• Does anyone know of any cards that can be played in conjunction with AA?

    I am looking for something like the cards that Attack has…political action and trade route and whatnot.

    Specifically I would like to see some political/diplomatic cards which could permit overflights, money from the back as a “loan from neutral nations” like what switzerland traded with Germany, or you could even have neutrals join your side.

    Also weather cards, you could have bad weather in certain spots on the map that restrict movement or combat.  Germany and a snow storm could cause movement in and out of that an extra point.  Or aerial operations could be limited to one round of combat to symbolize prevelant cloud cover.  Stormy seas could take place in certain places in the pacific such as the Typhoon which hit US fleets and damaged them.  This could actually cause the loss of a naval unit.

    These cards could either be drawn at random at the begining of each turn for weather or collected by players…perhaps purchased.  or whatnot

  • I Yemble.

    Like you,  i have done my own World at War map.
    I add the gamer paradise expansion rules and some house rules.

    I also add ‘‘event card’’ forch each axis and allies power.
    My friends love the ‘‘event cards’’
    There’s 52 cards for the axis and 52 cards for the allies.

    If you give me your email i can send you the listing of my event cards and picture of my map,


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d like the cards too.  That could be fun.

  • Yes it’s fun and unpredictable.

    Weather condition like Hurricane in the atlantic, typhoon in the pacific. big fog over england.
    Free weapons development.
    Free new units.
    Dow Jones crisis.
    Resistances activities.
    Oil production problem and more……

    Yes…I added oil territory in the game.
    When all the powers are at war, player’s get penalities if they lost all their oil territory.
    It’s more hard for axis players because only italy has 1 oil territory at the begining of the game. Nothing for germany and japan. So it’s race for oilfield.


  • make some and post them

  • Ok here’s an example.

    Let see, The Allies player may get a card with the mention:

      Warship cannot move in or out of the barent sea zone.

      You must pay 5 IPC to the bank if you attack a neutral country.

    or ….

      Sub’s first shot attack is nullified.

      Combat or non combat movement are not allowed over the european continent.

    Axis player…

      Ground unit can’t move out of Lybia.

      Add two infantry in Eastern Germany.

      Add 1 japanese sub in japan sea zone.

      Remove 1 italian infantry in southern italy.



  • almost like Chance and Community Chest from Monopoly

  • You got it.


  • Problem is matching any set of cards to all the axis and allies varients out there.  Say for example Typhoons in the pacific…what ocean terris are effected by this?  Any ideas how to solve this or should we let individual players solve this on their own?

  • need generic cards. mostly for historical events and a minor +1/-1 combat/movement thing

  • Well
    I added cards to my own World at War game.
    It will be hard to make generic cards for all A&A games.

    You have to be sure that the event card is clear.
    So let see.

    Warhips cannot move in or out of Japan sea zone.

    Each turn German and Japan player pick an axis event card and the allies (USSR,USA and UK) make the same.
    There’s 52 cards. 28 good and 24 bad for the axis. 26 good and 26 bad for the allies.


  • can you post them?

  • Posted a sample of some of them on the following site.  You can also save the Microsoft Word File I created them in.  They are all pretty generic so that people can change em however they want.


  • HI IL.

    I send the list in your email.

    And by the way, pictures of my map.

    You can post it on the this forum if you like.


  • I got the cards… but no pictures of the map. can you resend them?

  • I’ll send the pictures of my map.


  • Customizer

    Can the rest of us see it?

    I want cards featuring Generals; I seem to remember some posted somewhere, but can’t find them.  I don’t much care for the random stuff, though, leave that to combat rolls.

  • Yemble, thanks much for the post and idea.  I have the Attack Expansion, and think that the selection of cards in it is quite good.  It would resemble in some repects the event cards in the Mayfair railroad games that may effect everyone, one player, or no one, depending on their location and status.  If you simply used a standard 52 card deck, and then made up a chart for each Axis & Allied variant:  Classic, Revised, Europe, Pacific, you could tailor it to each game.  Just cross reference the suit and value of the card drawn to a specific event, technology, improvement, or windfall.  Have say spades be weather, clubs be technology, hearts be improvement/problem, and diamonds a windfall/penalty of some sort.  A friend and I are doing something similar for History of the World,  I just had not thought of cards in relation to Axis and Allies.  I should have, as the use of cards is mentioned quite a lot in my war game design books.  I will need to look through them for some ideas, and then post what I come up with.

  • Yea, problem is I don’t play the board game that much anymore, I simply play triplea.  Makes me wish I knew java so I could mess with everyting myself, add cards, technologies, national advantages etc.  Oh well.

    You designing your own game as well?

  • Its a pity “house rules” are not a priority for TripleA, which hasn’t fully supported Pacific and Europe yet.
    At one stage the project leader did consider having a more versatile template so people can setup their own own rules easier.

    But sounds like you know programming just not Java. If thats the case learn Java. Its an “easy” language selected by many 1st year programming courses.

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