Nice work. Any info on the scenario set up or homebrew rules?
The War Game - Massive Axis and Allies Variant
BTY, if things go the way I hope I will have the opportunaty to try this game out with two other members of this site in Oct. So there will be some more oppinions comming soon. :wink:
To judge from your avatar, I sure hope they are smart enough to let you win
LOL, that’s funny considering your avatar and the message under it.
I have this game. I brought it to the IAAPA convention and a number of us played it and we had a blast. Hard for most to understand that if the capital of Russia falls the game wasnt over. The German player had hoped so and stretched himself a bit and it allowed the UK to take Greece and set up a base there. The Japanese player never really got going… Got Peking and one other territory but that was it. Even losing Okinawa to the Free French!
I like the game. Will do more testing and turns take a while in the beginning but it is a great game to play. Enough with retreats and pass throughs to allow some long term planning. Best part was buying and placing units at the end of your turn.
I recommend this game. It is fun and a good addition to anyones A&A type collection.
They had this game on ebay with everything but the pieces and I almost got it but AxisandDallas did. Only $53. :cry:
I only paid $100 but I picked it up at Gencon so no shipping but I have the pieces…. Do gotta like seeing UK tiger tanks :P
Not bad for 100 bucks and 12 hours of playing with the first game.
The game looks really cool except the only german pieces. That really is a killjoy. Still awesome though. Still can’t afford though for over $100 dollars. Thats why I tried to get it off ebay. No dice though.
I just got the game and realized that there is a shortage of pieces, especially artillery. There is not even enough artillery to set the game up according to the set-up charts, is this a common issue?
I just got the game and realized that there is a shortage of pieces, especially artillery. There is not even enough artillery to set the game up according to the set-up charts, is this a common issue?
even with using the red and white chips? :-o
To be honest, I didn’t notice. I put the new pieces into my organizers that already have pieces from three different games. (2nd Ed, Revised and W@W)
how many artillery do the majors have in your set?
I have not heard of any complaints in this regard.
Yes as other have asked. I didnt have a shortage of arty pieces at all???
I also have multiple sets but when we played the game last week it had enough.
Never had a problem here.
Germans- 4 Artillery Anti Air
Italy- 1 ArtAA
Russia- 1 ArtAAA
Japan- 3 ArtAA
France- 1 ArtAA
UK- 3 ArtAA
USA- 3 ArtAA
China- 7 ArtAA -
That must be wrong - are you sure you’re not confusing the Russian and Chinese pieces?
If you even run out of artillery you then can use the ‘nerberwerfers’ under the optional pieces that are also included
That must be wrong - are you sure you’re not confusing the Russian and Chinese pieces?
That would be my guess.
Great news, piece fans!
The entire set of pieces are be available as an extra or stand alone item on the WG site:
There’ve been some part set deals on Ebay, but the official set guarantees you the full compliment of pieces for all nations.
Great news, piece fans!
The entire set of pieces are be available as an extra or stand alone item on the WG site:
There’ve been some part set deals on Ebay, but the official set guarantees you the full compliment of pieces for all nations.
This is good news, can somebody give this briton a + karma from me just for bringing the news, lets just forgett he is anti-american just this time, please.
I want pictures of the new plastic !
As far as I can tell it’ll be exactly the same pieces and colours as you get in the full game; nothing new just the 500+ pieces in German moulds.
You’ll have to wait a long time for more nation specific bits…
Great news, piece fans!
The entire set of pieces are be available as an extra or stand alone item on the WG site:
Not to throw a wet towel on this one.
But, you might want to find out the tables of equipment on this before you buy the stand alone pieces and think you are getting full usable armies. Are they full sets of each country as defined by the game (e.g., very small unit counts of Italians, Chinese, & French), or more robust sets of each nation like Germany, Japan, US, & U.k.
I’d like to have a full set of each color, but it doesn’t arrive out of the box that way.
I was a little disappointed by some of the piece counts (e.g., jets). You only get 1, so it becomes difficult to deploy in multiple theaters of war.
- Bierwagen
Hey IL & Tekkyy,
This just arrived on my doorstep last Friday, so I spent some time getting all the pieces ready and setting it up – have you all tried any of the AARHE rules on this beast?
Any philosophical thoughts on how it might unbalance the game? I was hoping to try the air model and combat sequence out on it, I’m just enthralled with what you’ve done with that.
Also interested in any mods you might have for “The War Game”. For starters, the Diplomacy rules and neutral armies.
Thanks in advance!
Enjoy the day!
- Bierwagen