Fortress America and Conquest of the Empire

  • 2007 AAR League

    it was FTF

  • 2007 AAR League

    However if I play it again soon and get the hang of it I would be willing to play a PBEM with you.
    Yesterday was my first time so I’m still a noob  :lol:

  • Well, considering it was probably ten years ago or more the last time I played, I am probably just as much of a noob as you!  We need to find a decent utility to play, though.  The Web FA was not my favorite, but there may be other options.  I am still checking into it.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Let me know if you find something good

  • I am PROUD to say that last night, March 31st, I Rune Blade, after 4 unsuccessful attempts at defending the homeland, that on the 5th try, I was VICTORIOUS with America and defeated my other three friends!!!


  • 2007 AAR League

    Wow good job … i did terrible  :lol:

  • Yes, it wasn’t easy.  There were two city battles that were the result of luck and kept me going or I would have been defeated as America must hold 13 cities.

    Fortunetaly, I was able to destroy the bombers for both the Soviet and Central Americans and that caused their attacks to be much less effective. Then I was able to wear them down by constantly retreating.

    It was awesome!


  • I wish they made a ‘conquest of Germany’ game with British, American and Soviet forces and a similiar game system.  Germans could have all sorts of special super weapons during the game.

  • @Imperious:

    I wish they made a ‘conquest of Germany’ game with British, American and Soviet forces and a similiar game system.  Germans could have all sorts of special super weapons during the game.

    Hey, IL, what’s this “they” business?  Aren’t you the game-maker on these boards?  :wink:

  • '19 Moderator

    LOL, yeah IL let us know when you go into production…

  • So, is Conquest of the Empire NOT recommended?  I recently looked at the box, and it seemed cool to me.

    Also, is Shogun (the tower one) better or worse than Samurai Swords (formerly known as Shogun)?  I was thinking of getting that one too…

  • Jerma,

    Yes, the cover art for COTE is cool, but take it from someone who spent almost $50 on e-bay for it, IT AIN’T WORTH IT!  Eagle Games came out with an update of it a few years ago – I think there may be a few available online.  It looked interesting, but is a completely different game.  After shelling out $50 for the old version, I passed on spending $50 on the new version.


  • 2007 AAR League

    Ever find anything for Fortress America?

  • Not sure I follow your question AJ.  You can certainly find Fortress America sets (some in very good condition) on ebay.  I haven’t checked in a while, but I almost always find at least 2-3 sets for sale.  The second wife makes the man clean out his old shit, etc.  :lol:  Happens every day!

  • :-o
      I have several copies of CotE. I got them to play miniatures with. Painted up and all the figures and paced them on multiple stands as cohorts.
    The game was lacking special events, so we made up some cards. Gothic invasion- retreat all army units from Gaul, Vesuvius erupts- lose 1/2 units in southern Italy, Plauge in Athens- troops in Greece are decimated- lose 1/2 your force there. There were good cards too, like, Good harvest-gain 5 gold! Deplomacy- no one can attack you this turn, as long as you don’t attack anyone else.
    It really livened up the game and cold put the brakes on someones steam-roller invasions. I liked it alot myself. I am tempted to get the newer version soon.
    Played FA back in the 80s’ too, but didn’t like it as much as AA.
    Shogun is a great multiplayer game due to the deplomacy. Had to paint those armies too.
    Also had that Bucaneer game for awhile. Couldn’t get anyone to play it though, so I traded it for another CotE game, More cohorts!
        Crazy Ivan

    I think Julius Ceasar said it best; “Now were in for it!”

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