• 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    I wrote it down just in case I dementia out lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

  • @barnee

    Game History

    Round: 2
        Purchase Units - Americans
            Americans buy 2 carriers, 1 demo_airfield, 1 demo_harbour, 2 destroyers and 1 submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Americans
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceAmericans: Americans has 6 Rails placed in Eastern United States
        Combat - Americans
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 93 Sea Zone
        Non Combat Move - Americans
            Trigger Wolfpack at110 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Wolfpack at93 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 93 Sea Zone
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveAmericans: has removed 6 Rails owned by Americans in Eastern United States
            1 usa_fighter moved from Guam to Wake Island
            1 usa_fighter moved from Wake Island to Midway
            1 usa_fighter moved from Guam to Wake Island
            1 Heavy_BB, 1 carrier and 1 destroyer moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone
            2 infantry moved from Mexico to Western United States
        Place Units - Americans
            Units in Philippines being upgraded or consumed: 1 airfield and 1 harbour
            1 demo_airfield and 1 demo_harbour placed in Philippines
            1 carrier and 1 destroyer placed in 101 Sea Zone
            1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine placed in 10 Sea Zone
        Turn Complete - Americans
            Americans collect 52 PUs; end with 52 PUs
        Purchase Units - Chinese
            Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed
            Chinese buy 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Chinese
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceChinese: Chinese has 2 Rails placed in Kansu
        Combat - Chinese
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 93 Sea Zone
        Non Combat Move - Chinese
            Trigger Wolfpack at110 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Wolfpack at93 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 93 Sea Zone
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveChinese: has removed 2 Rails owned by Chinese in Kansu
            5 infantry moved from Sikang to Tsinghai
            6 infantry moved from Szechwan to Sikang
        Place Units - Chinese
            6 infantry placed in Sikang
        Turn Complete - Chinese
            Chinese collect 5 PUs; end with 5 PUs
            Objective Advanced Production 1 Infantry: Chinese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 8 PUs
        Purchase Units - British
            Note to players British: It is Late 1940 and the British Army has Formed a Tank Army.     They are Commanded by a Tank General.  You may only have 1 Tank Army at any one time.
            Trigger UKTankGeneral: buyUK_TankGeneral added to productionBritish
            British repair damage of 5x factory_minor; Remaining resources: 51 PUs; 3 AirLendLease; 3 NavyLendLease; 
            British buy 1 UndergroundMinr, 1 carrier, 2 commandos, 9 infantry and 1 submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 AirLendLease; 3 NavyLendLease; 
        Place Units - British
            Units in Egypt being upgraded or consumed: 1 factory_minor
            1 UndergroundMinr placed in Egypt
            Units in India being upgraded or consumed: 2 infantry
            2 commandos placed in India
        Combat Move - British
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceBritish: British has 2 Rails placed in Union of South Africa
            2 infantry moved from Persia to Iraq
            1 artillery and 1 commando moved from Ethiopia to Kenya
            1 bomber moved from Gibraltar to Iraq
            1 uk_tactical_bomber moved from 98 Sea Zone to Kenya
            1 uk_fighter moved from 98 Sea Zone to Iraq
        Combat - British
            Battle in Iraq
                British attack with 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 uk_fighter
                Neutral_Axis defend with 3 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 uk_fighter in Iraq, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1,50 expected hits
                    Neutral_Axis roll dice for 3 infantry in Iraq, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1,00 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Neutral_Axis lost in Iraq
                1 uk_fighter owned by the British and 1 bomber owned by the British retreated
                2 infantry owned by the British retreated to Persia
                Neutral_Axis win with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Neutral_Axis: 2 infantry
            Battle in Kenya
                British attack with 1 artillery, 1 commando and 1 uk_tactical_bomber
                Italians defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 commando and 1 uk_tactical_bomber in Kenya, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 1 infantry in Kenya, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 commando and 1 uk_tactical_bomber in Kenya, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 1 infantry in Kenya, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Kenya
                British win, taking Kenya from Italians with 1 artillery, 1 commando and 1 uk_tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Italians: 1 infantry
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 93 Sea Zone
        Non Combat Move - British
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveBritish: has removed 2 Rails owned by British in Union of South Africa
            1 uk_tactical_bomber moved from Kenya to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
            1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 transport moved from 76 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
            1 destroyer moved from 81 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
            1 transport moved from 80 Sea Zone to 76 Sea Zone
            1 battleship moved from 39 Sea Zone to 76 Sea Zone
            1 destroyer moved from 99 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from Persia to Northwest Persia
                  British take Northwest Persia from Neutral_Allies
            1 uk_fighter moved from Iraq to 98 Sea Zone
            1 bomber moved from Iraq to Trans-Jordan
            2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Alexandria to Egypt
            1 uk_armour moved from Alexandria to Trans-Jordan
            3 uk_fighters moved from Gibraltar to 98 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from Gibraltar to 91 Sea Zone
            1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 91 Sea Zone to 86 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from 86 Sea Zone to Brazil
                  British take Brazil from Neutral_Allies
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba to British Columbia
            3 infantry moved from Shan State to Burma
            3 aaGuns, 7 infantry, 2 uk_fighters and 1 uk_tactical_bomber moved from Burma to India
        Place Units - British
            Trigger Wolfpack at110 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Wolfpack at93 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 93 Sea Zone
            1 carrier and 1 submarine placed in 98 Sea Zone
            6 infantry placed in India
            1 infantry placed in Egypt
            2 infantry placed in Union of South Africa
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by British from Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 uk_tactical_bomber
            EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Tanganyika Territory: 1 uk_tactical_bomber
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Turn Complete - British
            Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 9
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 119 Sea Zone. Rolls: 6,5
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 106 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,5,3,3
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 109 Sea Zone. Rolls: 5,2,3,1
            British collect 41 PUs (9 lost to blockades); end with 41 PUs
            Trigger British AdvancedProduction: British met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 47 PUs
            Objective British 1 Original: British met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 52 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : -0,67
    Neutral_Axis regular : -1,00
    British regular : -1,17

