start” consider these:

    Advanced Submarine: Submarine attack and defense increases by one. Anti-submarine Warfare (ASW) search and attack rolls targeting them has there hit value decreased by one.

    Advanced Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW): Destroyer and Cruiser performs ASW search and attack at 3. Air units can also perform ASW search and attack at 4.

  • @cyan:


    enhanced is about gameplay options and balance not realism

    in gameplay it simply means you cannot defend aginsst convoy raids with planes alone

    isn;t taht what happened bascialy in the real war?

    in the real war thinks changed dramatically with technology
    in that aspect it was quite a different game in 1939 and 1943

  • @Imperious:

    heres some manageable rules to use:

    I most like the part about destroyer and crusier negate submarine’s preemptive fire on a 1-to-1 basis (rather than unlimited in AAR).

    Simple enough to implement for even first time players. Yet quite effective in improving gameplay dynamics.

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