Oh quite. It seems that 32bit Windows doesn’t allow Java to use more than 1100MB or so.
Yes, 32-bit Windows has some RAM limitations/restrictions.
I guess I will see you in the lobby, Jenn?
Currently I have 3 versions:
9.2.2I presume patched is 8.2.2?
Correct. The version number isn’ important, just play using the unzipped folder.
Well, I was askin cause Switch said he used 8.2.2 hehe.
The carrier working is a nice touch. :)
Having to move the carrier, make my fighter attacks and then undo the carrier moves are rather annoying though.
I have to be honest…
I have gotten used to 8.2.2. It works enough to be able to make things function with Play by Forum. And after my current Tournament game, I am getting pretty good at just using it as a mapping and image utility when combined with the in-site Dicey and play-by-forum move posting.
I STILL hate the dicey that is built in to TripleA. IT SUCKS! (pain in the butt to keep the results straight with the way it posts, especially in large battles).
I STILL hate the dicey that is built in to TripleA. IT SUCKS! (pain in the butt to keep the results straight with the way it posts, especially in large battles).
I never look at the dicey results. All you have to do is look at the history in the save game, and if you see EDIT on any of the combats, then you have to double check. Or you can just trust your opponent… :-D
I actually had an awkward situation there. I started R1 in my game against Jennifer in TripleA, and took Belo and WRus without loss. Then for some reason I only got one e-mail with dicey results from one round of one battle, and I’m not sure if Jennifer got any. No casualties by my side, and no e-mails… hmm…
I fixed it by just going with the No Luck result, which was more reasonable anyway as we were setting up the Arc blitz to test it out.
With PBF, that is a major advantage of the in-site Dicey… no lost e-mails!
It would be awesome if the TripleA PBF would post the dice rolls in the forum posting automatically. It could be done all at once at the end of the turn, otherwise the 15 sec delay between posts would be a problem.
Dan, no, I did not get any results from TripleA. But that’s to be expected since I never seem to get results except from Frood.net and AAMC.
Hey RJ
Just wanted to say that I think you’ve done a great job developing something like TripleA this far! (GK+1, but should be more like +100 :-D)I asked a few questions in the Revised thread, and I got the answer to one of two questions in your response above (concerning edits).
RJ, I would be very interested to hear the latest news in the project! Or is there some other forum or thread where this is being discussed?
Cheers / Perry
Hey Parry. Thanks for the Karma (my first Karma!!!), but I really don’t deserve it (bracing for backlash of negative karma…). Tonez is the main developer on this one, so send all good karma his way.
All I can tell you is that from what I have heard, they are VERY close to a new release of tripleA, with a few more bells and whistles geared towards the PBF gamers. It will initially be classified as an “unstable release”, but from what I’ve seen of it, I would recommend to everyone to download it right away and start using it ASAP. Once more playtesting has proven it, it will be rereleased as a stable version. For those who like 8.2.2 don’t hesistate to get this one once it’s out.
Unfortunately, as is often the case with these unpaid developers, nobody knows exactly when it will happen. But I believe it should be soon.
How about sharing a “play-testing” copy with us - that’s what we had with 0822, wasn’t it?