    exp-game-6-stahl-us uk2.tsvg

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm


    Game History

    Round: 2
        Purchase Units - Italians
            Italians buy 1 air_transport, 2 infantry and 1 italian_para; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Italians
            Trigger Americans DemoHarbour: has removed 1 demo_harbour owned by Americans in Philippines
            Trigger Americans DemoAirfield: has removed 1 demo_airfield owned by Americans in Philippines
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceItalians: Italians has 1 Rail placed in Southern Italy
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            1 infantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria
                  Italians take Alexandria from British
            1 bomber moved from Southern Italy to Gibraltar
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Yugoslavia to 97 Sea Zone
            1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 97 Sea Zone to 92 Sea Zone
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from 92 Sea Zone to Gibraltar
            1 artillery moved from Yugoslavia to 97 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from Northern Italy to 97 Sea Zone
            2 fighters moved from Southern Italy to Greece
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from 97 Sea Zone to Greece
            2 armour moved from Yugoslavia to Greece
            2 infantry moved from Albania to Greece
            EDIT: 1 italian_para moved from Southern Italy to Greece
        Combat - Italians
            Battle in Gibraltar
                Italians attack with 1 artillery, 1 bomber and 1 infantry
                British defend with 1 airfield, 1 harbour and 1 infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 bomber and 1 infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the British lost in Gibraltar
                Italians win, taking Gibraltar from British with 1 artillery, 1 bomber and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for British: 1 infantry
            Battle in Greece
                Italians attack with 2 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 italian_para
                Neutral_Allies defend with 4 infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 1 battleship and 1 cruiser in Greece, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Italians roll dice for 2 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 italian_para in Greece, round 2 : 5/9 hits, 3.17 expected hits
                    Neutral_Allies roll dice for 4 infantry in Greece, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    4 infantry owned by the Neutral_Allies lost in Greece
                Italians win, taking Greece from Neutral_Allies with 2 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 italian_para remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                Casualties for Neutral_Allies: 4 infantry
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 93 Sea Zone
        Non Combat Move - Italians
            Trigger Wolfpack at110 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 110 Sea Zone
            Trigger Wolfpack at93 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 93 Sea Zone
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveItalians: has removed 1 Rail owned by Italians in Southern Italy
            1 armour, 2 artilleries, 3 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria
            1 bomber moved from Gibraltar to Southern France
            1 cruiser moved from 93 Sea Zone to 97 Sea Zone
            2 fighters moved from Greece to Southern Italy
            1 aaGun and 1 infantry moved from Yugoslavia to Romania
            1 aaGun moved from Northern Italy to Southern France
            1 aaGun moved from Southern Italy to Northern Italy
        Place Units - Italians
            1 air_transport, 1 infantry and 1 italian_para placed in Southern Italy
            1 infantry placed in Northern Italy
        Turn Complete - Italians
            Italians collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs
            Trigger Italians AdvancedProduction: Italians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 15 PUs
            Objective Italians 2 Roman Empire: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 20 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : 1.33
    Neutral_Allies regular : -1.33
    British regular : -0.33

    EXP game 6 Stahl I2.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Elk found his Manstein ones. Let me know which one you like the best and I’ll put it as the default in “Faces” for the next update :)

    manstein.png manstein2.png manstein1.png

  • @barnee

    I would go for nr.3 ✌️

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