Im currently in Round 1 of a game as the allies, my oponent did not purchase an AC and this game will not last long because of it. He purchased 8 tanks which are good land units, but he doesnt have much of an airforce and his navy is gone. (he moved his baltic fleet to sz 7 and is currently being wiped out) I have 4 land units in Norway and 3 transports sitting in the waters off England waiting to deploy 6 more units either in Norway or Western Europe. The United states will be moblizing its units into Canada and will be primed to drop 4 more units either on Africa or if Western Europe is open, they’ll support the UK there. Sure those 8 tanks can counter and retake Western Europe but I’ll be back next round with more units from the Allies. Its only round 1 and Ive already got the one two punch set up with UK and USA. They can continue to jab Germany until it falls.
1. 8 tanks? lolz. Well, okay, if Russia went on a total attacking spree, then 8 tanks plus strategic bombing for a quick win. But usually not. Wait, you didn’t go on an attacking spree with Russia, didjoo? It’s not like you hit West Russia, Ukraine, and Norway or Belorussia, and put 6 infantry in Burytia . . . right? zomg hope not
2. I don’t know where sz 7 is offhand. But if the Baltic fleet does anything but stay in the Baltic that first round, it’s a mistake. UNLESS Germany moves out right away and submerges subs in response to Allied air attack, then tries to get the Baltic subs to the Mediterranean. Still probably a mistake.
3. If the German player lost his fighters, he’s probably not that good. She, her. Whatever. Unless those fighters were used to irrevocably secure the Caucasus with the Med transport or something crazy like that.
Honestly, the Germans CAN win without a Baltic carrier, and there are GOOD and SOLID lines of play that do not involve a German Baltic carrier. In my opinion.