Played thrice now and have won them all as axis. Seems a lot easier to win as Axis in this version.
If your playing a no RR game with a 0 bid and winning as Axis your Allies player is not very good (no disrespect intended).
Barring a total collaps of the dice I wouldn’t lose as Allies in a traditional no RR 3rd Edition game. It favors the Allies, most of the time I would give a bid of 18-20 depending on my opponent in a standard 3rd ED no RR.
If you playing no RR……
Round 1:
USSR hits Ukr with 6inf/2tnk/1ftr and roll it until Ukr is dead but do NOT lose the USSR fighter. Send 1 Ftr/Sub on the German Sub/Tranny. If you only hit 1 retreat the sub back to the North Sea (assuming Germany misses). If you clear them both its a bonus. Some people will hit Manch with 6 Inf/1Tnk. I chose not to. If this goes bad your going to get steam rolled on the back side by Japan. I stack Yak with 6 and put 1 Inf/1Tnk Novo. If all goes well you sink the German tanny/sub and take Ukraine with 2-3 ground. This forces Germany to hit the North Sea with only 1 cover ship (the sub of WE) and the remaining 4 ftrs/1bmr. Its to risky for them to try and send 1 plane after the UK tranny in the Lab. This weakens the hit on the North Sea and Germanys likely to lose more planes. They also have to deal with your forces in Ukr. Those USSR units, normally tanks, cannot be left alive. With the German Air committed to the North Sea Germany will likely be forced to use 1-2 tanks on that counter hit.
In a normal game (barring any oddities in the dice) Germany is down 1-2 planes at the conclusion of its turn R1. The rest is just adjusting and reacting to how the game unfolds.
If your playing with Technology…dont buy ANY IC’s with Japan. This opens you up to strat bombs by Heavy Bmrs. If you only have your original Capital the Allies can not reach with without LRA+HB. Buy 1-2 tranny per turn until your at 10+. Round 1 buy for Japan should ALWAYS be 2 Tranny 3 Inf. Sink Hawaii, Sink Hawaii, Sink Hawaii…use BB, Sub, Ftr, Bmr and kill China. Anything else and your taking risk and thinning out your other battles. Hawaii and China, be done, non combat move and place units.
I am currently deployed overseas and I am playing 1942 1ED. The classic version is much different…faster paced and harder for the Axis
note: I say I give bids of 18-20, the club I play in you have to state your placement with the bid (I.E. 20=2 men EE, 3 Men Libya, Tank Kwang).