Hey Jennifer, thanks for the donations. That’s nice. Now I’m getting closer to being able to buy another variant. But no rush, I still haven’t broken in the AA Revised that I bought with the first few funds. I almost feel bad inviting them because I enjoy playing with my sim so much (unlike you, I can easily spend a day or a week staring at code, too bad it’s not my job). Anywho, it’s not for the money. If I divided the hours I’ve put into this by the cash, I’ve maybe earned a nickel for every hour… It’s just fun to make something that others actually find useful.
And you and Switch (who is also a gold-level donor ;) ) sure put in your contributions at this site, and to the sim as well with the rules clarifications and feature suggestions. Heck, if Switch hadn’t pointed out that my page was borked, I wouldn’t have embarked on this latest frenzy of modifying it. And Jennifer’s idea of being able to preserve certain units is a really sweet finishing touch. I think this makes the sim way more useful and realistic in that it reflects decisions a human player would make.
Okay, enough of the love fest. One more question I had is whether I should modify some of the default values, specifically:
- should LHTR be the default initial ruleset?
- should 1000x or 5000x be the default sim mode, rather than “Once”?
- should the abort ratio start with a default value of say 50% to at least minimize catastrophic results for the attacker?
- any other suggestions for defaults?
Also, now that there’s the ability to bookmark scenarios, I could create a set of quick links for preferred settings, or unit combinations. Can you suggest, or even create links for, some of your most common defaults? I know that for R1 anyway there are a lot of battles that could be preset, to be experimented with slight variations for opening strategy.