victory: test for 10 or 11
Allies : 7
US: 3
Los angles (WUS)
Mecca ( saudia arabia)
Europe: 2
London ( UK)
Berlin ( Germany)
Japan: 2
Tokoyo ( japan)
Seoul ( south korea)
Axis: 7
China: 3
Beijing (China)
Shanghia (Kwantung)
Urumqi (Sinkiang)
Russia: 4
Moscow ( Russia)
St. Petersburg (karelia)
Jakarta (East Indies)
Tehran (Persia)
Artic circle: submarines(only) can move from sz 4 to sz 62 and vice versa(just like going from sz 25 to sz 42)
Dog Fighting: Air unit’s fire in opening-fire step always.
During ground combat, while both sides have air units these air units fight with dog fighting values(3/3).
Air units hits must be first allocated on air units. the only exemption to this rule is that Bombers attack ground units at 3 or less(if there is a dog fight going on)but can still be hit by air units. when only one side has air units the units fight with normal combat value.
They defend on a 1 during all combat including dog fighting. Bombers can not participate in a dog fight as the attacker. During strategic bombing bombers may be escorted (see more at scramble against bombers). Bombers can carry 2 units in the non-combat move phase. they can be up to 1 inf plus 1 inf, 1art or 1 tank. If so the bomber cannot attack during this turn.
Scramble (against bombers)
During land combat, Fighters may defend against bombers(s) at a 3 or less. The attacker may escort the bomber(s) with fighters. If the attacker chooses do this it becomes just like a dog fight but only lasts for 1 round and the defender is not restricted to how many fighters will scramble. If a dog fight is occurring in the territory the bomber(s) stop at, they just tag along. They leave after the first round (when they strategic bomb) of combat and do not count towards the dog fight count.
Economic attacks(sbr, missile strikes and Cruise missles): Anyone of the allies may not be the first contry to use an Economic attack unless the Axis do so first. The allies may viod this rule if they pay a 25 ipc penalty per country. The axis do not have such restrictions.
Missile Strike
AA guns fire 1 missile at 3 spaces or less and can target IPCs.
Cruise missiles Battleships can now fire 1 cruise missiles up to 1 space. If cruise missiles are used, the battleship cannot take part in combat. A cruise missile can attack IPC production. AA guns in a territory defend as appropriate.
http://rapidshare.com/files/68774582/economy2.xls.html ( 11/10/07) OR
http://rapidshare.com/files/68774024/colour.xls.html (colour coded one 11/10/07)
Acknowledgment’s: ( no order)
Imperius leader
Rune Blade
Sabre Von Manteuffel
Larry for the map and units
Admiral Thrawn
any other play testers.