VictoryFirst (Allies) vs. SuperbattleshipYamato (Germans) | D-Day, TGC Balance Game 1
1d6: 6
1d6: 2 -
The AA gun in G6 returns fire
[dice 1d6] -
1d6: 3
Rennes/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6]
Rouen/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6] -
2d6: 3, 4
2d6: 6, 1 -
Germany Turn 3 Combat Complete D-Day Game 19.tsvg
I confess that I accidentally rolled for the German reinforcements a bit too early. I doubt it had an effect on my moves. Sorry about that.
No worries! :)
A3 Reinforcements
USA [dice 2d6]
UK [dice 2d6] -
2d6: 2, 4
2d6: 6, 1 -
2 infantry and 1 artillery from the 3rd Fallschrim Division join the other 2 infantry from the division in G40.The artillery component from the 2nd Fallschrim Corps (1 artillery) and the 7th Werfer Brigade move into G40. The 12th Flak Brigade and 2 infantry from the move 275th Infantry Division into G34. 1 infantry and 1 artillery from the 346th Infantry Division move into G36, joining 2 infantry from the same division. 2 tanks from the 2nd Panzer Division and 1 artillery attached to the 47th Panzer Corps also move into G36.
1d6: 6
The two bombers attack both AA guns in St. lo
[dice 2d6]
2d6: 5, 3
One AAA shoots back:
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 5
6 German infantry, 2 artillery, and 1 tank moves from G10 to G6. There are 2 American fighters and 1 British fighter in G10.
The British fighter already rolled, destroying 3 infantry.
The 2 American fighters now roll:
3 German infantry:
First fighter: [dice 3d6]
Second fighter: [dice 3d6]1 artillery:
First fighter: [dice 1d6]
Second fighter: [dice 1d6]1 tank:
First fighter: [dice 1d6]
Second fighter: [dice 1d6]