BBG as in boardgamegeek yeah?
Singkiang will never contribute IPCs to the US, since it is situated to far from a coastline. China will contribute only if one of the three mainland Japanese territories is captured by US or UK.
Singkiang’s IPC cannot be spent nor stored in another continent this turn. If IPC is stored there are other possbilities though in subsequent turns. China’s IPC cannot be spent in Eastern, Central or Western US this turn unless US, UK or USSR controls one of the three mainland Japanese territories. Stalinist Xenophobia does not applies to those three territories as they are not red territories.
If GE takes Egypt, India and Persia will not contribute to UK. The number of SZ is too great since the shortest route is through Suez canal.
Yes. If Germany controls Egypt, India’s and Persia’s IPC cannot be spent nor stored in United Kingdom this turn. Their IPC can be spent locally as well as on other territories such as Australia if convoy conditions allow.
UK fleets in zone 5,6,7 or 12 will always convoy attack IPCs from Africa to GE. There can not be a mediterranean convoy since the capital only borders to SZ5.
Capturing defenders retreating units: “…each non-retreating ARM of the attacking side in excess of the defending side rolls…”. Does this mean “in excess of the defendings sides units in total”, “…ground units” or maybe “…ARM units”? If only defending ARM retreats and all INF and ART stays, will there not be any capture rolls?
It is attacker’s non-retreating ARM in excess of defender’s retreating and non-retreating ARM. I shall rewrite it to something more precise.
Land combat in special terrain. Why are not air units and naval unuits affected by the -1 modifier? Planes have big troubles finding targets for example in the Balkans and the naval artillery are also adversely affected by that kind of terrain.
Land units are affected significantly hence a -1 modifier. You are welcomed to join our discussion in the land combat topic.
Defensive air support: When are the defending air units placed?
Please explain the meaning of the last sentence: ÂœNote target friendly territories do not have to be under attacked.
The rule is now called “reinforcements” in the latest version and generalised to all units. Air units are placed immediately if relocating one space away.
**Air interdiction. When is this BMR placed, after attacking player is finished moving or before?[b/]
It is meant to be after attacker declared all moves. I should rewrite and specify it.
Air interdiction. Why is one BMR allowed to fire at all units in a hex, when an ID isn´t?
It is to model bombers not engaging the enemy but instead bombing strategic transportation targets. Hence it is a weaker roll than normal attack but all units are affected.
Air interdiction. Logically it should be possible to fly in friendly airplanes to counter the Air interdiction, but since it´s a “friendly†territory this is not possible to do until non-combat move.
It is a time frame issue. The BMR takes opportunity of air superiority and attempts to intercept movement of enemy land units. We made it remains in the enemy territory so it can’t perform other combats but interdiction is meant to be short and quick. You are free to join the discussion in the land combat topic.
Air interdiction. How does this combine with the heavy BMR rule, Does the interdicted roll 2 dice per unit and the interdictor chooses which one to use?
It is not specified. I shall leave it at only 1 die per BMR.
Die roll resulting in 1 destroys a target, Heavy tanks, BB and CV not longer requiring two hits to destroy?
We made it BMR can no longer attack naval units. Reason being due to the difficult to hitting them the BMR would have fly too low.
Air interdiction in the latest version is only for hostile territories.
Air Transport. Why can BMR transport INF units? Aren´t BMR and transports quite different from each other? A bomber fleet could be used to tow gliders and such temporarily but to transport an infantry army/corps? Was that ever the case?
You are welcomed to join our discussion in the units topic.
Desert upkeep cost. This is just our informed guess: The problems in the desert was a lack of infrastructure like railroads and very few good harbours, resulting in long truck hauls on the few and exposed roads.
The idea is supplies have a harder time getting there. This follows again the same penalty for keeping land units in the sea (on transports).
The ID rules are a bit odd. In the explaing text the author is referring to AAs limited time to engage aircraft, but to our understanding the presence of an enemy air unit is not a single raid but a heavy commitment of aircraft during a prolonged time period.
Yes I should change that text. It is no longer correct with the new rule of AA rolling every cycle. We think rolling every roll is important as it is not reasonable for a fleet to suffer similar damage between a short and long battle.**